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  1. This is also being actively posted to DoA, but I thought I'd share it here too since I'm doing this project for my DD! (And she's in some of the progress pics too) I've had this 1/6 scale set of chaise lounge, footstool/ottoman, and armchair for years. I originally got them for my old Monster High and Pureneemo dolls way back, and they're actually jewelry boxes, so they open at a back hinge. Ever since I got into BJD and Dollfie Dreams I've been more into larger dolls, so I can't use these anymore, but I love the style. Thus, I've decided to recreate them in DD scale myself! My first project will focus on the chaise lounge / sofa. I won't be using the same fabric, but I'm going to try and make the shapes and construct as similar as possible, just in a much larger scale. This meant I had to do a lot of math... Not hard math, just a lot of it. I wanted to be really precise, so I took as many measurements as possible. Then all I had to do was convert all of these to 1/3 scale. I could have done the math by hand but I'm lazy so I used a converter tool online. I also took careful note of how each of the pieces was put together, as well as I could see. I was actually really surprised at how some of the pieces came together, as I hadn't really looked closely at them before. It's basically almost all cardstock of various thickness, covered in fabric and layered. Only the seat and backrest puff seem to be actually stuffed with anything. I didn't want to dedicate too much effort without knowing if the new measurements would work, especially since the lounge wasn't originally in perfect 1/6 scale and my 10% upscale was just me guessing. So I decided to make a mock-up of the important parts! I used cardboard -- finally had a use for all those shipping boxes I saved!! -- and cut out and taped together the baseboard and seat section pieces, as well as a rectangle for where the arm of the chair would be. I was honestly really surprised at how stiff and sturdy it felt even just with these "cheap materials". It didn't even have as many layers as the final would! The Stuff I Actually Worked on Today: The proportions ended up being really odd, so I took some advice from the replies to my post on DoA and adjusted some things, namely checking my doll's seated measurements and making the seat narrower. I measured her thighs first and used that as a guide to guess two possible death depths, which I marked on the original mock-up. Then I sat her down on it while it was placed on a box for height. At a fully pushed back seating position, 16cm seat depth seemed to be the best choice. Incidentally, the height of the mock-up on the box was actually perfect for her seating height too, so I measured the distance from the seat to the table, which was also 16cm. This would be the total seat height, which includes all the baseboards, the seat while stuffed, and the chair legs. I checked the added up measurements I currently had, and those were only 14cm total. I'm planning to also bevel the edges of the insert foam but I'm not 100% sure it will go well. The foam I have is 2.7cm thick and squishes down to approx 2cm. I'd consider it a "working height" of 2.3 to 2.5 cm then, since I don't think a doll will compress the foam as much as me squishing it at max strength with my fingers would. I adjusted my measurements to accommodate the foam, so the seat's total height from the floor becomes 16.4cm, which allows for the cushion to potentially squish as far as 16cm. Second Attempt At Mock-up (50%-ish progress) Next I decided that I might as well make a full mock-up of everything since I was having so many issues with scale. I worked on the backboard main piece for a while. It was difficult to adjust the measurements and then accurately draw the shape. It was originally too short, and then too tall. I think I might make it slightly shorter still, but that's as easy as just trimming the bottom! I'm also considering raising the arm height if I do trim the bottom. Notably, I just cut the original seat base for this instead of making a new one, so I need to redo the curved end too. I stuck the seat base to the backboard at the height where the top of the foam would be. It's missing all of the bottom section for now, which I will make later, plus legs. For now, I raised it on some random objects/scraps. Materials Planning Notes For the good copy materials, I'm able to buy two types of craft foam board: 1.5 cm thickness, and 0.5 cm thickness. I forgot to account for this in the original measurements, but this means anything using foam board needs to be in a multiple of 0.5cm. I'm considering using thick cardstock for some parts that are thinner than 0.5cm or that have less even numbers, but I don't know where to buy it. Everything will be cut with a scroll saw (I think that's what it's called, anyways) so the edges won't be nearly as jagged and rough as my box-cutter cardboard mess is! As for fabric, I actually have no clue what I'm gonna use yet. I was considering floral cottons, or maybe real upholstery fabric, but that might be too thick. I'm either going to use a pale floral like the original, or a solid tone fabric with a subtle pattern. Things that need to be worked on next: ♡ Adjust backboard height, raise arm ♡ re-round out the protruding seat end ♡ create the 3D arm structure ♡ mock-up the seat volume and legs (+ find jewellery box legs or make some?) ♡ find fabric to use for good copy
  2. Rheynna

