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Found 17 results

  1. Gunter

    Volks Super Dollfies

    I totally feel we need this thread. Lets talk about Volks resin/bjd dolls~ Everything is game. ~~~~~ I am really excited to try for Lies! I really like Luna too, but she's a bit too duckface for me. They both have really lovely sets even though I'm pretty sure if I got Lies I'd sell that dress. I do think there is no way I'm going to win her. She's always so hard to win cause of the sheer volume of people entering. I wish everyone luck who goes for either Lies or Luna!
  2. SillyGoose

    My Dolls Topic - SillyGoose

    Heey everyone, I decided to make a new seperate topic where I will be posting pictures of my dolls !! : ) Currently I have two, one is Sakashita Sakura who is a 1/6 Azone doll, you have probably seen her in my previous topic: And the second doll I bought yesterday (2024/10/6) [YYYY/MM/DD] and she is my first bigger doll, her name is Suzune she is 45cm tall can you believe it !! waaaay bigger than Sakura O O I was suprised I still cannot believe how big she actually is haha here is a picture of both of them that I took yesterday: I also bought her outfits and props of course but for that you will have to stick around and see for yourself 🙃 I will be making a replies with the pictures I take along my journey of doll collectiong, each reply contains the pictures I took that day and I will try to write something like my thoughts about the area where I took the pictures or just something silly 😺 Hope you enjoy my pictures !!
  3. Hello! You can call me Lossy ^^. A few months ago I’d decided to indulge in a hobby I’d considered for a long time. Currently I collect BJD and not MJD style dolls, but the proportions overlap a lot so I often find myself buying MDD fitted things. I’m usually the most interested in modified MDD, AP, and Chinese artisan anime style BJD. Generally anything 1/4ish and anime is up my alley ^^. I’m always looking to source anything! Parts, tools, clothes, accessories, doll furniture, modifications… I use this hobby to express my creativity. I have one doll at home! Her name is Licot, which comes from “Coquelicot”. She’s a Dollsea Lilith ^^. Right now she is missing a face, but she has an SDMG Yue head in production. I’ve doodled a few pictures of her including her face. Besides dolls I like illustration, learning new things and collecting art books and figures. I hope I can meet and collude with people who have similar goals and interests ^^. Thank you for reading my introduction!
  4. Since I am curious to learn things about BJD dolls, I really was wondering what providers sell black-skinned masculine dolls, because I like exotic designs&diversities, so since I've checked multiple different sellers, I haven't found an actual Black Skinned, just some few "tanned" ones, so if anybody can help to find BJD black mens, I'll be very happy! Even if you need to order sculpted types.
  5. DD bodies are fully articulated,but some few doll brands also can fit their heads,the ones I've actually seen collectors having will be on this list,if u have more, please comment! N.1-Xaga doll. Some few Xaga Doll bodies fit in DD heads (the bodies need to have 6,7-8,7 CM circumference to fit a DD head. (The smaller CM they are than the original DD head,more harder it is to fit.) N.2--Doll Island. The different body articulation and appearence makes a DD more pretty Unique and are very cute, but always check they body sizes and neck measurements. N.3- Doll family-H. Before affording their bodies, you also need to look if ur doll body is over 54cm,or has smaller/bigger neck than usual. N.4- Imomo dolls. IMOMO dolls fit better with MDD and DDP ideal heads, but are also beautiful. N.5-Aimerai. They also have a beautiful diversity of bodies that also fit DD. Please check the Neck circumferences and material of the Dolls body before buying it. Check ACBJD official site thatsells a lot of dolls that fit DD.
  6. I have been thinking to afford a VOLKS doll, and searching a lot,the only site I found that delivers Brazil and Germany is Sakura Dreams Dollfie store, the people who own the store are very trustful but does it takes too much to arrive?Any recommendations or infos?
  7. HimboPrinceLuka

    Ybeedoll Dolls?

    hello I was wondering if anyone else here owns any dolls from the indie maker Ybeedoll on instagram? I have one of their doll sculpts Nora coming to me soon and I'm so excited! I'm mostly interested in seeing more Noras but Ybeedolls other sculpts like Ipah, Bom, Blewit and Finch (and future dolls like Kota and Toro) are welcomed as well! i'll be sure to share my nora when they arrive!
  8. Riesz

    Little Gulliver dolls

    Has anyone heard of Little Gulliver dolls? I just stumbled upon them and I'm already crazy in love with how cute and tiny they are! Here's their Taobao shop: https://shop455916365.taobao.com/shop/view_shop.htm?spm=a1z09. They are like micro mini bjds and seem to often come in fantasy styles like fairies and mermaids, which is fitting since they're so tiny. I'd guess these are around 1/12 scale or possibly even smaller for some of the really little ones.
  9. Hiya! I was planning on getting my first BJD/MJD, a Tinyfox, and i am just curious on how yall felt getting your first How i think ima react? In summary, Given i have wanted anime type BJDs for almost 3 years now, imagined myself getting one and even dreamed about getting one multiple times.. I will not be surprised at all if i dont just get excited but i cry happy tears too. XD
  10. Meggiekarp

    Anime BJDs

    How many of us also have anime styled resin dolls? Where did you get your resin doll from? I'm still waiting on my HDF31 Coco 😫
  11. CreationOdyssey

    Penny’s box Antu Centaur dolls!!

