- Age 20
Megurine Luka is the latest of the Vocaloids to answer Miku's invitation to join her at the "Health Spa" here. While not as highly recognized as her more famous friend, Luka has been thrilled to find an enthusiastic audience for her singing talents. In fact, many of the other residents greatly prefer her deeper, more mature voice over, what they call, Miku's "shrill shrieking." She has quickly decided to make this her new "home between tours."
Unlike her friend Miku, who seems to perform as much for the adoration as anything else, Luka sings purely for her love of music. She performs to have the chance to sing more, and to spread that love of music to as many people as possible. In addition to singing, she plays numerous instruments, writes her own music, both for herself and her fellow Vocaloids, and secretly even uses the Vocaloid software to create new performances for her friends (sometimes entirely for her own amusement).
Driven and passionate, she still likes to have fun, whether playing offbeat covers of famous songs on unusual instruments, singing bawdy chantys for Dakota, or making up silly nonsense songs for Bree.
- Favorite Color Pink/Black
- Favorite Food Tuna
When not in her performance costumes, Luka prefers no-nonsense simple outfits. A-line skirts with simple blouses, summer dresses, or slacks with an elegant sweater.
Most of her hobbies revolve around music in one way or another. When not performing or practicing, she's writing or studying music theory. She hopes, when she retires from performance, to become a music teacher to continue to spread the love of music to everybody everywhere.
- Friends & Family --