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Politely Nefarious









The Ecchizonans

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By PolitelyNefarious, 03/14/2023
  • Age Older Young Adult
  • Story


    She didn't know who he was and she didn't know why he was there, but Bex

    needed to know what the man in the sewer was up to. Night after night she'd creep into his makeshift hovel, fashioned from junk and parts right into the concave of the walls. And listen. Until he called her out. She pushed for a name, but the voices on his radio transmission said 'Paladin'. Not a name but a nickname, a title. To this day, she is certain he didn't come up with it.

    If anything, Paladin is the raw opposite of the kindly, stalwart defender. A scrawny, pale creature, on surface level his primary objective seems to be pushing others away. But his intentions couldn't be further in the long term. He had an itch, he said, to fix the world's problems, even if he had to start small. That was why he took the contract to Prosperios. That was why he had come.

    The radio was only given to those with ties directly to nobility. He was a man of importance, she realized.


    How quickly young Paladin's optimism faded to bitterness. Hailing from the cross-sea country of Thyrell, a land crushed by war, he showed remarkable skill with pure machinery, avoiding the alchemy and arcane fusions of other engineering aspirants. This was what Prosperios was looking for, and they welcomed him as a prodigy. He thought he would be solving hunger, unsafe labor conditions and stilted medical treatment. Instead he was ordered to fix the city's ongoing power problem. A problem created by overbuilding of infrastructure, not the hard-working engineers struggling to keep it running. Although he protested, he was strong-armed into the assignment alongside dozens of others. Paladin soon realized that this was where promising young minds came to die, forever wasted on an impossible puzzle prolonged by city officials, while the majority population suffered. His anger cooled to a shrill frustration, and while he agreed to apply himself to the problem, his mind was already drifting.


    Back in Thyrell he had begun his most ambitious project: an automaton body capable of housing a real, living nervous system. Designed for the terminally ill and suffering, he theorized that by combining just enough alchemy for a successful transfer, and arcane enchantment to provide a never-ending power supply, he could potentially add years on to any struggling life. Yet somewhere the progress had stuttered, and his work became purist. What then of the automaton?

    Build bigger, build better. That was Prosperios' mantra, and here, in the sewer, he resumed crafting her piece by piece. The plan was ambitious; proposition the fae for a wish, offered once a year for the eligible, to bring her to life. He was unwilling to risk another on this experiment, he said. By granting her sentience instead of transferring a pre-existing person, he would assume full responsibility should it fail.

    Bex is not certain it will succeed. But she respects his vision, if not his dismal lack of self-care. Seriously, Man. Go to bed. Drink some water. Take a break.

    He has no time for breaks. He must finish the work before the next wishing period. She wouldn't understand.


    Unfortunately even the most secretive of pursuits can attract unwanted attention, and this has come in the form of mercenaries hired to sabotage the Automaton. With a pair of mechanical gauntlets and a mouthful of Thyrellian curses, Paladin continues to pursue his work, risks be darned. If he must pick up a few unnecessary hitchhikers for the ride? So be it. It's not like he can get rid of them anyway.



    A fantasy-Germanic bilingual Victorian-era inventor with a massive chip on his shoulder and no time to lose, even if the clock is no longer running. This is Paladin in a nutshell. Being embodied as a doll has not diminished his sense of urgency, though perhaps he's gained a little patience, and renewed appreciation for cooperation. Although his relationship with the friends started out rough, he is a core member of the group, and the member most frequently in need of protection. He has grown lenient to their shenanigans with time. Still, that doesn't stand before his need to complete the all-important project. At least... he doesn't think it does? Maybe... maybe being part of the group is part of the project, actually?

    He is the guy most frequently around when others turn up. The guy who fixes things. Also the guy who put Llewyr in the hospital with a steam-powered punch to the gut. Resident ankle-biter and know-it-all, he treats the house like free-range, and things that go missing can sometimes be traced back to him.

  • Personality

    An abrasive and cynical young man, Paladin is best described as 'frosty'. His demeanor rarely changes when he is concentrating, and he takes poorly to interruption. Obsessively workaholic and progress-driven, he will spend days locked away in his shop, focused on the Automaton and whatever else he deems necessary.

    Despite the seeming open-door policy Bex has initiated by hanging around the workshop, he is secretive, withholding personal details until the rare, low-key moments. It can take a significant amount of time for him to warm up to someone, and even then, that person must initiate the conversation. Nevertheless his compassion for others cannot be denied, as the idea of solving problems starting with the lower class is his life's work. Or would be, were it not for the bureaucratic red tape. At the end of the day, he desperately wants to make the world a better place, enough to see the improvement.

    He is not a speaker but a doer, and giving is his way of showing attachment. While he will seldom communicate things like apologies, acceptance of a differing opinion, or the acknowledgement of an important event in someone's life, useful packages often appear shortly after those talks are had. He dislikes being pinned to them.

    Because focus is a key part of finishing this complex machine, distraction-prone personalities are his least-favorite. He tolerates extroverts like Vesper and Azuki, knowing they are well-meaning, but clashes with Nemicus, who takes perverse pleasure in disrupting him. Bex and Tart are more his pace, rivaling his mechanical knowledge. He is apt to be more open with them. With Rum he holds little in common, but her passion for geekery is one he can share. She is one of the few people who has managed to glean his personal interests, and is therefore arguably his closest friend. As for Ventyri, well... he is strangely tight-lipped on the subject. They can bicker fervently, or they can be unanimous. Not a bad turnaround from assassin-and-target.


    And then there is the Automaton, his precious creation. With her he is gentlest of all, for it is crucial she is taught kindness, wisdom, and respect, to carry with her into a full existence. She often brings out the best in him, whether he realizes it or not.

  • Favorite Color His comfort colour is lavender, but his default wearing colours are brown, red, and grey.
  • Favorite Food Probably something nobody can pronounce (Unless you speak Thyrellian). Anything involving meat sauces, sausages or asparagus usually gets his approval.
  • Fashion

    Character Design Troupe: Late 90s / Early 2000s steampunk/anime crossover communities, early Gaia Online designs

    Blouses, vests, jodpurs or dress slacks, shin-height boots. Buckles, buttons, and corset ties. Thick goggles. Gloves and masks.

    • Never goes without eyewear.
    • Wields a large pair of mecha gauntlets.
  • Hobbies

    + Tinkering and theorizing

    + Researching alchemy

    + Collecting reusable junk

    + Does throwing objects at Nemicus count?

    + People-watching

    + Drawing and painting

    + Building models

    + Comic / novella collecting

  • Friends & Family Technically everyone is his friend- he's just standoffish. The Automaton is his synthetic progeny / creation.
  • Like 1


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