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  1. Gunter

    Volks Super Dollfies

    I totally feel we need this thread. Lets talk about Volks resin/bjd dolls~ Everything is game. ~~~~~ I am really excited to try for Lies! I really like Luna too, but she's a bit too duckface for me. They both have really lovely sets even though I'm pretty sure if I got Lies I'd sell that dress. I do think there is no way I'm going to win her. She's always so hard to win cause of the sheer volume of people entering. I wish everyone luck who goes for either Lies or Luna!
  2. It's finally time for me to post some doll meet pics again! This month has been rough with the weather, but I finally got to the South NJ meet this month. I brought my friend along, too. We actually made a side trip into Lancaster, PA and stopped by The Doll Outlet before the doll meet. Then we went to South NJ and enjoyed the meet. Today's meet ended up having a lot more than just BJDs. I even brought my new 1979 Ford Bronco radio control truck to show off before I get it dirty. We had some sci-fi action figures, blind box BJDs, and even Metal Slug video game characters! My own dolls were enjoying a lovely time in their dresses. I also had my Iplehouse SID Eva briefly in another outfit that she wore to The Doll Outlet. It was a wonderful time, and I'm looking forward to the next doll meet! I focused mostly on group shots here. Check out all of the photos from the meet in this Flickr photo album: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjC3mS5
  3. This is also being actively posted to DoA, but I thought I'd share it here too since I'm doing this project for my DD! (And she's in some of the progress pics too) I've had this 1/6 scale set of chaise lounge, footstool/ottoman, and armchair for years. I originally got them for my old Monster High and Pureneemo dolls way back, and they're actually jewelry boxes, so they open at a back hinge. Ever since I got into BJD and Dollfie Dreams I've been more into larger dolls, so I can't use these anymore, but I love the style. Thus, I've decided to recreate them in DD scale myself! My first project will focus on the chaise lounge / sofa. I won't be using the same fabric, but I'm going to try and make the shapes and construct as similar as possible, just in a much larger scale. This meant I had to do a lot of math... Not hard math, just a lot of it. I wanted to be really precise, so I took as many measurements as possible. Then all I had to do was convert all of these to 1/3 scale. I could have done the math by hand but I'm lazy so I used a converter tool online. I also took careful note of how each of the pieces was put together, as well as I could see. I was actually really surprised at how some of the pieces came together, as I hadn't really looked closely at them before. It's basically almost all cardstock of various thickness, covered in fabric and layered. Only the seat and backrest puff seem to be actually stuffed with anything. I didn't want to dedicate too much effort without knowing if the new measurements would work, especially since the lounge wasn't originally in perfect 1/6 scale and my 10% upscale was just me guessing. So I decided to make a mock-up of the important parts! I used cardboard -- finally had a use for all those shipping boxes I saved!! -- and cut out and taped together the baseboard and seat section pieces, as well as a rectangle for where the arm of the chair would be. I was honestly really surprised at how stiff and sturdy it felt even just with these "cheap materials". It didn't even have as many layers as the final would! The Stuff I Actually Worked on Today: The proportions ended up being really odd, so I took some advice from the replies to my post on DoA and adjusted some things, namely checking my doll's seated measurements and making the seat narrower. I measured her thighs first and used that as a guide to guess two possible death depths, which I marked on the original mock-up. Then I sat her down on it while it was placed on a box for height. At a fully pushed back seating position, 16cm seat depth seemed to be the best choice. Incidentally, the height of the mock-up on the box was actually perfect for her seating height too, so I measured the distance from the seat to the table, which was also 16cm. This would be the total seat height, which includes all the baseboards, the seat while stuffed, and the chair legs. I checked the added up measurements I currently had, and those were only 14cm total. I'm planning to also bevel the edges of the insert foam but I'm not 100% sure it will go well. The foam I have is 2.7cm thick and squishes down to approx 2cm. I'd consider it a "working height" of 2.3 to 2.5 cm then, since I don't think a doll will compress the foam as much as me squishing it at max strength with my fingers would. I adjusted my measurements to accommodate the foam, so the seat's total height from the floor becomes 16.4cm, which allows for the cushion to potentially squish as far as 16cm. Second Attempt At Mock-up (50%-ish progress) Next I decided that I might as well make a full mock-up of everything since I was having so many issues with scale. I worked on the backboard main piece for a while. It was difficult to adjust the measurements and then accurately draw the shape. It was originally too short, and then too tall. I think I might make it slightly shorter still, but that's as easy as just trimming the bottom! I'm also considering raising the arm height if I do trim the bottom. Notably, I just cut the original seat base for this instead of making a new one, so I need to redo the curved end too. I stuck the seat base to the backboard at the height where the top of the foam would be. It's missing all of the bottom section for now, which I will make later, plus legs. For now, I raised it on some random objects/scraps. Materials Planning Notes For the good copy materials, I'm able to buy two types of craft foam board: 1.5 cm thickness, and 0.5 cm thickness. I forgot to account for this in the original measurements, but this means anything using foam board needs to be in a multiple of 0.5cm. I'm considering using thick cardstock for some parts that are thinner than 0.5cm or that have less even numbers, but I don't know where to buy it. Everything will be cut with a scroll saw (I think that's what it's called, anyways) so the edges won't be nearly as jagged and rough as my box-cutter cardboard mess is! As for fabric, I actually have no clue what I'm gonna use yet. I was considering floral cottons, or maybe real upholstery fabric, but that might be too thick. I'm either going to use a pale floral like the original, or a solid tone fabric with a subtle pattern. Things that need to be worked on next: ♡ Adjust backboard height, raise arm ♡ re-round out the protruding seat end ♡ create the 3D arm structure ♡ mock-up the seat volume and legs (+ find jewellery box legs or make some?) ♡ find fabric to use for good copy
  4. Skygirl

