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Found 16 results

  1. URGANT QUESTION I am considering on switching from Tinyfox Murphy to Tinyfox Kakav, which has a lot of dark clothing, and i cannot find any shops that have the Tinyfox bodysuit for sale, so how am i meant to deal with the stains?? OR, WHERE THE HECK CAN I FIND THE BODYSUIT OR AN ALTERNATIVE!! PLEASE HELP!!
  2. control

    1/4 Macoco Body Staining

    I have a TinyFox Fluffy and I was curious how people take care of their Macoco style 1/4 dolls. I really prefer the shape of the legs (and also the leg warmer part of the outfit) but I wasn't sure if their classic 1/4 stain suit will fit. She doesn't have a super dark outfit but her socks are grey. Does anyone have experience with this? I could potentially make my own suit if the one I ordered won't fit.
  3. mmmuguet

    ✿ Mmmuguet's Miscellany ✿

    (⸝⸝´◡`⸝⸝) Joining the fray and making a dump-zone here for my photo randoms, so I'm not totally cluttering up the Tinyfox discussion topic lol. Nothing fancy here, I'm too lazy to bust my DSLR out of storage and it's easier to just grab my phone for a drive-by photo haha. The majority of my crew is Tinyfox, I really love them! I'll have some MDDs joining the ranks soon though, just waiting (not so) patiently for Volks to ship my bodies. now to see if I'm uploading images via link properly uhhhh First things first, the current state of the 1/6 union from left to right: Copernicus (Perni), Crocus, Iskander (Issy), Cedar, Lariat, and Bishop 💕. They're all smushed on my desk for now, but there is a shelf in the works - they'll have breathing room eventually! I just got these outfits in the mail today, and basically wept at how cute they are together. Snapped after I popped Crocus' custom eyes in~ they came out even more perfect than I had hoped! Issy overseeing Lariat and Bishop on Perfume Rotation duty (because who ever has just one frivolous hobby). The bigger the bow, the more important the opinion on the matter at hand. And my lone 1/4 Tinyfox, Arlo, vibing until his replacement wig comes~
  4. amijules

    Tinyfox Rita comes home!

    My Rita made it home! For a while I was getting worried she was stuck at the ACI Logistics hub in McDonough, but thankfully she made it here in a very timely way! Phew. She is so goshdarn CUTE you guys, opening her up gave me a scare as you'll see shortly but I just love her to pieces. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
  5. Hiya! I was planning on getting my first BJD/MJD, a Tinyfox, and i am just curious on how yall felt getting your first How i think ima react? In summary, Given i have wanted anime type BJDs for almost 3 years now, imagined myself getting one and even dreamed about getting one multiple times.. I will not be surprised at all if i dont just get excited but i cry happy tears too. XD
  6. First time posting art here, its in this forum cause it is related to a doll. 😛 Tinyfox Murphy but in a different outfit. 😛 Anyways here is the original description that was used in all of my other socials with the art on it. "First digital artwork of 2024! WOO! And another thing is a new character as well! I don't really know much about her yet, as I'm developing her, I don't even have a name yet ;-; Buuut yeah, basically a girl born from dreams. The shading was a pain for a different reason this time.. cause of it being a backlit piece, I had a hard time with her face, Colors were not helping either but I managed... Another thing which will become a regular now is a watermark. Ima try not to have it cover like 100% of the drawing XDD To hint on the girls birthday, I put the Aquarius and Pisces symbols cause I'm deciding between December, February and March.. idk why.. (Can't fit Decembers Zodiac lol) Although the drawing was hell to make, despite using the symmetry ruler 90% of the time, it turned out quite pretty and I hope yall like it too!" Some notes: The zodiacs were for my planned birthdays, February and March was considered cause i thought that was when she would come.. buuuut realized that no matter where I went, she will come between April-June.. WAAAAAA- ah well i guess.. at least i have some preparation time.. She prob will still have a birthday in the December-March range tho. The outfit in question is called Winter Witch. (Outfit in question, got the image from the Anubis Shop :P) Any doll related artworks will be posted to this forum. 😛
  7. NOT ANYTHING SUPER DOLL RELATED BUT COMMISSIONS HAVE OPENED!! My intention is to save for a doll i have been eying on, one of the dolls i like im very confident will be coming home, but i really wanna get the other one i really like (Tinyfox Kakav) So to make my artist presence really known, im posting my commissions here! So if ya want some art from me, feel free to message me on my socials that are linked on my profile, or just comment here, I recommend messaging on my socials so i can get to ya faster. Couple Notes: I take money through my Mothers Venmo. Artist Experience is 9-10 Years. (August? 2024 will be 10 years) A Colored Sketch i did to announce it. (Colored Sketches are not availiable) An Example of my Art.
  8. Hey yall.. ima be honest i need help.. Im in a BJD server, and im starting to get stressed out for searching for anything for the doll.. The reason is cause of fear of the seller being a recast seller... Cause they say that even if you buy something else from them thats not a doll.. it would basically say "You can sell recasts, i wont buy it but you can sell them.." And its stressing me out.. especially given i am the type that would buy something that has good reviews and looks good.. but reviews cannot be depended on for telling.. you'd need to look through the entire shop before buying one item.. and again.. it is stressing me out.. So.. I beg of yall.. do you have any shops that you frequent for BJD clothes or accessories.. that are not recast sellers to your knowledge.. An extra question.. how can you tell if you found a recast seller or not, or even better, how to tell if a shop is secretly selling recasts behind the scenes.. (Like SophiesToyParadise on Etsy for example)... so when I'm looking on my own, I can notice and avoid them..
  9. GothicSkies

