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Youmu Konpaku Idea and Male DD Questions~

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I'm thinking about in the far far future (when I have way more funds, etc), of buying a Youmu Konpaku head or just a fullset (since she runs cheaper than most of the other dolls). Reason being, is because I would like to make her into a him. I've seen other people do this switch but I have no idea how and what they use. Can one just sand off the DDS boobs off or would that render the torso too frail to hold its own after all the sanding? O: Or would just having a S Bust be acceptable and sanding the nips flat? I heard of people getting a SS Bust, but I have no idea what that is (other than assuming that it means Super Small Bust but I've never seen those) and how expensive it would be to get one. O:

I would like my Youmu Konpaku to be a regular DD size though not the DDS that she originally is (I do not want to use an Obitsu body though, just to put that out there. I really want to try to stick to strict DD parts). I would also want to get a custom face-up done, etc to make Youmu look more boyish/teenager-ish.

In addition, have you guys ever thought that Youmu has a bit of a boyish look to her face or is it just me? Let me know what you guys think and what you've done in this situation, if you've been in it.

Thank you so much for reading in advance! ^^

Edited by Pickle

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I've never sanded before but I don't think it would be an issue to sand the nipples off any sized DD bust. Youmu looks rather strange to me (no offense to her owners, of course!) It's like her nose isn't there and someone here who owns her mentioned the same thing. I have seen a repaint where she looks totally gorgeous and feminine but I think she would make a nice male DD as well. SS bust is a very small bust used on Chihaya and the future Miku. It's pretty darn flat but still you can tell it's a girl's chest.


I think there was a sanding tutorial in the customization section.

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Sanding off the busts completely won't work since they are mostly hollow. SS bust for Miku will be semi-white skin, but Volks will eventually make a standard release normal skin SS bust. I think SS works well for a slender boy if the clothes are loose fitting. You could also wait for Danny Choo's smart doll male version to be released.

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I think Youmu would be a great sculpt for a boy DD I thought that since I saw her. You can use DD body with S-bust and maybe wait for Volks to release SS-bust separately (I'm waiting too!). If you dress him in loose clothes or layered clothes, the breasts shouldn't be too noticeable... Good luck!

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