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Found 24 results

  1. I didn’t know where to put but I wanted to ask for those who sew your own clothes what’s your preferred method?
  2. catalystscimitar

    Dollfie Dream Boy clothing?

    Recently scored a full-sized DD boy body through Mercari JP and am anxiously awaiting his arrival like one might a newborn baby lmao. Anybody have any recommendations as to which size clothes best fit him? I've heard that sd13 is a good size while sd17 tend to be too big, but im curious if anyone else has some ideas or knows the measurements for the full size boy body. It seems like there's no info about the full size boys on the net (for obvious reasons lol)
  3. The_Folktale_Fox

    Smartdoll clothes for Angelphilia

    I am having a hard time finding Angel philia clothes that are not having to be shipped in from outside of EU. So I was wondering if smartdoll clothes fit angelphilias? I have a small busted girl coming in but she's quite hipy. Smartdoll clothes just seems to be easier to find? Anyone have thoughts or experiences on this? I'd love to know!
  4. I've set my mind on purchasing AP Sayo soon, and have been wondering about some things regarding making clothing/staining. I've heard that certain types of dark fabric are less likely to stain, does anyone know specifically what types? Can prewashing fabric reduce the likelihood of staining? Is it enough to just line everything with white fabric and be cautious of positioning to avoid staining? Can painted metal/plastic jewelry or accessories stain? I might be overthinking these things as first doll anxiety, I'd really appreciate anyone who can help or guide me to the right resources!
  5. babybluebunnyboy

    MDD in 1/3 clothing??

    Hihi!! I've asked this question before but I was curious if any fellow doll parents possibly could either try this out for me or already have photos of them doing so! I LOVE the baggy look of clothes on MDD's, and I will be getting both a regular MDD & MDD Mochi-Ashi and I would so deeply appreciate anyone that could show me photos of their MDD's in 1/3 / SD/DD Clothing! I want to see how far the baggy can go before its too much, and a little weird. There are some CUTE SD/DD clothes out there that my babies would look gorgeous in once I get them home, and I'd love to know if 1/3 sizing I can look into for them! (More specifically with: Shirts, sweaters, jackets, underwear - specifically boxers and panties (NOT bras, my dolls will be aged to be literally below 7 and 5 years), and socks) Thank you for any replies or photos!! :3c
  6. I haven't found any clothes for my AP Ellie, she's been either nude or wearing a bikini ever since I got her, I need cheap clothing for her because I don't want to spend $100+ on a outfit. Any clothing brand or shop recommendations is appreciated, I apologize if this has been answered before.
  7. Luden333

    White thigh high socks?

    Seems like something that would be available but I can on find etsy stores with a month ETA on them and I looked through the lists on Dollmoon but none of the shops have any of these socks. This is the look I’m trying to do: https://imgur.com/gallery/KQSK5Et
  8. Animaster888


    From the album: clothes album

  9. kaoru

    Clothing Help

    So im very new to the community and i have another post up about eyes and was wondering about clothes? Im getting the DD-f3 body and im struggling to find clothes for it, does anyone have any good site or titles for what i should be search/looking out for?
  10. PrinceWolfe

    New Clothes!

    Finally bought a new outfits for my Hatsune Miku DD and Luna, my Smart Doll Felicity. I can't wait for it to arrive, it's my first time buying from Doll Heart, I'll definitely post pictures when it arrives! If anyone here has any experience with Doll Heart I'd love to hear it and If you have pictures I'd love to see them!
  11. Hello~! I'm so glad I found this website! I just bought a Dollfie body with a custom head and now that my items should be arriving soon I wanted to buy some clothes for my Dollfie. I'm looking within the US since the outbreak has caused massive delays to shipping from overseas now. I know Volks USA sells clothes, but besides that where are other places in the US (if any exist), that I can buy for my Dollfie? I've gotten some from some Etsy stores so far:) Thanks
  12. RobotDollOmega

    Custom Lime SMJ Dress

    Hello everyone! I'm very pleased to announce one of my most ambitious projects for my Lime (Libidoll), creating the costume from the Saber Marionette J anime (@Chise, @BeyondTime you might find this one interesting 😏)! The full album can be found here: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmN8jLir "Yoo-hoo!" It took two days from drawing to sewing, however I've been thinking about this for much longer, only now have I found some time to spare for once XD It's definitely rough around the edges, but the doll resembles Lime when I look at her, so my work has been successful in that regard. The bandanna still needs some work as I haven't fully figured out how it ties around her head, though that doesn't concern me too much. The oversized hair pin (with the giant red ball) I decided to omit for now as the doll's head is already pretty large and it'll just seem a little ridiculous. The sport-y bodysuit is made of socks that developed holes. The first version I made from a single sock, but the suit didn't go down her thighs low enough, so I made a second version from two separate socks (which were sewn by hand as the sewing machine couldn't handle it). The dress is made from plain white cotton fabric. My first try at using a sewing machine and clothe making was a year ago when I made a simpler dress for the figurine. The one in the photo is actually a 2nd (or maybe a third?) version, it took a few tries XD The figurine assembly manual also had the reference artwork which I used extensively (as well as my separate artwork collection of Lime). It's an absolute joy to have Lime almost in the flesh, and the posability the doll has is exponentially better than the figurine (although I admit Libidolls are a pain for posing and balancing, see my earlier post XD). "Huh, a mini me eh?" "Alright. Now gotta get an even bigger scale version!" She even managed to meet another gal during the photoshoot! Thanks for reading!
  13. I wanted to get outfit sets for my dolls and liked some of the outfits on these sites. Idk if they are genuine. I m concerned about the quality of the items. But I really need some good outfits for my angels 😍 Alice’s collection http://www.acbjd.com Cheery dolls http://m.cheerydoll.com Dollremi https://www.dollremi.store I would appreciate suggestions and recommendations about buying outfits. Im new to the hobby , are there things to look out for before buying and outfit ?
  14. Animaster888

    red dress

    From the album: clothes album

  15. I m getting a DD Emilia this April. I was wondering about what dress to get for her. I was thinking about commissioning a satella outfit, after season 2 of Re:zero comes out. I want to preferably get a black outfit set for her, but I am open to ideas. Can’t wait to have her ☺️ I’m also hoping that volks a 2nd version of Emilia or at least get her a new outfit set I would appreciate to see what you guys did with your Emillia. Feel free to include other dolls too.
  16. As the title says, I need to know if the Rosenlied store clothes fit smart doll. same with the shoes. someone is selling a pair of shoes from them and I want to know before purchasing thank you!
  17. Animaster888

    black tube dress

    From the album: clothes album

  18. Animaster888

    osomatsu-san haori

    From the album: clothes album

  19. Animaster888

    unfinished corset

    From the album: clothes album

  20. Animaster888

    bat leggings

    From the album: clothes album

  21. Animaster888

    galaxy skirt

    From the album: clothes album

  22. Do dollfie dream clothes and shoes fit smartdoll? I was curious because some of the clothes are very cute but I only have a smartdoll
  23. Hello everyone!! So, i’ve been going through this questions & answers thingy for days and collecting lots of information for my mdd who is not ready to arrive yet!! and i was wondering if there’s any store list for mdd clothes and shoes, i haven’t find anything like that here but maybe i didn’t look at the right place though > < i’m curious about shops or sellers other than volks where i could buy really cute well made sets, that kind of things! please help me out ♡
  24. I was wondering if SD13 clothes will fit my DDS with M bust? And, if you have one..can you show me what it'll look like?
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