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  1. moramliz


    Semi new to BJD but also I jumped head first into this hobby after years of pining a little over 6 months ago and now have 6 dollfie dream dolls... 😳. I have scrolled through this forum a bit but then decided that I wanted to make an account and hear what others that have been in the community longer have to say and see what the hot topics are lol. I have a dream to own one Super Dollfie Dream(SD Mācha specifically(I know I know a girl can dream)) and potentially make a few custom BJDs in the future based around series that I love like Monster High and TGCF! I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere and am currently pursuing my Masters in Civil Engineering which translates to not a lot of people around me share my love for dolls so I desperately want to make some friends! Grew up around lots of Victorian era bisque and composition dolls and American Girl as my mother has a deep love for those so I enjoy seeing restoration and stylized customs so much! I remember seeing photos of the Volks DD Miku back when she first came out wishing I had the means to get her. Fast forward quite a ways and my BJD family consists of: OG, Snow, and NT Miku, NeiR:Automata 2B and 9S, and Frieren <333 I am excited to learn more on this forum and meet new people! (Also I have been contemplating getting a commissioned custom faceup of my OG Miku. Does anyone have any recommendations :)? Thank youuuu)


    Hello!! I’m GH0STSHARK1E, I am 17 and looking forward to being able to post my dolls. I recently joined DOA and was disappointed that I could not share any of my dolls yet because they are not resin. So I was super excited to find this community where I can! I am also trying to sculpt my own BJDs which I will probably cast in resin and vinyl if possible.
  3. Yeka

    Hello new friends!

    Hello everyone! I have been lurking on the forums for a while now, but finally decided to sign up. I joined the bjd community this year and have fallen down the rabbit hole. I've been collecting dolls since I was quite young, Barbies, American Girl, porcelain, etc, but finally taken the plunge into the world of vinyl and resin. I joined a local community, and although I never anticipated liking some of the vinyls, I find myself falling in love with the ones I see at our meets. I am particularly falling in love with Dollfie Dreams, but I'm also looking at all the other companies! So here I am! Looking forward to learning from you all.
  4. most-Kasane-Teto-fan

    Hello new to BJD!

    Hey 👽👽 I'm pretty new to BJD but am a doll collector (monster high and Pullip) and also a girlpla builder. My first BJD is gonna be a secondhand Azone Lillia! in 2025 I'm hoping to get Sakura Miku as my first DD, although if that doesn't work out gonna try to make a DDS size Teto Kasane. While I am researching care and stuff like that I learn better interacting with others so if Anyone has advice or tips or just wants to say anything I'd greatly appreciate it thank you!
  5. Hello! As the title suggests, I've been lurking the forums for quite a while now, but I've finally decided to take the plunge and become both a doll owner and a forum member! I first became interested in 2020 after discovering Dollfie Dreams. I had no clue anime styled dolls existed and immediately became smitten with them (to my surprise; I had no interest in dolls beforehand), but they were way out of budget for me so I put that budding interest on the back burner for quite a few years. In early 2024, I discovered these forums and found out there were many types of dolls, including ones that were significantly more affordable for me! I was too shy to post anything though and I couldn't even decide on what kind of doll to even get (Imomodoll? Tinyfox? Something else? Who knows!), so I put off on making an account or purchasing a doll. Today, I finally decided on what kind of doll to get, an Imomodoll 1/4 boy body (I also have a firm idea on how I want to customize him), so I felt like I should finally make an account and introduce myself alongside that! Outside of anime-styled dolls, I enjoy collecting anime figures (with a focus on Higurashi and Madoka Magica), drawing dubiously well, playing video games (my favorites are Pokemon, Guilty Gear, Undertale + Deltarune, and too many RPG Maker games to list), watching anime + reading manga (my favorites are Madoka Magica, Revolutionary Girl Utena (or anything Ikuhara in general), and Battle Angel Alita and I am currently re-reading Houseki no Kuni), and reading visual novels (my favorites are Higurashi, Umineko, and The House in Fata Morgana). I'm excited to meet you all!
  6. Hello! You can call me Lossy ^^. A few months ago I’d decided to indulge in a hobby I’d considered for a long time. Currently I collect BJD and not MJD style dolls, but the proportions overlap a lot so I often find myself buying MDD fitted things. I’m usually the most interested in modified MDD, AP, and Chinese artisan anime style BJD. Generally anything 1/4ish and anime is up my alley ^^. I’m always looking to source anything! Parts, tools, clothes, accessories, doll furniture, modifications… I use this hobby to express my creativity. I have one doll at home! Her name is Licot, which comes from “Coquelicot”. She’s a Dollsea Lilith ^^. Right now she is missing a face, but she has an SDMG Yue head in production. I’ve doodled a few pictures of her including her face. Besides dolls I like illustration, learning new things and collecting art books and figures. I hope I can meet and collude with people who have similar goals and interests ^^. Thank you for reading my introduction!
  7. icefishing

