- Age 16
Item #: SCP-590
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: ...
TJ is a teenager with the ability to heal others of any injury or illness, at the cost of then gaining the affliction himself. He can also heal from nearly anything, but only at a normal human rate. These two abilities meant he spent many years used as a panacea for others while in the SCP Foundation's custody. A recent shake-up at the Foundation led to him having a new research team and a lot more agency, and he's enjoying the new freedom.
For some reason, he hasn't aged in decades, and has a massive gap of missing memories from that time. He's a 90s kid and a bit of a fish out of water because of it. His modern boyfriend, Eric, is doing his best to get him up to speed on things like 'YouTube' and 'smartphones'.
A rowdy teen verging on hyperactive, TJ has more enthusiasm than good sense a lot of the time. He's upbeat and outgoing, sometimes obnoxiously loud, and enjoys pestering people. He tends to chafe against authority and holds little respect for people who haven't earned it. When extremely upset, he can occasionally regress into a more childlike state for a while.
- Favorite Color Orange
- Favorite Food Pizza
TJ dresses like your typical grungy 90s teenager. He doesn't really have an established "style", but likes band shirts, jeans, and layers.
Baseball, skateboarding, listening to music, playing pranks, video games.
- Friends & Family His boyfriend, Eric! And several siblings he has extremely complicated relationships with. He's not on speaking terms with his father.