    Kaede (2nd. ver) arrived ^_^

    Early this year when I was looking at the more recent DD releases with the intention to get my first (I've known Beatrice since back in 2011 but she sadly she's absolutely impossible to get😢) one of my favourites was Kaede but at that time I couldn't find her available anywhere. So when they announced her re-release this summer (and with a dress I liked even more) I knew I'd have to get her... and here we are! I have to say, I was extremely pleased by the quality of her outfit and how stain-safe it felt. Out of the 3 iM@S girls I own, Kaede would be the only one I'd feel safe leaving in her stock outfit indefinitely. Her face is really something else... I love her sculpt and make-up 🤩 After deciding to buy her I had to get her a warm outfit for the winter and couldn't resist this cute winter one from Volks And here she is with my two other girls... now that I have casually collected 3 Idolmaster DDs without any knowledge of the franchise I kinda feel like I should get into it 😄 I spoilered all the pictures because the images were huge 😅 Thanks for watching 🥰
  3. I can't find any information on what head sculpt this is on the volks website, If anyone knows the name please could you let me know .
  4. Hi everyone~ I was wondering if I could get any advice on starting a Dollfie Dream custom project! This is my first doll, and my idea here is to make it as an addition to a character shrine. I have an anime figure collection and I'm trying to make a Holo shrine (Holo from Spice and Wolf) but I don't have a 1/4th figure to add to the lot (and I don't like the one that was released recently). Hence the need for a custom doll! After doing my research I figured an MDD or DDP body would work best since anything bigger might look strange with my figures but now for the rest... I'm torn. For reference, these are the previous Holo custom dolls I have found during my search: Made by Daniel Ting who used the DD Saber Alter Made by https://www.dolldreaming.com/profile/884-yuan/ who used a DDH-06 on a DD-II body Made by https://www.dolldreaming.com/profile/4858-roxanne/ who used a DDH-16 on a DD body until they could get a DDS body These are all amazing. Huge inspirations. And also much bigger than what I'm looking for. ^^" At first, I was considering using a DDH-07 since it looks the most like Holo to me. But after asking other doll collectors on MFC, I realized that head would look out of proportion on a DDP body (the largest body I'm considering). So I thought DDH-06 might be the next closest thing? (DDH-02 and DDH-05 would be my next options) Also! I love Iori's head too which I discovered from this thread: But I can't seem to find her. And the sold out ones on Mandarake are a bit over my price threshold for just a head regardless... 😕 Any advice?
  5. I actually didn't knew what topic to post this, but I will have some questions, so I choose "Questions", but I really love Ball-Jointed vinyl dolls, and I've been working to get my 1st custom doll, and i was thinking about a Dollfie Doll, but they actually are less acessible to my region, around 600 hundred R$ extra then a DD doll.. So I've been wondering, I actually have an SMD doll but she is a classic Mirai, anyways, I know Smart Dolls Internal frame quality, If someone could tell me if DD internal frame, articulations, vinyl quality and pieces are better then Smart Dolls, I'd be very happy! I kinda like the body diversity difference in SMD and DD, I like all of their bodies too, but if someone could answer wich one is better for customization, I'll wait for collectors answers!
  6. UnderOrange

    Ch-ch-ch-chaaaanges (Updated 4/2)

