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Resin dolls anybody?

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OMG! It';s a Zelda doll.

I'm currently working on a DD version

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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Zelda I really would like a DD version of her!

Home : Hitomi, Kaori, Lily, Natsuki, Kotori, Yui, Kagami, , Maya, Hana

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I have seven complete dolls at the moment and four flying heads.

Two SDs, all boys and all from Luts. I love Luts dolls, especially CP Delfs/Delfs. I have CP Delf Chiwoo Limited Vampire, CP Delf El and Senior Delf Uriel Romantic.

Two MSDs, Dollmore Kid Suntan Momo and Fairlyland Minifee Soo.

One YOSD, Bambicorny Ciao Bella Marion in tan and an anthro, Doll Factory Unicorn Conie in white resin.


The heads are two SDs, Delf Nanuri 06 and Luts Delf Juri 05 and two MSDs Fairyland Minifee Shushu and Luts Kid Delf Winter Event 2012 Girl.

I got the Delf heads around last week so I'm still planning what to do with them. Juri is going to stay here for sure. I'm on the edge with Nanuri though. I bought the head with intentions to turn it into a girl, but the more I look at it, the more I see a cheeky smiley boy. Not sure what to do with it.

Same thing happened with my first SD, I bought Chiwoo to turn him into a girl and he ended up being a boy after all.

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Actually at one point I had 3! Now i'veonly got one left though, and Im never ever letting go of him


Heres a pic of my dear boy, Liam:


Fordi Liam er sød (2) by PinkieOo, on Flickr


He's a dollzone Hid, normal yellow :3 Their old body type, as I brought him almost 4 years ago

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Actually, I started collecting resin BJDs before taking a real interest in DDs. When I was trying to decide which type of doll to start with, I was really agonizing over the cost of a DD (at least just the basic body and head) so I went with a low-end BJD as a start. I modify my dolls and have come to find that I really like resin, but I suddenly got bit by the DD bug and just "had to have" one. I have 3 BJDs at home (and two on the way) and I've actually handled my fair share of BJDs, but I really want to know what it's like to work and play with a vinyl doll. I don't have any dolls that are girly and sexy like a DD, and I'm hoping that she'll be a great addition to the rest of my collection as well.

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ALL THE RESIN! hehe ^__^


List of my resin boys:

Doll-Love Deep Lake, whom I've named Sebastian. (He's now on a modified Doll-Love girl body, from originally coming on the boy body.)

Ringdoll Sol (in pure normal skin) named Nathaniel.

Luts/CP Delf Limited Lu-Wen called Faenor, I always refer to him as just 'Fae'.

*R* Soom Chalco (tan skin) named Alexi.

Narae 406 (on Narin body) called Amé-Lilura.

Raurencio Studio Adonis named Matéwa

Mystic Kids Milo/Dikadoll hybrid, called Asher.


I've had more dolls before, which I rehomed Those included a Resinsoul Li, Doll-Love Kaja, Dollshe Saint head, Doll-Love Alice boy, Little Monica Demetri head, Little Monica Dyuke head and a Doll-Love Nichi.

Also have a Dikadoll Leica head for faceup practice, and a *R* Volks SDGr girl body which has a head incoming ^__^

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It has been years since I have had a resin BJD, but after going to a local BJD convention I'm miss having one...

There are so many new companies and pretty molds. Time to go on a "research" spree!

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It has been years since I have had a resin BJD, but after going to a local BJD convention I'm miss having one...

There are so many new companies and pretty molds. Time to go on a "research" spree!


Yeah, there's most definitely a lot more new companies emerging now, but it's great to have such a large variety to choose from.

More companies are also making anime/DD style resin dolls too, like Luts, which is awesome ^__^

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I've been visiting local BJD meets and fell in love with Pipos creatures. When I finally decided to give in and order blank Charlotte, Pipos had this special event and I ended up getting this cute little cheese mouse. She's tiny (14cm) and fun to carry around ^_^



My blog Pihlajakoto

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Aww, I love the cheese mice! She's super cute OwO

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She is super cute!


I have a tiny anthro myself but what buggs me is that her tail and wings are attached with magnets and it makes it easy to misplace them. The magnets are quite strong but I'm always afraid of leaving them behind somewhere.

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I really wanted to share some pics of my Elise here.

She is not a new doll but I don't think I already posted pics of her here. She has just received a new dress and I love love her. Hope you will enjoy ^_^. Thanks for looking.



