- Age 17
Cara O'Reilly was born in Cavan in the County of Cavan in Ireland which is near the border between the UK and the Republic of Ireland. The O'Reilly family dates back to the 11th century in Irieland and were among the first kings of East Breifne. She is currently living here in Louisiana in the US as an exchange student. She likes tea, animals, and history (especially Irish history)
While she may be sweet she is also quite bossy and does not hold her thoughts to herself very well, she will always let you know what she thinks. She can be quite sassy and sarcastic, but she has a good sense of humor and despite how she talks she is a nice person as long as you don't annoy her.
- Favorite Color Purple & Green
- Favorite Food --
- Fashion --
Studying history, watching movies, and playing with animals.
- Friends & Family --