For my first 1/6, I got myself Miyu, from Vampire Princess Miyu. Come to think about it, perhaps this is the doll that first drew me into looking into fashion dolls...
She comes in a plastic box covered by a white cardboard sleeve:
The clear plastic doesn't like time:
It had been visible in the auction pictures, but seeing the colour myself kinda scared me. Fortunately, all is alright below that:
She comes with her flute (crappily rendered in painted white metal), a ribbon for her leg, and a pre-tied ribbon for her hair, plus instructions:
I didn't bother putting the ribbons on as I'll be upgrading her body later.
Behold, Miyu!!!
The outfit is quite good, the body less so. For some reason both her legs are turned to the right permanently, and her skin colour is too dark (it's not yellowed; below her clothing it's the same shade). As for her head:
Not bad. She smiles too much for a proper Miyu, but unlike some other Takara anime dolls they got the eye shape pretty much right, and also did quite the good job on her hair.
To be continued later, as I'll be upgrading her to a Obitsu body next year.