Hi everyone!
I plan on getting a MDD with mochi ashi body in the near future and I'm trying to think of a way to fill her out in the hips. For those who don't know, mochi ashi has chubby legs and larger hands and feet but shares the same torso, arms and bust as a regular MDD.
Has anyone tried shrinking a DD/DDy lower torso to fit MDD successfully? I've never shrank any vinyl parts before so I'm hesitant to try it.
Thanks in advance
Edit: For anyone who is searching for wider hips for MDD like I am -- I also have 2 alternative solutions, (1) buying Obitsu 50cm lower torso (the hip measurement is 2 cm bigger than MDD, according to some users OB50 parts will fit but I've never tried it) and (2) sewing padded underwear which will work under clothes.