- Age 32
Stoli found her way to her human companion over a year after she was first assembled, making her way from a Japanese store called Mandarake all the way over to Australia. She was a much wanted doll, with her human wishing to be with her back when she was first announced despite her companion never having any experience with Stoli’s brand or large scale. Unfortunately, Stoli’s human companion was in a position where she had little say in what she could spend her money on so she had continued to be just a wish for years until her companion suddenly found herself in a much better situation. So Stoli was the very first thing her human purchased after finally finding financial freedom!
Her name, Stoli, comes from her human calling her all kinds of silly nicknames after her character model, which is that of Y’shtola from the game Final Fantasy XIV. The name Stoli stuck despite attempts to come up with something a lot more… classier. She is not named after the vodka, despite her companion liking of a screwdriver every now and then.
Stoli arrived in her humans life during a time of great personal distress so they formed a strong bond rather quickly, and Stoli often finds herself spoiled rotten due to this. She hopes to find another doll companion of similar size soon, despite enjoying bossing around the local PureNeemos. - Personality --
- Favorite Color Blue
- Favorite Food --
Stoli tends to wear mature clothes leaning towards the elegant side, although she can also be quite playful when it comes to her sense of style. You’ll rarely find her out of monochromatic colours except for some blues among her blacks, whites, greys and creams which help her eyes stand out. She doesn’t mind getting casual now and then, and can even be up for cosplay when the mood strikes her. Stoli also likes to change her hairstyle up fairly frequently, and modeling the clothing the humans around her try to make.
Stoli often finds herself comforting the silly human that she’s found herself a companion to, especially when said human is feeling unwell. She also enjoys watching her companion play Genshin Impact, reading over her shoulder and watching whatever she streams on her iPad. Getting her hair brushed on the regular is a must too, as she can be just as vain as her companion!
- Friends & Family Her human companion Zai as well as Zai’s husband, Luth.
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