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Where to put a certain forum post?

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I'm thinking about starting a giveaway. However, it wouldn't be a normal giveaway with numbers etc to see who would win. It'd be with answering simple questions and me picking the best applicant to win. I don't know where I would put this since the item would essentially be free.

Anybody know where I might be able to put this kind of post?

Thank you for your time guys and I appreciate any help you can give! :3

Edited by Pickle

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I think it depends on what the item is that you are giving away.


DD - General Dollfie Dream Discussions

Obitsu/SQLabs - Obitsu & SQLabs

Smart Doll - Smart Doll

Another doll brand - Off-Topic Dolls

Anything else - Off-Topic


That's what I'd do, but maybe someone else may have another opinion.

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Arienette said:
I think it depends on what the item is that you are giving away.


DD - General Dollfie Dream Discussions

Obitsu/SQLabs - Obitsu & SQLabs

Smart Doll - Smart Doll

Another doll brand - Off-Topic Dolls

Anything else - Off-Topic


That's what I'd do, but maybe someone else may have another opinion.

It's for a DD item. 🙂

I'll see if I can get more opinions before finally posting on the General Dollfie Dream Discussion forums though. Thanks for the insight! : D

Edited by Pickle

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If it is for promoting a service you normally ask money for (faceup, custom clothes, ecc) I would put it in the marketplace. If it's for gifting something I would post it in general.



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pharaviel said:
If it is for promoting a service you normally ask money for (faceup, custom clothes, ecc) I would put it in the marketplace. If it's for gifting something I would post it in general.

Thanks for the help pharaviel.


Ends up turning out that I won't be doing the giveaway after all. I was planning on giving WS Alna's head away but I found a home for her~ Sooo yup. :3

Edited by Pickle

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