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Found 17 results

  1. I finally made it back to a doll meet today! I'm feeling so much better, and my first meet in almost a month was my first outing to the Flipside Doll Guild meet in Port Jervis, New York this year. It was a fantastic time with dolls new and old and some really nice people. My resin ladies weren't really dressed for the retro theme today, but I brought my Kirby-themed Momoko doll so she could enjoy the festivities. There was a whole photo setup and a bunch of retro props which my Kirby doll enjoyed. It was also Furby day! Lots of Furbies doing Furby things! I focused on group shots and a few closeups here, but check out my full set of photos in this Flickr album: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjC5FYe It also includes some pics from the Erie Turntable in Port Jervis and Candy's Pizza in Montague, New Jersey. The last pizzeria in NJ! Or the first one if you're entering NJ. Oh yeah, there's also a video of three Furbies being cute!
  2. It's finally time for me to post some doll meet pics again! This month has been rough with the weather, but I finally got to the South NJ meet this month. I brought my friend along, too. We actually made a side trip into Lancaster, PA and stopped by The Doll Outlet before the doll meet. Then we went to South NJ and enjoyed the meet. Today's meet ended up having a lot more than just BJDs. I even brought my new 1979 Ford Bronco radio control truck to show off before I get it dirty. We had some sci-fi action figures, blind box BJDs, and even Metal Slug video game characters! My own dolls were enjoying a lovely time in their dresses. I also had my Iplehouse SID Eva briefly in another outfit that she wore to The Doll Outlet. It was a wonderful time, and I'm looking forward to the next doll meet! I focused mostly on group shots here. Check out all of the photos from the meet in this Flickr photo album: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjC3mS5
  3. Gamma Ray

    ABJD Meet - New York City - 1/11/25

    I made it back to the New York City doll meet today. Thank you for not being totally awful, NJ Transit! It was a nice time at the new location. I like the new location a lot. We had a lot of fun and even restrung a couple dolls. I brought my Iplehouse SID Eva, and everyone brought a bunch of great dolls. I was so happy to see a couple Licca-chan dolls, too. I don't think I've ever seen one in person before. Here are group shots and highlights. For the full set of photos, follow the link to my Flickr album for the meet. There was a beautiful nude doll, a mature tiny, and I put those photos behind the moderate filter on Flickr. It's their house, so whatever. The photos aren't naughty, just a bit nudie, so heads up in case you don't want to see them. If you're not logged into Flickr or if you have safesearch on, you won't see the photos. https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBXNtv
  4. We had a nice pre-holidays South NJ doll meet today. My friend and I arrived a little later into the meet, but we still had a good time with good company. I brought my two resin couples in sweaters and holiday attire, including my Jessica's first outing modeling her Christmas dress. We had a great big variety of dolls and figures, including a whole bunch of Star Trek figures! Check out the group shots and highlights below, and give my Flickr album for the meet a look. Some of the closeups turned out better than the group shots. The lighting with the windows behind the dolls was a challenge. https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBVRx6
  5. We had a really nice doll meet at the Flipside Doll Guild's meet in Port Jervis, New York yesterday. It was really great to hang out with everyone, show off our dolls, and chat about all sorts of things. The organizers of the meet are always the greatest. We had a great variety of dolls and other toys. There was a Dollmore Lusion, a couple new (to us) Furbies, a wagon of plushies, and all sorts of other dolls and toys we enjoyed seeing and sharing. There was even this awesome crab that was a bluetooth speaker. My Leah and Eva were dressed in their fall outfits. Leah's dress was so long and complemented her leggy stature. Eva's fall colors looked ravishing on her, especially with her low-slung and very long skirt. So attractive! My Tania and Stephanie were wearing cute dresses, too. They also had a couple of books that I got from the nice lady at the New York City doll meet a couple weekends ago! Tania's was in her bag. Check out the full set of photos in this Flickr album, including some photos from around town in Port Jervis and my lunch at Texas Lunch: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBPBa3 Unfortunately, I just missed taking a photo of the MTA Metro North train going by!
  6. Gamma Ray