    hello everyone !!

    Hello ^^ im germ, ive been lurking for a little bit! im a 20 somethin fella from the east coast. my doll family has grown quite a bit over the last year and a half TuT most recently welcoming a dollfie icon !! image below is a little out of date! were missing Vivian (smart doll) & Juno. maybe ill update when i get my dollfie icon in the mail ^^ outside of dolls, i love games (pathologic, metal gear, persona) and anime (Evangelion, love live, JJBA)! i love to collect things so i have all sorts of random trinkets. nice to meet everyone ^^
  8. AngelusFeles

    Hai Hai!

    I’m Angelus!! I’ve always had a big love of BJD’s and Vinyl dolls! I already had a taeyang-Isul hybrid doll from a few years before, but I’m about to get my first imomodoll! I’m very excited to see everyone’s dolls and posts 😄 I hope we get along!!
  9. Amu

    Hello everybody!

    Hi everyone, I'm Amu. I've been a long time reader of Doll Dreaming so it was about time I got an account. You have so much wonderful information here, it's amazing. About me, well I've been collecting fashion dolls (the likes of Barbie, Ever After High, Monster High and more) for many many years now but 3 years ago I came across Smartdolls and decided to start saving to buy one. And by the end of this year I will have saved enough so I'm gonna have my first big doll soon enough `⎚⩊⎚´ -✧ I would like to own an Imomodoll or a Puyoo doll at some point too, I think they're so very cute hehe I hope to make many dolly friends in the future and maybe contribute to the great pool of information hosted here! Amu (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)
  10. MaoIrori


    Hi everyone! I'm pretty new to all of this. After browsing the site quite a bit over the last couple of weeks while trying to put together my first doll I decided it was time to make an account and start posting. I was drawn to the hobby by the creativity and personalization it allows. One day I'd like to be able to make cute clothes for my doll, but that's probably far in the future. -I hope we get along!
  11. Lenneth


    I'm Lenneth, and I've been asleep for about 15 years when it comes to the doll hobby. The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I am awake... and I discovered my favorite doll company died over a decade ago. But, when I got Dollfie Dream 2B, everything changed. She's not too heavy for me to hold. I like putting her in all sorts of silly outfits. Slowly, I want to get back into the hobby again. And maybe Dollpa LA wasn't the best idea for someone who is technically a newb. I just really wanted Terra for years and years and I wanted to try for her, knowing she would be light like 2B is. Many things have changed, yes, but I know one thing hasn't. Everyone I met at Dollpa was absolutely wonderful. Welcoming, patient, kind folks all sharing in the excitement of something they all loved. It was an amazing experience and I hope to connect with some of y'all here - and maybe see you at the next Dollpa LA?
  12. zyczenn