    Dollfie Dream FCS

    Doesn't Volks have a "make your one" service for dollfie dream that is similar to the super dollfie fcs option? Where can I find some information about that? I think I saw something here on our site, but I can't remember where. Thank you
  5. We had a nice doll meet in Mullica Hill, NJ yesterday. We had quite the variety of everything. Check out the pics, and you'll get an idea of all that was going on! I didn't take any pics of my dolls with the TV, but it was definitely used yesterday. We had a little bit of a Street Fighter 2 rivalry going on! I also brought my Axial SCX24 Jeeps. A lot of the guys had a good time with them, but not so much the ladies. Watching Paul drive my Jeep was like watching him turn into a kid again Here's a link to the whole album for the meet on Flickr: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBRdD1
  6. Giallo_Gatta

    Ludovica's New Outfit

    My girl got a new outfit today, her second overall and her first from Volks. 😉 It's the Bordeaux Suspender Set, plus a pair of frilled socks and brown loafers. The quality is actually even better than I expected, and she feels like a very put together (and expensive) doll while wearing it. 😁 She's also wearing the v.2 MDD bodysuit in Semi-White that I picked up at the same time. https://flic.kr/p/2pjDKx2 https://flic.kr/p/2pjFqC7
  7. Hi! I'm checking out Imoneko's option busts on Booth, and can't figure out which color would be the best match for my AP in Super Whitey. Her body has a pink undertone as opposed to her head, which is a little on the yellower side. Imoneko doesn't list Super Whitey in their color matches. She matches my Semi-White 9S and 2B really well, but I'm sure I just keep overthinking things. Does anyone have a comparison of Volks White (I think Ayanami Rei was this color) and Super Whitey? Thank you! Doll Tax:
  8. Hello! I'm still quite new to the hobby so the September new outfit collection on VolksJP will be the first time I'm planning on buying newly released (limited?) items that aren't a doll preorder so I have a few questions relating to it. Mainly I'm wondering if they sell out fast and is it likely to be a click war type of situation? I am familiar with the website now and can confidently checkout on it so I'm only worried that I might miss the time they release and they end up sold out due to time zone differences, 10:00 being 02:00 in my time zone. Sorry if this has an obvious answer, I tried googling myself but many of the answers are almost a decade old and I'm unsure if things have changed much since then or are different for different types of releases 😓
  9. monkeypizzasonic

    Volks Dollfie Plus 2021

    https://dollfie.volks.co.jp/dollfieplus2021/ Looks like Volks is going to be selling some of their old 1/6 doll stock as DIY kits! The heads are a bit "generic anime", but I'm excited for the potential and it would be nice to see Volks delve into 1/6 vinyl products again. Info from the site:
  10. Vickie386

    My Mochi is Finally Whole!

    Here she is! I'm calling her just "Mochi" Her head is from NiyaMia on Etsy. I'm not super crazy about this wig on her, but it's the only thing I have right now that fits and looks somewhat appropriate.
  11. Hi all! I have a doubt: my new Sailor Moon doesn't have the 25th Anniversary mark on her sticker box (see picture below), though she's an original product. I saw other boxex with the same weird feature (Mercury and Mars as well). Could you tell me please if Volks did a different version? Thank you!
  12. Claudia79

    Sailor's tiara issues

    Hello everyone! 🙂 I'm new of Dollfie's world and I have a question that has probably been asked before. I'd like to know what is the best way to protect my Sailor warriors foreheads (I have four of them and I'm looking for Jupiter so badly). They're still in boxes, but when I'll put them on display they'll wear Volks wig caps and the tape on the back of the tiara. Is it enough to avoid stains on their head? Thank you!
  13. apag22

    The arcade master, Sakura!

    On top of BJDs/vinyl dolls, I also collect American Girls! This PACMAN cabinet is for the 1980s doll, Courtney, and fits MDD sized dolls perfectly!
  14. Can you put a Volks SDM head on a SD10 Volks body ? I have an old sd10 body just sitting around(gave away the the head a long time ago) and a friend of mine just got an sdm Yuri, she said she didn’t want the head any more and that she was going to sell it(btw I’ve never see an sdm)so I said I would buy in from her but I don’t have any 1/4 msd bodies at the moment, so i was going to try hybrid for the first time but I don’t know if it will work because I don’t know how small the head will be should I try or just buy a msd body for her instead?
  15. I made a very detailed YouTube video unboxing and dressing up of my Rena from the mystery horror anime When They Cry ( Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)! Additionally, I unpackaged her school uniform. Please enjoy! 😊
  16. apag22

    Volks USA Haul for MDD

    Hi! I picked up my order from Volks USA today, so I thought I would share some pictures! The bag! Everything I got! Two outfits, four hand sets (accidentally ordered two of the peace sign set lol), a new wig, and the wig ring thingie to help it stay on better (it was worth the three dollars!!) Both of the outfits I got, I am so pleased with the Volks quality! Su Here is Suki in the skirt set (it reminds me of old Emily Temple Cute or Meta~) I actually LOVE this outfit on Suki, I am so glad I got it! We are currently waiting on an order from Volks Japan. There will be some more outfits, socks, and some shoes in that order. I also placed a few Etsy orders as well, so she will have a closet full of clothes soon! Also, do you think the name Suki suits her? I'm not in love with it If you have any suggestions please let me know!
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