    Eeeeee these are so adorable!! I got 1 from Kikagoods and three others from Janesdolland. I purchased mine all to customize! They’re the Centaur girl dolls from Penny’s blind box BJDs! They’re all so cute! Penny’s box has wig caps so you can do flocked hair too!
  12. SkullBoy

    Dose any know the origin of this photo?

    67628__468x_lolita-custom-dollfies-001-rozen-maiden-shinku Does anyone know the origin of the custom shinku ? I feel like I've seen it on a video and in the description it said the doll was a custom bule fairy but the video is no longer online ? also I can't tell if she's resin on vinyl because there's only one picture.
  13. AwkwardMango

    Candy Dream Dolls

    Candy Dream dolls are cute tiny chibi resin dolls and are based in Korea. Here I'll introduce you to a bjd brand that you may not have heard of that makes super cute chibis, your wallet might take a hit if your not careful. Here's some pictures of some their cute dolls! Hes so cute with that soft expression I also really like her face up, so cute. And we have their special candy which is their limited tan skin dolls, I think the color is quite nice. His face up is really cute too. What do you think of Candy Dream dolls, would consider getting one? I definitely have some their dolls on my ever growing dolly wish list.... 😓 Also sorry if this post sounds a bit awkward, I get nervous about what to write... Edit - Forgot to add some links ^^; Where to Buy Them http://candy-dream.com/category/basic-candy/25/ http://dolkus.com/list.php?dool=3929&pan=Candy Dream #h_cart Where to Follow Candy Dream on Social Media https://twitter.com/tw_candydoll https://www.instagram.com/ins_candydoll/ Use the hashtag 캔디돌 on both instagram and twitter to see more owner pictures of their dolls Hope this helps ♥️
  14. I saw a lot of really cute edited photos by members here (who are also on myfigurecollection) and was inspired to try and do something with photo editing. I wanted to learn how photo editing worked, so i tried doing lots of things to learn many things. First, i wanted the pink on the tie and arms and the blue ribbons to be neon, as I wanted to create her being on stage like Hatsune Miku would. Next, i wanted glowey eyes as i find it very pretty. Then the background behind and the Nekopara above the Hatsune Miku up there. This whole photo took me the whole day, from morning to late night to do as i had to learn and trial and error. The main problem I had were her hair. I had to cut out a lot of her her out, those that were sticking out and making it hard for me to transition into this background. Another problem was shading and control of lighting, transitioning the colors of the lighting to the background lighting we see on the top right. I also do not know what tools are used in photo editing so i just tried the smart tool shading thing, traced over what I wanted to adjust of the brightness and contrast to give it it's shading or brightness. Then i just use lasso tool and cut out the hair that was too hard to transition into the background. I also am very new to posing, as i just recently took interest in dolls, and do not have stands to hold her so I just took her standing up. If i want to pursue this further, i'll definitely be buying stands, especially the one from acbjd that can make them look like they're flying, once I get better at editing. I saw images of stands that makes them do insane poses, but even without stands I know there are great poses that can be done without it. This is my very first time doing this, so it is not perfect but I wanted to create a Nekopara X Hatsune Miku thing since vanilla is wearing hatsune miku's outfit. As captioned in my mfc photo page, "Vanilla seems like she's not ready to go, but she looks at Chocola who gives her courage. It's time for the concert of Vanilla x Hatsune Miku crossover to start!"
  15. Hi everyone, I'm on the search for a neat outfit for Eiji, who is currently on the way to me. The problem is: I adore high quality and elegant clothing, especially if it would be im a medieval nobleman style or smth. similar. A handsome vampire outfit, would be cool, too. xD The smart doll shop, on the other hand, has casual clothes only. -.- Do you know if there are any webshops for SD13 male outfits which might be interesting for me? Or are there websites of seamstresses who would take commissions? (I'm super picky, sadly. I don't really care that much about the price if I know the result would be AMAZING ;-; In my opinion Volks has one of the most amazing clothes and would love to find someone whose work is similar with the looks)
  16. ...Ryomou Shimei. That's right. A Ryomou Shimei BJD that was made around 2009 by a company named "Beagle". Also, it appears that they teamed up with AZONE to help in creating her. Although she had painted on eyes, she looked good to me in the photos, but when I received her, I noticed right away that she looks creepy IRL. I can say for a fact now that I'm not a fan of flat, painted on eyes when it comes to dolls. It's a shame, but at least I can make use of her outfit, wig, and accessories for use on my other girls. BTW, if anyone else has her, do you have any tips on an easier way to tie the black ribbon that's attached to her white collar? Because it's so small and short, It was very frustrating for me to get it tied and when I did finally do it, it didn't look so good.
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