    ABJD Meet - New York City - 10/12/24

    I finally made it back to the New York City doll meet yesterday. It was a really nice time with a lot of great Halloween-themed dolls and even some dolls that weren't so Halloween. There was even Beyblade! And Cousin It joined us! What a blast from the past! I brought my Iplehouse SID Eva in her sexy dominatrix costume so she could enjoy some Halloween fun herself. I have like 100 photos from the meet, so take a look at all of them in my Flickr photo album for the meet. (Mild nudity warning if you're logged into Flickr, you may see a beautiful chromed-out nude doll in the first photo depending on your safety settings. Not logged into Flickr? You won't see it.) https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBMHwW Also check out Flickr to see a couple Beyblade videos!
  7. We had our Central NJ ABJD meet at Ken Buchanan Riverfront Park yesterday. It was a really fantastic late summer afternoon with cute dolls, fun conversation, and fairly pleasant weather. I think we've got a winner with having these riverfront park meets in the afternoon. The weather has been better than it was in the morning meets, and we've lucked out this year with regards to wind. My two ladies were enjoying a late summer afternoon at the beach, Lady BlackWillow's dolls enjoyed the weather, and Nilu and husband's dolls fared incredibly well standing up at the meet. Many thanks to all of them for coming to the meet, and I hope to see everyone at the next Central NJ meet!
  8. These are photos from CryingForever's photo setup at the South Jersey doll meet yesterday. The Dollfie Dream Mirai's owner and I teamed up and had a little photoshoot with our dolls. Someone's sweet little one was also in the background! Most of it was about Yukino and Mirai, though. I figure it's a silent photostory, and Yukino was hanging out with her friend Mirai. Yukino slipped some juicy details about Alna to Mirai, Alna heard it, and Alna bopped Yukino with the pool noodle!
  9. We had a great doll meet in Port Jervis, New York yesterday. The official theme was renaissance faire, but we had dolls doing a variety of different things. My ladies were enjoying a day at the beach. Jessica and Olivia wore their matching one piece swimsuits for the first time! Leah and Eva had a sweet time together in their bikinis, too. We had blind box BJDs, a Dollfie Dream, a horse, Furbies, a beautiful angel, all sorts of things! My friend borrowed my little Stephanie for the meet, too. It was a really nice meet at the new location in Port Jervis! Check out all of my photos from the meet here: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBDTbJ
  10. We had a great South Jersey doll meet yesterday. Lots of dolls, lots of people, and lots of fun! I brought my ladies in beachy swimsuits so they could have a nice day down the Jersey Shore, if only in our minds. We had a great big variety of dolls and figures, including a whole lineup of Lego figures! There were a couple Dollmore Trinity dolls, and there was even a very early 00s Volks Super Dollfie. It was wonderful to learn so much about the early Super Dollfie from her owner, and she even had lots of original paperwork which was eye-opening. I took a whole bunch of photos, so have a look in this Flickr album for all of them: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBAyPD The local UFDC group also had a setup of dolls in the library's display case. Check out a few photos from that setup here: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBACt3
  11. Gamma Ray

    ABJD Meet - New York City - 6/15/24

    We had a great doll meet in New York City today! It was Hot Doll Summer, and many of us brought out dolls in fun beachy outfits. Even the ones that weren't beachy were still fun! It was nice to see everyone and their dolls, including some new faces human and doll alike! I focused on group shots in these photos, but check out all of the photos I took from the meet in this Flickr album: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBvhuy
  12. We had a fantastic little Central NJ doll meet at the Ken Buchanan Riverfront Park yesterday. Many thanks to Lady BlackWillow and Astran with sister for coming to the meet yesterday. Everyone else didn't know what they were missing! We had fantastic weather, and I'm very happy with the time we started the meet at. We had plenty of shade for the dolls and for ourselves. The wind off the river was minimal, too. Astran got away with having dolls standing through the whole meet! Overall, it was a nice meet, with everyone having their doll setups, and we had a nice conversation the entire time. I focused on group shots for this post, but you can find all of my photos from the meet in this Flickr album: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBtc8q
  13. Gamma Ray

    ABJD Meet - South NJ - 5/11/24

    We had a nice South NJ doll meet today! We had quite the variety of dolls and action figures. We had resin BJDs, a Dollfie Dream, a Pure Neemo doll, and a bunch of video game action figures. It was great to see everyone again, plus we had a newcomer! I mostly put group shots below, but you can find all of my photos in this Flickr album: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBpMAs
  14. We had a nice little meet at Long's Park in Lancaster, Pennsylvania this morning. We were originally going to have it at noon, but we wanted to have the meet before the rain, so we had it in the morning. We all sat our dolls down in our chairs with our little props, and we talked about dolls and stuff. It was a very nice time. I wish we could've met for longer and that we had better weather. The meet did a lot to get the local community together, so maybe I'll be attending one of their meets in the future! Many thanks to Kettle and themonsteryoho from Den of Angels and Quincy and partner from the BJD Discord for coming out and making the meet a great one!
  15. Gamma Ray

    ABJD Meet - New York City - 3/9/24

    We had a great doll meet in New York City despite the rain outside! We were indoors and safe, and we had a fantastic doll meet with one of the biggest varieties of dolls and doll activities we've had in a while. We had resin dolls, vinyl dolls, large dolls, tiny dolls, restringing, piggyback rides, and even a centaur! My Iplehouse nYID Olivia made a Smart Doll friend, too! Check out my full album of photos because there's no way I can capture it all in this post. https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBgXga
  16. Gamma Ray

    ABJD Meet - New York City - 12/9/23

    I have finally gone through my pics from the 12/9/23 New York City doll meet! It was Christmas Time in the city, and the dolls came out for it! It was a pretty nice day for the meet. The lighting wasn't too bad either, so my pics turned out fairly decently. Group shots and highlights are below. You can find all of my pics in this Flickr album here: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB73C5 I took some non-doll pics of the city (well, mostly the city), including the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, and you can find them here: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB749b
  17. I went to the South NJ doll meet today. It was actually my first time going to a meet or doing doll stuff at all for a couple months, so I'm glad I made it to today's meet to get back in the swing of things. I spent a lot of time playing with my Jessica and Olivia with their beach stuff. We had some other dolls, a work in progress head, and action figures, too. We even had a Star Trek captain's chair! You can find all of my photos here: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAUZML
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