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Cleaning your DD. How do you do it?

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I already saw various tutorials about removing stains.

But, how do you clean your DD? Normal cleanning, not stain removal.


Beatrice Shapelly bust tends to gather dust! Last time, I pressed her bust for easy acess, usead an clean cloth to remove dust, after I used an water spray and dry it with another clean cloth. There is an easier way?



And how do you clean the DD after outdoor shots? I love taking garden pics, so she sometimes gets pretty dirty....

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For general cleaning i use some isopropyl alcohol and a magic sponge

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For doing basic cleaning in the house, I just use a soft, damp cloth. It always gets any loose dust off them easily. But mine don't get dusty due to me changing their clothing and doing photos of them so often. But they still get it sometimes on their eyes and down in between their breasts.


As for cleaning them up from getting dirty either outside or whatever, I always use a Mr. Clean Magic eraser. All it takes is some water and then a few wipes and any surface dirt is gone. It has even worked on slight stains for me too. I just wipe them off with a soft, dry towel after the eraser. I usually clean my girls after I have them outside tho. They get a full body wash with the eraser to make sure nothing gets in their joints or in spots I may not have seen.


So for me, the Mr. Clean Erasers work wonders on keeping my girls clean and fresh.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Thanks for all the tips!


But I never saw anything like the material of these erasers or foam being sold here... I just know then from reading about it.....


Maybe I should import some trough ebay. For now, soft cloth will be my friend.

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I like to use a little (clean) paintbrush to get off dust/lint from the, er, cleavage. It's also handy when you're doing photos to brush the eyes and face first, sometimes the little dust doesn't show up on the viewfinder

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I like to use a little (clean) paintbrush to get off dust/lint from the, er, cleavage. It's also handy when you're doing photos to brush the eyes and face first, sometimes the little dust doesn't show up on the viewfinder

This is a great point. So many times dust or even a stray hair doesn't show up to my eye or in the viewfinder of the camera but once the image is on the computer it seems to show up so clearly.


I have a 1 inch soft and clean paint brush I use as a small duster. It sometimes works as an easy way to manipulate a stray hair out of the way as well.



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Has anyone said compressed air?


I skimmed and didn't see it. I just use compressed air for dust- some with all our electronics and computers. Sometimes harsher abrasives (even alcohol) can ruin the vinyl finish and I reserve that for stain removal. Nothing a little MSC can't fix but still... I am super, stupidly picky. ^^;;;;;


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I usually you a magic eraser and water to clean. Works very well. usually do it 2 times a month since Aoi travels with me.



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Well, hello everybody, this is my first post but Ive been around for a couple of weeks now... I know I should have introduced my self first, and I properly will... right now the more I read about it this staining thing is starting to freak me out, i realize it is a big ISSUE for almost everyone and I dont have her in my hands yet so I want to get everything I NEED for when she arrives


So what about Dollfie Sponge Cleaner at Volks site? Is it the same as Mr Clean Magic Eraser?

Im ordering my first DD tomorrow and already bought her clothes, wigs and stuff but no seller I made business with had this mr clean eraser thing which I have only heard of here, so I figured out I could search the volks site and found the Dollfie Sponge Cleaner which Im consider ordering since its only five bucks and it will ship in the same package... So, has any of you/someone you heard of used it?



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First, hello puxlavoix!


I haven't tried the Sponge Cleaner from Volks because I found magic eraser for dirt cheap (less than five bucks) at a local shop. Have you tried looking for it in the cleaning section of supermarkets/drugstores (every other shop with cleaning sections)? You'll probably find it, it's advertised as a dirt remover. It doesn't even have to be the original Mr Clean Magic Eraser, another (off)brand one will do the job as well. Mine is called power sponge but it works and looks the same as every other magic eraser.

home  Victoria Beatrice {DD Beatrice}  DD 2B  DDB 9S  Lavi {TF Murphy}  Mocha {TF Fluffy}  Anastasia {TF Ashley}  TakoTako {TF Piercy}

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First, hello puxlavoix!


I haven't tried the Sponge Cleaner from Volks because I found magic eraser for dirt cheap (less than five bucks) at a local shop. Have you tried looking for it in the cleaning section of supermarkets/drugstores (every other shop with cleaning sections)? You'll probably find it, it's advertised as a dirt remover. It doesn't even have to be the original Mr Clean Magic Eraser, another (off)brand one will do the job as well. Mine is called power sponge but it works and looks the same as every other magic eraser.


I think youre absolutely right, now Im sure this is something like a generic type cleaner with the Volks/Mr Clean / whatever brand on it... Glad I asked The thing is I have not found that sort of thing here in Mexico City , not that Ive been looking that much hehe.. but Im gonna give it a chance since I just ordered Yukino. I dont want to risk not having the proper tool around in case its needed and continue to look for it in shops. Thanks!!



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Nightmare Tea

This is something I have been wondering; Are baby wipes safe?

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This is something I have been wondering; Are baby wipes safe?



Hmm, I've never tried baby wipes to clean off my girls. I'd think they may be ok for a quick cleanup but I don't know how safe it owuld be to use them often or to scrub a stain or dirt. Maybe someone else has tried it? Interesting question tho.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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After a heavy duty stain-removal session on my MDD body with Remove-Zit, I wiped her down with a Lysol cleaning wipe (which is much stronger than a baby wipe!) and she's fine. It took off the waxy residue from the Remov-Zit.


I gave the vinyl parts a rinse in tap water and dried them to get off any cleanser and then dried her off with a towel before putting her together again.


I don't think a baby wipe will do anything to remove stains, but if you're just removing dust you could probably get the same result with a damp paper towel.


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Ours got a few clothing stains on her and soap and water didnt work, ewe even tried a magic eraser. The best bet is to get Removeszit but its like $24 after shipping for a small container, works like a charm though

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I haven't tried the Sponge Cleaner from Volks because I found magic eraser for dirt cheap (less than five bucks) at a local shop. Have you tried looking for it in the cleaning section of supermarkets/drugstores (every other shop with cleaning sections)? You'll probably find it, it's advertised as a dirt remover. It doesn't even have to be the original Mr Clean Magic Eraser, another (off)brand one will do the job as well. Mine is called power sponge but it works and looks the same as every other magic eraser.


I found one sponge from 3M that one side is an normal sponge, and the other magic Eraser!


Ours got a few clothing stains on her and soap and water didnt work, ewe even tried a magic eraser. The best bet is to get Removeszit but its like $24 after shipping for a small container, works like a charm though

I used an normal acne cream to remove some stains in Beatrice. It took a little time, cause I was using an 5% benzoic peroxide that I got as a free sample. Now, as I got a "new" stained body, I bought a large tube of 10% cream at my local drugstore, and it was really cheap.

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I use the UK version of the Magic Eraser from a company called JLM "Doktor Power Magic Eraser".


Comes in a Big long slab for £5 UKP and can be cut with a nice sharp model blade to whatever size you need.


I also use basic Model thinners from Tamiya with the eraser to remove a lite stain that sometimes comes from socks.


Other than that I use a bit of Soap and water to do a proper clean.


I also have a ladies make up brush (blusher style) to dust between Sae's & Aoi's chest (when they let me)

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the most cleaning i've had done for Kanu is using a dry, clean paintbrush.

im too cautious to have her outside for too long, especially if i have her standing on soil.


considering how useful the Magic Eraser seems to be, i should probably pick some up as well. Remove-Zit sounds like a great remedy for stains as well as the Lysol cleaning wipes. these are things to keep note of.

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