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Politely Nefarious









The Ecchizonans

Zoom Meetup






Mark Item
By Ravendruid, 03/21/2019
  • Age 16
  • Story

    Sohi, a half-goblin princess, ran away from her family to escape the responsibilities (and, probably goblin husband) they wanted to force upon her.  After spending considerable time wandering the wilderness, honing her tracking and trapping skills, she somehow managed to follow her little sister Bree to this world and our house.  Since rejecting most of her blood family, she is incredibly protective of Bree and those she chooses to include into her chosen family.  

  • Personality

    A girl of few words, when she does speak, it is usually in regards to something particularly important to her.  Or else some random nonsense she finds funny.  Or occasionally some sort of technobabble that only the other crazy creators understand.  Generally sedentary and lost in thought, she becomes quite animated when constructing traps or overly complicated mechanical devices.  She also can become extremely excited in the presence of any cute animal (for which she has a VERY wide definition (which can include even other DDs, particularly Tama)), who she would like to trap to add to her collection of pets.  About the only other things that can get her to snap out of her introspective state are threats to Bree or her adopted family, who she will defend with ferocity. 

  • Favorite Color Pink and/or brown, but don't trust her on this since she is colorblind
  • Favorite Food Pizza
  • Fashion

    Sohi is  fairly color-blind, so has a tendency to wear bright, clashing colors so they are visible to her.  Her fashion sense can probably be best summed up as Steampunk goes to the circus.  

  • Hobbies

    Sohi loves creating elaborate traps to capture any cute creatures she fancies.  She also enjoys helping Miku with her experiments and Helping Aida with her various construction projects.  She also spends her time doting on her little sister, Bree, and irritating her other siblings, Gizella and Madison.  

  • Friends & Family Sohi's blood relations are her siblings, the other half goblins, Maddison, Gizella, and Bree, although she refuses to acknowledge any relation to the first two. Besides Bree, she is closest to Miku and Aida, who share her love of science and engineering. Yuriko fawns over her, much to her annoyance sometimes, though she secretly does appreciate the attention most of the time. She is fascinated by Tama, who she views as a particularly cute animal, perhaps an odd sort of kitten. Otherwise, she mainly keeps herself aloof from everybody unless she wants something.


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