    Hello everyone

    Turns out I already had an account! I've been in the bjd hobby on and off since 2011, but the last two years I've pretty much switched to Dollfie Dream. I currently own 8 DD and have purchased a bunch of heads to learn customizing.
  13. Hello! I'm Kani, an IT guy (or gal, whichever) and I'm very new to this hobby. Forewarning that English is like my 3rd language, so please excuse wonky grammar that you may encounter... I found this place while looking up some info about 1/6 size Obitsu heads, but in the process ended up going down the rabbit hole that is 1/4~1/3 Volks dolls, lmao. I live in a dingy lil apartment in Tokyo though, so that's one thing stopping me from buying one... At the moment. Initially I started from customizing Nendoroids (both OCs and official characters; Sophie in my pfp is my favorite Atelier girl ever), then putting them into Nendoroid Doll bodies, then frankensteining them with other 1/12 bodies... Then I found out that with the right faceplates, they look good with 1/6 bodies. I love my little plastic children, then I went to Doll Show in Hamamatsucho to hunt down clothes/props for them, and then my eyes were opened to the wonderful world that is 1/4~1/3 size dolls. I frequent the Radio Kaikan almost weekly (to my GF's dismay), so it's not like I'm unfamiliar with bigger dolls, it's just that I've never seen one that clicked and has made me go "this is it!", but going to that event for the first time has made me realize that hey, I can just customize one myself! (Which is stupid that I only realized it NOW, since I've been customizing nendos in the first place... Half a braincell moment) I know the hurdles of construction boy dolls though, so right now I wanna try to do a custom of a girl before I really dive into another rabbit hole that is boy/masculine dolls. So, here am I. Currently my ongoing project is to construct a DDP (insert clown emoji here) of my girl OC! Recently bought my first head--a DDH-10 to try my hands to do some mods and face-up (insert another clown emoji here). Thanks for having me and I'm looking forward to learn about the dolls and their community!
  14. Squeek

    Greetings and Salutations

    I'm always befuddled as to how to start talking about myself, but this is perhaps as good a first post as any, so let's just give it a go. I'm formerly of the resin BJD crowd and tried out Vinyl for the first time not long ago. Albeit I have to admit, the staining scared me off pretty hard and now I have no Vinyl. Do regret that, maybe I could have made it work, but I have also found that I do prefer smaller dolls and he was a DDB. Which is why I am giving Tinyfox a go with their 1/6 line, and I am pretty excited about that being the newest chapter in my doll journey. I'm really not a collector though. I love spoiling one, sometimes two, dolls at a time, and that always feels like being an outlier in these hobbies. 😅 But I am pleased to be here, I do miss the days of Forums and thank you for having me.
  15. bunnivin


    UHHH HI! I'm Vina. I'm currently 19 years old. Erm... I've actually never have owned a doll like any kind, nor have I actually been interested in them so It's kinda shocking that I'm into anime dolls now. Yeah, so be prepared for a lot of questions. I can't wait to not only learn more about these dolls but get my own to take exploring with me!!
  16. grimmgle


    Hello! I'm Cirsium [he/him & she/her]. I'm 24 and I've recently gotten into dolls despite having an interest for my whole life Prior to collecting dolls, I've mainly collected figures & plastic models (<-- still a huge interest of mine ^_^, I especially love girlpla kits. I have a lot of them) I'm also an artist and have a big interest in customizing dolls, so I hope to start that soon (though it certainly is something I'm nervous about LOL)! I love looking at other people's faceups though :-] I just think the process as a whole is so neat I mostly have an interest in 1/6 & 1/12 dolls (though I adore looking at the bigger scales). My current collection is small, I have two 1/6 Azone fashion dolls & six 1/12 BJDs I got from blindboxes. Though, I have some TinyFox dolls ordered that should be here near the end of the year/early next year ^_^ I love seeing people taking their dolls out to places, like cafes or the beach, and I hope to do the same because I just think it's very cute and charming :-] Very excited to be more into the doll collector community, as I have mostly just lurked so far!
  17. angelphilic

    Intro ✧˖°.

