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DDS Clothing Question & Help!

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Hello everyone! I am still rather new to the Dollfie world, and the boards are still a bit overwhelming for me to navigate, so please forgive me if I overlooked a thread that would have already answered these questions.


Right now, I am shopping for clothing for a DDS M bust. This is my first time buying non-volks clothing for a Dollfie. So, I guess I am wondering a couple of things:


-What compatibility should I be looking for? Can a DDS wear standard Dollfie Dream clothes or even DDdy clothes?


-Shop recommendations? I am having a hard time finding a good store for shoes, I am looking for simple everyday clothes. I have had some luck on Etsy, but I would like to avoid Yahoo.jp if possible until that is my only option.


Overall, I feel like it is a bit daunting trying to make sure I am buying clothes that will fit, especially since they are often from sold internationally, so returns are difficult if not impossible!


Any guidance that you friendly people could offer me would be great, thank you so much!

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The DDS and DD2/3 bodies are all pretty similar in size so *most* things that fit one of these bodies will work on the others. Now if you're looking for very form fitting clothing then the DDS is a bit thinner and shorter than the DD2 and DD3 so not everything will be a perfect and snug fit. But if a looser fit is cool with you then there's lots of places to choose nice clothes from.


Oh, DDdy clothing will NOT fit a DDS at all.... the chest on a DDdy is way too big and so is the waist so any skirts or pants will slide right off a DDS. And the tops will be super loose and roomy on one too.


I've got one DDS girl and she wears clothing from Volks quite often. But she also wears things from the following places and looks good in them:


Nightfall: http://nightfallwalker.web.fc2.com/frame.htm


Cool Cats: http://us.sk-coolcat.com/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Category=185695&Part=bjd08


Alices Collections: http://www.acbjd.com/clothes-girl-outfits-c-3_28.html?zenid=52d27f7dc057a60d388bb87c0016cb48


Mint On Card: http://www.mintoncardinc.com/dolls/browse.php?toys=shop&BJD=58&name=Large+Girls+56+-+60cm&cbh=75


Nine9style: http://www.nine9style.net/index.php



As for shoes, Alices Collections has some nice ones but they aren't always a perfect fit. Some can be a bit loose while others are a tad tight. But so far I've been happy with them.




Mint on Card has lots of shoes at good prices and they are based in the US. I've got a ton of shoes from them and almost all have fit very nicely.





Hopefully that gets you started!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Billy! Thank you so much this is some wonderful stuff, I already feel less lost


I appreciate the help and pulling these links together for me XD

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I've had no problems sharing clothes between my M bust DDS and M bust DD. I've also had success with the following:


  • Baggy MSD sized shirts, long sleeve shirts might end up being closer to a 3/4 sleeve shirt
  • MSD sized skirts, are a bit tight pulling over their hips but if you aren't afraid of taking their torso off you can put them on that way... Depending on the length of the skirt, it might be a bit too short... But nothing a pair of tights or stockings won't fix...
  • SOME MSD sized boots will fit! I've had success with the 3 pairs of zip up boots that I own. All the other kinds of shoes haven't worked for me. It's always best to double check the inside length of the shoes if possible.


For stores....


  • Rrabit - http://rrabit.com/rrabitstore/rrabitshop/index.php/ ; I've found that the clothes are a bit baggy as they are meant more for SD dolls. The skirts & jacket I've bought are fine, the stockings are lovely but are a bit loose
  • Dollmore - http://www.dollmore.net ; has a wide range of clothing & other accessories, I haven't actually shopped here in awhile... But I think that the Model Doll Woman size will fit Dollfie Dreams better than the SD size, might be a bit loose but not as loose as the SD size


:'D I personally find it easier to find& buy things off of taobao since my friends and I use it a lot;; It helps that there is a review system so I can check some items, but usually I just go with whichever store is more popular in the search resultes or the shops that have been mentioned more in other BJD blogs;;;;


For shoes a big thing to watch out for is whether or not the shoe was meant for a doll with high heel feet! While it's not impossible to put your girls foot into the shoe it might be difficult! If possible, go for a pair that has laces or is more like a sandal... Heeled boots with just a zipper is really hard ( and I haven't been successful with those lol ) If you need picture examples just let me know :3

If the shoes are a bit loose & they are closed toe shoes, I just put in a bit of folded tissue to act as an insole. I've seen a tutorial where they used cardboard to make insoles though, tissue was just simpler for me :'D

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Thank you both so much for the advice and the help! I bought my new girl her first outfit!!


Here is all that I got her:


-Volks Polka Dot Hoodie W/ Shirt (Not planning on using the shorts)

-Dark Blue Hot Pants

-White Leggings

-Nice Sandal Shoes

-Cute Purple Sneakers


14856686079_29b0e03a43_z.jpgHaruka's Outfit by MoeTotoro, on Flickr


When she wants to look more casual she will wear the leggings and the sneakers, but to dress it up a bit more it will just be the shirt, shorts and sandals

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Yami Usagi

I love what you bought for her!

Especially those sandals! Celeste would totally love a pair.

I've noticed in photos that your girl is always well dressed, so I look forward to seeing what else you find for her. But in the meantime, I hope she enjoys her new threads

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I love what you bought for her!

Especially those sandals! Celeste would totally love a pair.

I've noticed in photos that your girl is always well dressed, so I look forward to seeing what else you find for her. But in the meantime, I hope she enjoys her new threads


Ahhh, thank you Yami! I appreciate it I am going to DragonCon this weekend in Atlanta, and I am hoping I might be able to pick up a few more things there!

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