- Age early 20's
Mai has always been one of my favorite video game characters. I always played her in the arcades when I saw the Fatal Fury games. So when I found out she had a DD version, I went hunting for one. With the help of a good friend in the hobby, we found one on Ebay and I won her. She got home and I kept her as her default self for a while but quickly found that she wanted to be different. It took me almost a year and a half to find her "true" look but it was well worth it once she was complete.
Mai is a fighter to the core. She's also very mature for her age and is at home with herself and her body. Mai is the 3rd in command of The Maid Brigade and is our hand to hand combat expert. She loves fashion and hangs out with Yoko a lot, learning what she can about being girly. 😉 Mai is also girlfriends with my Ryomou. Mai has had a few run ins with Manami but they are close friends.
- Favorite Color Red
- Favorite Food Beef bowls and noodles
Mai has a traditional style overall and is most often in casual clothing. She dresses up sometimes and when she does, it's usually very grown up in style and sexy too. Mai prefers to wear things that let her stretch out and fight with no restrictions.
Fighting, training and watching wrestling on TV are her main hobbies. Anything physical is of interest to her. She also loves listening to music like classic rock and 80's/90's stuff. Yoko got her into mechanical stuff too so she enjoys wrenching on our family motorcycle.
- Friends & Family She is girlfriends with Ryomou and very close to my first 3 girls. She gets along with everyone and has a big sister vibe going on for sure.