    Hello! ^^ My name’s Alex / Evan (he/him, 21). Somebody at CTcon suggested this forum to me and recommended making a profile so here we are! I primarily collect Angel Philias ( 4 to date, Type M x2, J, and N.) and Dollfie Dreams (Custom DDH-09 Miku, Dream Choice DDH-16, and a Kans’u in the near future!). My current projects are turning my Dream Choice gal (who I still haven’t named lol I’m just not good at that) into a Gyaru popstar of sorts. Same with the Kans’u! My inspos for them are 2000s Mcbling and Techno / Y2K. I’m also trying to decide what I want to bring to the NYC doll convention and if I want to be a vendor… Really tempted to finally pull the trigger and make a custom Homura and Madoka (Puella Magica) dollfies. Anyways… blabbing aside lol. I’ve been in the hobby for a year or so and am always open to learning more. Hope I can make some more doll friends, especially if you’re in the New England area. :D
  18. MrsHaitani

    Obligatory intro post!

    Hello everyone! I’m Kosho, and I’m brand new to the doll community! As a kid, I used to collect a LOT of fashion dolls and even old baby dolls that I’d find at thrift stores or on eBay. But it’s something that I quickly grew out of as I got older. In fact, I actually developed a bit of a distaste towards dolls for awhile thanks to their role in various horror media and a few reoccurring nightmares I used to have. As such, I never really had any interest in picking the hobby back up again… until recently. See, anime has been my main interest for the majority of my life, and when it comes to merch, I tend to have very little self control. My hyperfixations can get BAD, to the point where I’ll buy anything I can get my hands on regardless of the price as long as it happens to have my favorite characters on it. Figures and plushies especially are always something I’ve really enjoyed, because for me, having a real life version of my favorite little guys that I can hold in my hands is truly something special. So when I recently discovered Dollfie and other anime style dolls… I knew that I was doomed. Especially after finding out that they could be customized into almost any character you wanted. Something that I once would’ve considered a bit creepy was now an absolute NEED, and I immediately began doing research into where I could go to get commissions. This led me to an absolutely amazing doll artist that happens to do full customs, and it didn’t take long before I was contacting them. I was a bit conflicted at first since it would cost me a small fortune (by my standards), but I knew deep down that I already had my heart set on the idea and wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it. So before I knew it, I was already making arrangements to commission a doll of one of my all time favorite characters. I’m currently in the process of paying off the down payment and will probably be on a waitlist until October, BUT I did get a digital sketch to give me an idea of what his face is going to look like and I’m absolutely in love. It’s going to take a long time before I actually get him, but words cannot express how excited I am. And in the meantime, I’d love to get to know the community! I’ve been looking at a lot of doll related content on various different social media lately, and I’m just so, so happy and excited! Also a side note for those who are curious— My current favorite anime are JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and Tokyo Revengers! A little hint on who the doll might be of. 😉
  19. TheGardenGnome

    Obligatory Suuuuper Late Introduction!

    I just realized I never introduced myself officially here, although I’ve been stalking the Angel Philia discussion board for quite awhile! 😄 I’m an objectively new collector. I’ve been into Lolita fashion for about a decade which is where I first learned about BJDs. I started with resin dolls about three years ago—and they’re still the majority of my collection— but last year ago I fell into the rabbit hole of looking at AP dolls and now I’m hooked! They’re not for everyone, but I love the outrageous facial expressions and body proportions. Currently, the sculpts I have are O, N, M, K, and J (but she needs a body…. Hopefully soon ;)). My most exciting project is that I’ve been in the process of modding the body of my K sculpt to be a boy. He’s very special to me, so once my post count is up high enough, I’ll share some pictures!
  20. bandycam

