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Politely Nefarious









The Ecchizonans

Zoom Meetup






Mark Item
By PolitelyNefarious, 11/19/2023
  • Age Timeless (Vocabulary / scientific knowledge of an adult, experience of a child)
  • Story

    Resident macguffin and the lifeblood / bane of Paladin's existence. His greatest creation. His masterwork. He thinks, anyway.

    Technically without a soul to inhabit her, she isn't alive at all. But wishing on a fae's magic could change that. Paladin is counting on that for the experiment to work.

    For the longest time she's been more of an object than a person. But Ventyri and Llewyr's intrusions made it necessary to rush the project ahead of schedule... with unexpected result.

  • Personality

    Generally curious and inquisitive about the world.

  • Favorite Color Ummm... Neutral colours like brown and grey feel 'safest'.
  • Favorite Food Doesn't need to eat / Likes to anyway. Can't decide!
  • Fashion

    A maid uniform is in her future. 😩

    She largely wears dresses complimentary to Paladin's Victorian-era look, but not tied hard to that point in time.

  • Hobbies


    ...Technically, learning about the world is a hobby. She likes to bum off of the crafty ones and learn the ways of glue and popsicle sticks.

    • Vesper is teaching her how to serve and sing
    • Bex wants her to learn Lego construction
    • Tart likes to challenge her knot-tying capabilities
    • Orinthiel presses her to try All The Food. (Finally, an unlimited test subject for his cooking!)
    • Ventyri is trying to instill some self-defense
    • Paladin has taught her chess, mancala, and basic wiring / soldering
    • Rhelm is guiding her on the ocarina
    • Lancer and (Little Fox) are instructing in the arts of slipping into small spaces, and pulling many pranks
    • Jyridak likes studying her general functions, and teaching her to navigate the communication networks
    • Ossiren thinks she's a great listener. He's trying to update her on fae history
    • Azuki likes sharing her toys, and recording the Automaton's opinions
    • Canticle claims she's too busy, but sometimes sneaks in a test of the Automaton's ability for rudimentary magic. After all, she was born from it; can she wield it too?
    • Garox mostly keeps her distance, but likes to ask her lots of questions, and basic challenges in critical thinking
    • Llewyr will eventually teach her blacksmithing and larger-scale repair

    ...There's got to be a hobby in there somewhere, right?

  • Friends & Family Paladin- Creator / Mentor. Everyone else is adopted.
  • Like 4


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