- Age 18
Yuriko, along with her brother Tamayuki, was the first DD to arrive in our madhouse. She quickly made herself at home, once she discovered that SisterKyoya was wiling to teach Tama how to bake cakes. She also quickly established herself as Dolly's main rival, as he strives to embody all of the "worst" aspects of "boyness".
Spunky and excitable, but lazy. Loving and sweet, but with a tendency to be both jealous and selfish (and more than a little clingy, at times). "Boys are stinky and stupid!" is one of her favorite quotes, but she can have some odd ideas regarding who, exactly, qualifies as a "boy", and is fiercely devoted to, and protective of, her little brother, Tama (who is far too cute to be a boy, and whom she constantly tries to dress in girls clothes). Absolutely LOVES cute girls, though, and is especially "close" with Dakota.
- Favorite Color Blue
- Favorite Food Sweets and Desserts
The less coverage she can get away with, the better. Ostensibly because she gets far too hot, otherwise, but really because she knows she's cute. Also, anything cheerleader related is always a win in her book.
Gaming (especially RPGs where she can make cute girl characters, or any Project Diva games), listening to music (especially Vocaloid, particularly anything by Rin or Miku), Cheerleading, watching anime (particularly yuri, or slice of life starring moe girls), and eating anything sweet.
- Friends & Family --