    There's gonna have to be a different man Don't tell them to grow up and out of it to be continued ~~
  7. I've been looking at various limited DD to see if any head sculpts would suit certain OCs of mine and DDS Alice Kuonji is a near-perfect fit for one of them, but she's SWS and seems hard to find (only 3 listings on Mandarake, all sold out and significantly more expensive than her retail price). Are there any flesh sculpts (limited, standard, anything released on DD/DDS) that looks similar to Alice? I'm looking for sculpt similarity, not faceup similarity. There's a front-facing photo (from the one Mandarake listing) of DDS Alice at the bottom of the post with her default faceup. There's also this thread with pictures of customized Alice Kuonjis. Key points I'm looking for: - generally similar mouth shape and jaw shape (not too round of a chin) - similar eye hole shape (not too big or round, not way smaller) - If it looks similar to DDS Takina that also works, as I plan to make Takina into another OC who would be this OC's sister. Personally I felt DDS Alice Kuonji could work as like a sterner sister version of the Takina sculpt! - must be flesh skin (unless anyone knows whether blushing SWS to match flesh is possible/reasonable?)
  8. CrazyDollPerson

    20th Anniversary Moe

    My 20th Anniversary Moe arrived today! She took her sweet time getting here too lol I didn't put her choker on because there is black thread on the inside, I don't know why they don't line these things 😕
  9. Chiruhimee

    Chiru's photos

    Starting a photo thread for my dolls! I'm still pretty much a beginner with photography, and only have my phone. Starting with a photoshoot with my Imomo Miko Seraphina, with a dress I made for her. She's a vampire, and I went for some sort of sleepy ethereal vibe with the dress, it kind of tries to look like historical chemise underwear dresses. But a super frilly version, because I love frills! The shoot title or concept is something like "Vampire in a snowy forest".
  10. meltychoco_BJD

    Custom OC DD - head opinions?

    I've been thinking of getting a DD and sending her head to be painted to match my favourite original character of mine. Honestly I've been considering shelling her in resin too but the anime style sculpts available in 1/3 don't seem to have any options that would suit her, and I prefer DD heads for anime style sculpts overall. I've narrowed down my potential choices to DDH-09 or DDH-14 (and mayyybe DDH-07), but I'm having a hard time settling on one, which is where I'd love some opinions! Here's a few pictures of my OC, and some photos (courtesy of Jadepixel website) of both DDH-09 and DDH-14! I know the faceup artist will have to do some faceup trickery to make her eye shape work on either of these heads, but out of all of the non-limited heads around I felt like these were the most likely to work? If needed I'd probably pay for a small reductive eye mod to flatten the top eyelids' curves a bit if I really had to. It doesn't seem like I can add a poll or anything but I'd love to hear opinions and even suggestions if you think there's any other heads (including limited ones if you'd like to suggest some) you think would work! My personal notes: - I like the chin shape of DDH09 more but the nose of DDH14 more - I feel like both have a mostly equal potential for eye shape - I think both expressions suit her, but I have a hard time deciding if I want her to look more deadpan (09) or more confident (14) as her "basic" expression. In terms of personality, I'd say she's deadpan 60% of the time and confidently smiling 40% of the time - Jadepixel website says DDH09 is discontinued, so I don't know if getting her this head (in semi-white most likely) will be difficult or not - I'm open to eye mods to make the eye shape more accurate (if I can find a faceup artist who will do them) but I prefer reductive (removing vinyl) and would strongly prefer that over additive (adding material) Bonus: a few custom DD heads I've seen on instagram that remind me of her Posts tagged as DDH-09: (unsure if eyes are modded or just very convincing faceups) Example 1 | example 2 | example 3 | example 4 Posts tagged DDH-07: Example 1 In this case the eye shape is not right but I really like the look of the face/lips/nose etc
  11. PolitelyNefarious

    The Elusive Male Doll

    What's Up With Male Dolls? inspired this disaster. I was going to properly contribute, but three tries and one freak power outage later, somehow ended up with this instead. Vaguely based on the premise, 'What if the male dolls aren't being held back by business? What if they're choosing to not be found?' We have some edgier humor here, but hopefully my prodding at fandom things doesn't offend. This isn't a serious bit at all. (Continued in next post)
  12. GremlinBonDD

    Magical Girl Anya!

    Some cute photos of Anya as a magical girl ~
  13. BrukySama

    DDS Bust differences?

