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Rei Ayanami
By baldylox, 03/25/2019
  • Age no clue ;)
  • Story

    Rei was my second DD ever and the first I ever bought in person in a store in Japan.  I got her from a Mandarake in Osaka along with a bunch of clothing.  Manami wanted a sister so once I found Rei, I snapped her up because I love her anime character.  At that time I didn't know about her DD1 body so once I got her home, I was a bit upset.  The DD1 is awful and terrible and after 3 months with it, I upgraded her to a DD2 M-bust setup.

  • Personality

    Rei runs the house when I'm not around.  She is also Head Battle Maid and runs The Maid Brigade.  She is extremely smart, loves science and doing experiments and is very loyal to me and her family.  Even tho she runs the household, she has trouble with Manami.  Rei is always having to chase Manami off, keep her in check and basically babysit her.  But Rei knows her role and does whatever she can to maintain the status quo.  Rei is my rock and has my trust and support.

  • Favorite Color Blue
  • Favorite Food Pizza
  • Fashion

    Rei prefers casual clothing most of the time but loves her maid uniform the most.  She doesn't like to wear anything revealing unless it's for sleeping in.  She likes sleeping in either a camisole and panties or a nightgown.  And when she does experiments, it's a full on labcoat with gloves and goggles.  😉

  • Hobbies

    Rei loves hand to hand combat, especially with blunt instruments like bats.  She also likes to cook and clean.  But her fave thing to do by far is to do science experiments.  She's done amazing things before, including making two clones of herself and building an android from the ground up!

  • Friends & Family Rei has many sisters in the family. She also built an android and has two clones of herself.
  • Like 3


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