    TinyFox tips and info?

    Hiya, I just wanna come and ask for any advice on Tinyfox dolls and how to handle them and such... as i plan to get my first one around Jan-Mar, and i wanna try to know a lil more lol.
  10. I have a couple questions in regards to dolls aaand.. drawing?? alright i'll get to it in a minute lol. My first question is kind of simple.. If the doll you are getting has a name already.. is it ok to rename them? I figure you could.. cause it would be kinda odd to have a restriction on renaming your dolls lol.. buuut just asking for the lolz.. The second question.. is.. If the drawings are related to dolls in question.. is it ok to post them here?? Cause I occasionally draw dolls i like, especially the one im currently after, having sketched her several times.. Since im uncertain on if i can post said drawings here, i thought to ask. THe final question i wanna ask is simple.. What sizes for body suits and wig caps are best for 1/6 Tinyfox dolls? I just wanna be sure.. ;w; Oh and tiny updates on me. Found out that the original site the doll im after is on is actually cheaper.. and that there is not exactly an extreme time limit.. if there is one.. its around 9 months.. aaand given this baby has been announced 4 weeks ago.. i think i got a bit of time.. Aaand i started my commissions!
  11. EYO, so here is some updates on my doll stuffies, so i discovered another doll, fully complete for only $170.. so now thats my goal.. due to her being on preorder, my idea is to finally start my art commissions up, Just gonna work on one last drawing before i do so, which actually will be posted to the site cause it is related to the doll i desire. And hey, as a plus, if things go well.. what a beautiful way to finally be truly a part of this community than to get the doll on your own. SO my goal is now set, a $170 doll, which is fully completed and possibly even includes a lil pillow. Brand: Tinyfox. A sacrifice in her height is a small price to pay for something like this finally coming true. I only have one last thing to ask of yall... Along side any extra advice to caring for a now Tinyfox doll, do you also have any good Eye putties or Doll stands to consider? As i am unfamilar especially with the putties for the eyes, as to what is going to go fine and what will damage her.. thus, i am asking for a little more advice on this before i finally begin my journey. Last note: The doll was from DollBjd.
  12. ateliervanilla

    Assorted Vinyl Crew!