    Since I've bought an Dollfie Sister, I decided to get an bust for her, type L, but before affording it, I need to know the bust measurements, not for lingeries actually, but to her shirt to fit correctly, since the shirt seems enough for M bust but idk the difference between L and M bust cirbleepferences, so if anybody has a DDS with Large bust I'd be happy to know the cirbleepference of L type ^^
  14. meltychoco_BJD

    Longevity of Semi-white skin?

    Does anyone have any experience with how semi-white skin looks after several years? Is the potential yellowing worse or the same as with flesh skin? I know vinyl doesn't yellow to nearly the same degree as resin but I'd assume anything lighter then flesh could potentially have more severe yellowing than flesh would. I only have one DD in flesh, and she's technically old (from around 2011 I think? Not 100% sure since she was secondhand/new-in-box). I personally didn't notice she'd yellowed until I got her a new unitorso direct from Volks and realized the new part was noticeably more pink in tone. (Ironically I actually like her yellowed tone more than the pinky torso colour) I guess what I'm asking is, would semi-white yellowing be similar to this, or worse, etc? Comparison pictures would be awesome if possible!
  15. babybluebunnyboy

    MY NEW 2.0 MDD!!!!

    Snagged this off my insta but I just got my first MDD 2.0!!!! and shes my first SWS doll!! I couldnt be more overjoyed today to have her home!!!!! She took a while unfortunately cause the massive fashion drops happening right as she was ordered but WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the 2.0 body is an insane upgrade, as Misaki is a og F3. I cant WAAAIT to do her face up.. new mascot dollie!!
  16. DD bodies are fully articulated,but some few doll brands also can fit their heads,the ones I've actually seen collectors having will be on this list,if u have more, please comment! N.1-Xaga doll. Some few Xaga Doll bodies fit in DD heads (the bodies need to have 6,7-8,7 CM circumference to fit a DD head. (The smaller CM they are than the original DD head,more harder it is to fit.) N.2--Doll Island. The different body articulation and appearence makes a DD more pretty Unique and are very cute, but always check they body sizes and neck measurements. N.3- Doll family-H. Before affording their bodies, you also need to look if ur doll body is over 54cm,or has smaller/bigger neck than usual. N.4- Imomo dolls. IMOMO dolls fit better with MDD and DDP ideal heads, but are also beautiful. N.5-Aimerai. They also have a beautiful diversity of bodies that also fit DD. Please check the Neck circumferences and material of the Dolls body before buying it. Check ACBJD official site thatsells a lot of dolls that fit DD.
  17. I have been thinking to afford a VOLKS doll, and searching a lot,the only site I found that delivers Brazil and Germany is Sakura Dreams Dollfie store, the people who own the store are very trustful but does it takes too much to arrive?Any recommendations or infos?
  18. Giallo_Gatta

    Giallo Gatta's Vinyl Asylum

    Decided to make a photo thread for my dolls, and what better way to start it than with the best photos I've taken of them so far! (Keep in mind, these are taken with a phone camera) First up is the OT original, my Picco Neemo Ludovica. Her faceup is a little rough, but she’s still one of my favorites of my collection. In the garden. I also got some great pics of my MDD Ludo outside!
  19. Tierparkzone

    Tierparkzone's Doll Photos

    Instead of flooding the Photo Randoms thread, I guess it makes sense to create a new thread to put my photos. So to start off , here are a few nice shots I took a while back:
  20. Zai

    Zai’s photos of Stoli!

    I recently received a wig order with a few goodies for my lovely Stoli and thought I’d start a thread to track her development as a character! She’s still in her standard full-set in these photos and hopefully some ordered clothes will arrive soon, but thought I’d show what I a really cute wig that I received with the others that I ordered as a free one. I was skeptical about it fitting well with her character/look but think it looks rather sweet on her. I’m still getting used to styling wigs and the fact that she has no ears on her head sculpt did make it hard to hide her wig cap, lol, but I’ve still yet to take it off since I’ve put it on her… hnnng, she looks like such a darling in it! Doll: Y’shtola Outfit and eyes: Default/fullset Wig: For My Doll [Twintails FMD-1166] 8.5-9inch Hair Accessories: For My Doll
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