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Politely Nefarious









The Ecchizonans

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Vesper Sonnambulin
By PolitelyNefarious, 01/16/2023
  • Age Unknown. Modeled on a young adult.
  • Story

    Every teahouse needs its draw, and the lounge staff of the Gilded Cup is no exception. Known internationally for its opulence, it is one of the older and well-established parlors in Prosperios, considered 'gentile' by the populous. Anyone poorer would be driven away by the menu prices alone. Still there are some who save every spare copper for a single cup, to bask a precious hour or two in its glory. And its performers. There's just one small caveat.


    While traditional in most respects, the Gilded Cup's cabaret is a matter of controversy, for it was custom-made to woo its patrons. Built on the talents of well-crafted homonculi, while its service is legendary, ongoing questions of ethics commence. Still, the owners swear that their entertainers were commissioned and are handled humanely. After all, no legal charges have ever been mustered.


    Of all the singers, Vesper is their star attraction. Her range of styles and emotions captivates her audience in an almost ethereal fashion, and her service is second to none, should she be your waitress for the hour. But it wasn't her performance that drew her into the group; it was the knowledge on the upper circles of Prosperios her owners possessed.


    Convincing her to share secrets was no easy task, but Ventyri and Paladin managed to win her over. After all, she wasn't about to lose her few genuine friends. Along with Paladin, she is their eyes to the inner rings, trying to help them unlock the secrets of their would-be assassins, and the underlying agendas Properios' nobility have in store.

  • Personality

    Vesper's tenacious behavior appears to be her genuine personality, though she has an underlying cynical streak. Likewise, her street smarts are played down for her hostess persona. But she still slips in a wry crack now and then. There is no one she will not talk to, and she fears no approach. To her, the obvious mismatched features her body possesses are simply a reality, not a burden, and she has no desire to be like 'real girls'. Neither does she have great pride in her existence; she simply is.


    Of her owners she says only positive things, and takes pride in her work. She has a fondness for easy and tough customers alike, reveling in the challenge, and likes to prod at people's barriers until they lower them. The other teahouse staff and homonculi are closest to her, and she considers them family. Although she possesses many acquaintances, there are few outside the teahouse she considers friends.


    She is one of the few to stand Llewyr down in a non-violent confrontation. His discomfort towards homonculi contributes, but so does her forwardness. Although Bex and company are her allies, when it comes to personal connections she takes more note of him, and of Paladin's automaton. However, Bex's shier nature has struck a chord with her, and she likes to press her to build some confidence now and again.


    Vesper is a near shameless individual, an exhibitionist who will sing or dance whatever it takes for the show, or to prove her point. Trying new things is a given to her, and she is always dabbling.

  • Favorite Color Green, magenta, sky blue
  • Favorite Food Always trying something new
  • Fashion

    Colourful dresses, cozy academia, casual



  • Hobbies

    +Learning ragtime piano

    +Studying the constellations

    +Building small models

    +Gathering dirt (Gossip)

    +Origami and napkin-folding

    +Collecting cute shoes

  • Friends & Family (The Automaton)- Sweetest little not-sister, Bex- A good girl, Ventyri- 'I tells it like it is', Paladin- The smart, grumpy one, Nemicus- Literal imp, Llewyr- 'An enemy is just a friend you haven't made yet'
  • Like 2


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