- Age Early/mid-thirties
- Story --
Inspired by the character she is named after, but she is more casual, sweeter(on the surface) and either more or less obviously evil depending on the circumstances. When not working, she can be a real sweetheart. Needs a coffee though, or several (she prefers tea, but she doesn't like it caffeinated so relies on coffee in mornings); she stays up late in the lab and can be grouchy in mornings. In some cases she uses being sickly sweet as a form of sarcasm.
She keeps her work and her home life separate- or rather tries to, as she is often bringing work home with her. Paperwork, not bodies (hopefully).
- Favorite Color pink
- Favorite Food various flavored teas
Lab coat when working, otherwise delicate lacy garments in white or pink, and possibly some medium gray loungewear (I have not yet made her any outfits yet shh)
A scientist, like her namesake; she finds the human body interesting, but may be rather... unethical about her methods. She likes reading sappy romance novels (mainly to laugh at them) and mystery drama. While her field is human biology, she has an interest in neuropsychology, and wonders whether one's personality would survive in simulated conditions. If someone can build a computer capable of trying such an experiment, she will provide the subjects- as long as everything is kept hush hush, of course. (she probably read too much sci-fi in her younger days ^^; )
- Friends & Family --