- Age Midlife
Kulg'aro'xentirion, or 'Garox' as she is known by chiss naming convention, is a general in the Imperial space fleet. Which era of the Empire varies, but the important thing is that she is loyal to her Emperor, and to the great causes: to bring the standard of Imperial rule to disorderly worlds, and to further the power, prestige, and position of Csilla, the chiss homeworld. After all, that is what most chiss are truly seeking.
Moreover, as a fictional character, she is remarkably self-aware. This is due to the fact that she exists in multiple eras- there is a Garox in the Old Republic timeline, a Garox for the modern retconned timeline, and a third, unrealized Garox in the Clone Wars / post Clone Wars era as well. Outside of these threads, the base concept Garox knows exactly who she is, and views her existence in the world of Fiction outside of her Star Wars continuities as a nice sort of vacation / getaway in between her next reinvention.
She was not a member of the core friends group in Prosperios, but shares a connection in the real world as a kind of ally through her relationship with Azuki.
In the future, she will apparently be closer friends with Ventyri and Paladin.
Belaying the typical chiss stoicism, Garox is brassy and fresh. She finds that a smile makes for a more effective mask, as it can plant many ideas in another's head, while still detracting from your true intentions. She also has a wry and pointed sense of humor, which she applies from time to time. Compared to some of her people, she is quite cheery.
However a light demeanor hides a serious mind. Pragmatism is her underlying virtue. When it comes to military strategy she is laser-focused, tolerating neither delays nor distractions. If it can't be dealt with efficiently, it should be cut from the program until efficiency is restored. Time-wasters and braggarts are her nemeses- she has space for neither. Do your job, with manners and common sense, and her good side is easy to invoke. Act foolishly or inconsiderate, and your career will be short-lived. She does not suffer fools gladly, and will happily pay a good janitor over an incompetent pilot.
Knowing full well she is an RPG character, Garox walks a balance between taking things very seriously, and taking them lightly, depending on where she is / whom she's with. As a doll, she finds the human world one great big delightful joke... with a startling amount of potential for colonization, should the Imperial military ever find an effective way to do so.
That seems highly unlikely. She doesn't seem to mind.
She gets along best with Azuki, who also has a strong understanding of the fictional character -> doll in the human world pipeline. Since she is a relatively neutral party, she has been able to mediate between Llewyr and the friends on a number of occasions, and nurses a vested interest in resolving their conflicts for the sake of balance.
- Favorite Color All colours are good colours... it's how you wear them
- Favorite Food ....has an incomprehensible amount of syllables in it, and involves several kinds of deep-sea life found on Csilla
Uniforms, chiefly. I've never pictured her in anything else, as her character is required to be in a military setting. I believe she does wear a bikini / mokini when she swims. Probably favors comfy sweaters / long sleeves and loose pants when casual.
Sci-fi, Cyberpunk, Rustic / Cultural / Folklore, Casual modern
+ Studying strategem
+ Organizing Nefarious' action figure collections
+ Cultural exploration (Soft diplomacy)
+ Amateur photography
+ Windowbox gardening
+ Music (She plays some variant of the theremin and sings)
+ Two-person board games
- Friends & Family Azuki- Fun kid, knows what's up
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