    I put together my girls from different manufacturers. Pon (my MDD) is cheating because she's wearing heels LOL! Left to right: Anya (Obitsu 50 whitey head on 1/4 TinyFox body), Bao/Nahida (DDH27 on Dollbot body), Pon (Mini Dollfie Dream), Maya (Kizuna AI on Angel Philia Type-H body), and Chai (Smart Doll Chitose Classic in tea). I love them all equally. They all have their individual charm. I won't keep this post long, but will share what I love most and not like from each company. TinyFox Love: velvety (I don't know how to explain, but it's really smooth to touch), weight is similar to resin, can fit most MSD clothing, smaller than MDDs so she's easier to bring, can hybridize with Obitsu whitey/DD semi-white heads Not a fan of: limited posing Dollbot Love: lightweight, can hybridize with DD flesh/semi-white heads, less "thicc" than mochi-ashi, posing Not a fan of: can get loose - her feet is a little hard to get back on compared to MDD... the neck gap is quite obvious in some angles, and hand joints pop off too easily Mini/Dollfie Dream Love: easily available parts for customization, most clothing sizes fit on them, easily available apparel Not a fan of: can't hold poses too well, but can be fixed with a bit of tightening the joints Angel Philia Love: superior posing! lightweight, can easily hybridize with DD heads Not a fan of: sizing is kinda like DDP/mochi-ashi? so the clothing is quite tricky... it's personal preference, but to me the shorts should be 1/3 sized, skirts and dresses should be 1/4. Otherwise it might be too long or baggy on her. Smart Doll Love: posing, easily available apparel, lightweight, vinyl is harder Not a fan of: limited parts available for customization
  13. ateliervanilla

    Klee: DDH27 on a 1/4 TinyFox body

    My DDH27 x TinyFox hybrid doll was Anya some time ago, and now I got her to cosplay Klee from Genshin Impact! The costume is from Dollremi. I made the resin eyes as well as the elf ears. The elf ears are made out of soft Sculpey, so even when baked, it has a little bit of flexibility and isn't super hard like regular polymer clay.
  14. ateliervanilla

    DDH27 on 1/4 Tinyfox Body

    I stumbled upon Shineworkshop's 1/4 Tinyfox and MDD comparison video on Youtube, and I plunged doing the same hybridization that they did! I was also very inspired from sfsakana's Anya Forger custom and tried my hand on making my own Anya as well. As much as I liked Martha's sculpt on the 1/4 Tinyfox body, I feel that she looks older than the character that I'm going for. So I went ahead and got myself a SWS DDH27 head, made the eyes, and painted the faceup. To install the Dollfie head on the Tinyfox body, you don't need the lower plastic part. Only the screw on top is enough to secure the head. I'm glad that it doesn't need any further mods to hybridize a Dollfie head on this body. Pros: DD Semiwhite skintone matches quite well with the Tinyfox body. There's only a slight tint difference - DD SWS is a bit more pink (?) and Tinyfox is more on the yellow tone. Tinyfox body poses like a charm. The body feels solid and sturdy. Tinyfox is also smaller than MDD so it's even easier to carry around! Clothing for 1/4 Tinyfox is generally easier to get as they also fit in standard MSD clothing like Minifees. Cons: Head tilts are virtually impossible. It was difficult for me to photograph her head on a specific angle that I wanted, so I had to make do. Since Tinyfox bodies are smaller than MDD, MDD clothing is a little bit bigger on them (so I'm listing this as a con for me). Same for shoes. The MDD shoes are loose on her unless I put socks on, and it's hard to get the shoes on her feet because her plastic isn't soft.
  15. Wickednightmares

    Hi there

    Hi, I joined the forum here last year and never introduced myself. Hi! I am an avid (or rabid) doll collector, I have both vinyl dolls and resin dolls and porcelain doll… and plastic dolls, I love them all. i have 5.5 smart dolls, a Dollfie dream pretty, a tinyfox girl and about 30 others in the bjd category. I’m active in a number of FB groups and Instagram, debating opening a doll TikTok for the fun of it. So hi everyone!
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