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Politely Nefarious









The Ecchizonans

Zoom Meetup






Mark Item
By Oculae, 10/23/2021
  • 1 comment
  • Age 27
  • Story


    Eiran hails from a fantasy realm known as the Void, where everything, be it a chunk of land or a living thing, has been thrown out by a god shortly after their creation, for one reason or another. The living, sentient inhabitants of this realm are collectively known as remnants, and much of their identity and physical traits are tied to the god that threw them away and the element that said god presides over. Eiran, a remnant of the god of darkness, was born with albinism, a natural bioluminescence which manifests in his hair and nails, and a severe sensitivity to light: his massive headgear is meant to protect his eyes from the sun, as anything brighter than a moonlit night quickly goes from uncomfortable to painful. He takes it off in his home neighborhood of Praecidia Noctum, however, as that area of the city is plunged into a constant, eternal night.

    Eiran is an alchemist by trade, and he spends his time tinkering and inventing things, making medicines for his community, and occasionally going out on a day trip around town. While very serious and perfectionistic about his work, Eiran is kind to a fault, refusing most material payment for his medicines and inventions beyond what he needs to survive, and treating everyone he interacts with and every situation he gets into with a gentle smile, to the point where it unnerves the more antisocial types he deals with.

    As a result of this kindness, along with an endearing tendency towards being a bit of an airhead, he's earned himself quite a following within his community, with a large network of remnants around Praecidia that are either friendly with him, or just owe him a favor or two. When he first arrived in the city, however, the circumstances of his birth led many of the more pious remnants to idolize him, an experience he has no interest in reliving. As a result, no matter how many he helps with his work, he shies away from fame and fortune, often hiding in his house for weeks at a time to avoid being made into some sort of folk hero.

  • Personality

    Sweet and gentle, but a bit absent-minded. Speaks softly and tends to trail off due to forgetting words. Unyielding in his principles. Sleep deprived, but being SO brave about it.

  • Favorite Color Yellow
  • Favorite Food --
  • Fashion

    Pastels, comfy sweaters, holo, fantasy, dorky science print stuff

  • Hobbies --
  • Friends & Family --
  • Like 3


wow he looks so cool, especially his clothing.

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