    Here we go again

    Hhhh I went to make an account since I've finally gotten my grubby little hands on a dollfie dream (and a VISUAdoll/obitsu hybrid that I'm going to have to figure out if she's OT or not... lol) and the site told me that the email was already in use so here I am, using an account I made in 2016 and last posted/the only post I have was made in 2019 (whoops.) So o/ My name is Sika I'm primarily a BJD collector who's really just only dipped my toes into the world of vinyl dolls and I gotta say; I adore 'em. Like most newbies I'm still a little hesitant on the whole staining issue, but I'm positive once my girl develops her first stain (sobs) I'll get over that quickly but until then, stains please stay away lmao. She's wearing as pale of clothing/wig as I can get. (Both my vinyl girls are, actually.) I unfortunately don't have any decent photos of either of them at the moment 💔 (Or, at least no ones I'm super happy with.) (Also, am I crazy or can you not resize images when you try and just insert them? lol. Send help xP ) For now just have a really bad photo of Kokomi! (I gotta tame those flyaways man. It was so windy that day.) I'm maybe slowly converting one of my roommates (who also collect BJDs) into wanting a vinyl doll because he's somewhat obsessed with the Len release and we're convinced that one day we'll get him for him (I want Kaito myself. One day!) Not too sure if I can convert my 2nd roommate into wanting a vinyl, but she thinks mine is super cute. (She might just stick to her resin dolls though, who knows.) Anyways, enough rambling from me! Just figured I'd pop out another introduction post since it's been 5 years since my last one aha.
  21. So yeah, nice to meet yous all! Name's Xeli and I'm new to Doll Dreaming! Been collecting figures since 2015 but am now expanding into DD later this year (DD Miku NT) to add to this plastic family: I look forward to sharing more photos once my big girl arrives home :D
  22. Yura

    Nice to meet you!

    Hi! My name is Julia, but everyone knows me as Yura. I'm a digital artist/illustrator and I live from that! Yura is my artist name, in honor of one of my characters! I started collecting since I was too young, with lots and lots of animal figurines and plushies. I became a serious figure collector 10 years ago (mainly nendoroids) from games, Disney, Vocaloid and anime. I was born in Argentina, where collecting was and is still really hard or impossible, due to inflation and huge taxes. I got my first group of nendoroids from second hand community. But thankfully I moved to Spain 4 years ago and my collection grew a lot and too fast since then! I've been wishing to start with big dolls for many years, but it wasn't until 3 years ago that my income let me start and I got my first Dollfie Dream! (Custom Mito Mashiro). I own 6 DDs, an obitsu 47cm with resin head and many floating DD heads waiting for bodies! xD Besides digital art I also love working on toys/figures customs and miniatures. And since I started collecting Dollfies, I work on face ups aswell! Almost all of my dolls are based on my own characters designed/drew by me! I will be sharing them with all of you soon ^^
  23. lunarlemons


    hi! i'm lunarlemons, i have been collecting figures and dolls for a while now but just recently signed up here. I am decently active on MFC with the same username if you would like to check out my figure collection. i love anime and danmei! my grail doll would be Sailor Mars Dollfie and i would love to see a Furude Rika Dollfie made to go with my Rena! i look forward to getting to know everyone! I currently own 5 Dollfie Dream and two Ringdolls ^^ I have one more Dollfie and one more Ringdoll ordered. Owned: Dollfie - Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon) Emilia (re:Zero) Snow Miku Reboot (vocaloid) Megumin (konosuba) Ryuuguu Rena (higurashi, MDD) Ringdoll- Hua Cheng (TGCF) Xie Lian (TGCF) (donghua ver) Ordered: Hatsune Miku NT (vocaloid) - Dollfie His Highness Who Pleased the Gods (TGCF) - Ringdoll
  24. Angelfangs

    .˚ * ꒰ঌ hello ໒꒱ * ˚.

    hello its wonderful to be here. i am very new to this platform and dolls. i have spent a lot of my time building anime themed bjd model kits an have decided to start the doll hobby as well. so here i am. now i will be very active on here. i have a question. what should my first doll be? im running out of money due to my model kit building hobby so it shouldn't be to expensive. thanks -A
  25. CK170

    Hello there!

    Hi! My name's CK and I'm just now getting into the hobby. I love art, anime, and handicrafts, so I figured that BJD collecting would be a good way to express those tastes. I'm just getting my first doll in the mail today (an Imomodoll 1/6 from Jane's Doll Land), and I thought I'd finally join a hobbist community instead of watching from the sidelines.
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