Elise in La Petite Madeleine par aeris76, sur Flickr



Elise in La Petite Madeleine par aeris76, sur Flickr

Home : Hitomi, Kaori, Lily, Natsuki, Kotori, Yui, Kagami, , Maya, Hana

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I have a few resin girls, all unfinished though so I don't have proper pictures of them....


I have a Littlefee Ante, Minifee Chloe, Unoa Lusis and Feeple65 Siean.... and a dollshe saint head xD

Wilhemina (WS 03 DDdy)

Jezebelle (DD Alice Kuonji custom DDdy)

Mariette (DD Mariko custom DDdy)

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Your Elise is gorgeous, and I love that dress on her! <3 I admit I'm also really biased about the Lieselotte mold. It is just such a pretty mold! >w<




I can actually step back in here as I've ordered four resin dolls and now I'm just waiting (well, one is only layaway, so I've got a while.) Admittedly I'm not collecting DD anymore, but I'm stuck in the habit of coming here, and I still love looking, so whatever. XD


The cuties I'm waiting on are:

Rosenlied Charlotte - Alice Phenomena: http://www.rosenlied.com/eng/sub/view_product.php?Code=1377320517&CatNo=73

DearMine Heather & DearMine Oskar:




There is actually a pretty nifty story with how I got Oskar!

And the girlie on layaway is a Lillycat's Cerisedolls Loonette!



I admit I'm most excited for my Loonette. I even splurged and got her Dollflower eyes and I'm getting an outfit commissioned for her! I just adore her. Her name is Cherry, btw. the DearMine Heather is Eva, the DearMine Oskar is Ilya, and the Rosenlied girl is Alice. ^^

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Wow, I remember when Loonette was a work-in-progress on a doll sculpting forum! I love Lillycat's dynamic bodies.


The cartoon body is amazing, and I adore the shape of her hips/thighs. Plus her head is so cute. >w< I'm super excited for her. Lillycat is an amazing sculptor.

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Edited by ParacosmDoll

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I still have a few resin dolls left. Three from Soom, Mylo, Beyla and Tona. Also have Secretdoll Person 21 and a Fairyland Pukipuki Darjeeling. Pic is of Person 21 going for a sled ride.

Edited by Guest

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My newest addition arrived on Saturday, he's a Souldoll Vampire Kagel, I can't post photos yet so can't share any of my resin gang on here at the moment. I've got quite a few resin BJDs now although half my collection seems to be made up of floating heads so this next year will be spend trying to get everyone bodies

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Ew, I love that Souldoll vamp I just got my Resinsoul AI back from the face up artist a few weeks ago and while I wouldn't have believed it she is even better looking in person. Let me see if I can find the link to the pic the artist posted.....http://illness-illusion.com/index/?tag=ai Here she is. I hope the link works. I am eagerly waiting for her eyes, wig, and outfit. Silje is making her outfit and her clothes are to die for, so I can't wait to see it!! Eyes and wig are ordered, but will probably take a bit. I wasn't sure I would like the Resinsoul dolls, but in person, and with the right amount of making up, I REALLY like them. I will be getting her a sister soon, I think. I'm thinking red and doing a day doll to go with Nyx

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Wow gothikgrrl that faceup and the tattooing are amazing

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I got into resin before DDs.


My resin family has gone through quite a bit of changes this year.

Currently, I have a Volks SDGr Ryoya Konoe, Okita Souji, and Lorina. I also have a Fairyland Pukifee Pong Pong. :3 I recently placed an order on Peakswoods FOF Sir Tin (girl) and Leo (boy). I'm so excited for them to arrive as it has been so long since my last new resin doll purchase straight from the company and not second hand from the marketplace!

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As several others, I have been into resin dolls before I now finally acquired a DD.

I have 24 resin dolls to date, mostly Soom and IpleHouse, and most of them are large girls.

My most treasured one is Opal (Soom Beryl in her original release), she is my precious, even if I love the other dolls as well.

Promise to post pictures of them when I can.

For those of you that are curious, please visit "the old magicians abode" (search through Google, it usually works fine), where all my dolls and their history can be found.

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Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum in general (only been here a few weeks, maybe a month) and completely new to this thread. I have my first resin on her way home now and already have plans for a second one later in the year. I'll get pictures up on this thread when my incoming girl arrives. She's a white skin Doll Love Linna. Feel free to message me to talk about resins, or DDs as I really need help in that department. I'd love some Doll Love YoSD or just general YoSD spam!

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