So we all know how scary it is to have your vinyl doll stained by its clothes, and wonder about how to remove those stains.
Vinyl stains so easily from so many things, darker colors that is.
but for my next project what I really want to know is can you make a tan soft vinyl LIGHTER permanently?!
has it even been attempted? I’m definitely not prepared to start testing chemicals on vinyl, I’ve no clue how the materials react.
my project: I bought a tan(chocolate) skin 1/6 imomodoll and I want to color her tummy, chest, bum, and strap lines light to give her a swimsuit tan lines look!!!😍
ive considered buying another(light) body and swapping the torso but… what do I do with a tan torsod light limbed body…but also having the shoulder and neck colors not matching the head would be very bothering to me :,(