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Howdy from the Lone Star State

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Hi, I'm not a doll collector but ever since I found out about Dollfies from the dannychoo.com website i've been hooked on them ever since. I don't own one sadly but I hope one day I will I've already researched a little bit and I know exactly what I want to get (xDD) I've even have pictures of Dollfies saved onto my computers to give me both hope nad inspiration for when I'm finally able to adopt a Dollfie.


Anywho, I'm a college student right now trying to study hotel and restarraunt management. But right now I'm getting my basic classes out of the way. I spent a good 2-3 years bumming around my home because I had the typical college student problem: What am I going to major in? Will I and can I stick with it. I jumped around from Graphic Design to Nursing to CNA then finally I settled on Hotel and Restaraunt Management.


I'm 20 right now but my 21st birthday is coming. It's on Septermber 23 xDD I'll be sure to have and hopefully in the future I'll be able to take a trip to Japan with my friends and before I come home I'll get myself a Dollfie xDD The firsst thing I do when I get to Japan is go straight to the shinto shrines xDD

Check out my Flickr account for pics of my random artwork: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikoakiko23/sets/72157627987461066/


Hopefully I should have pics of a first daughter by next year ^^

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  MikoAkiko23 said:
I've even have pictures of [Dollfie Dream®] saved onto my computers to give me both hope [and] inspiration for when I'm finally able to adopt a [Dollfie Dream®].

Just like me when I first started. I had a few of Volks' images saved on my computer. One word of advice - buy Remove-Zit, Oxy10, or any of the other stain removers when you decide to take the plunge and get a Dollfie Dream®.


  MikoAkiko23 said:
Anywho, I'm a college student right now trying to study hotel and restarraunt management. But right now I'm getting my basic classes out of the way. I spent a good 2-3 years bumming around my home because I had the typical college student problem: What am I going to major in? Will I and can I stick with it. I jumped around from Graphic Design to Nursing to CNA then finally I settled on Hotel and Restaraunt Management.

A bachelor degree isn't important (unless it's a Mathematics/Science degree - e.g. a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering). Study what you want now and worry about it later when you are trying to get into a graduate school for your Master and/or Ph.D. I'm a college student myself, and I find a college degree to be a luxury. The field that I'm going into, trading, doesn't require a college degree. I just need to buy books and establish a foundation for the field, and start trading in real-time. Lucky me~


  MikoAkiko23 said:
I'm 20 right now but my 21st birthday is coming. It's on Septermber 23 xDD I'll be sure to have and hopefully in the future I'll be able to take a trip to Japan with my friends and before I come home I'll get myself a Dollfie xDD The firsst thing I do when I get to Japan is go straight to the shinto shrines xDD

Happy Super Early Birthday! I'm might forget, you see. *grab a pen and paper


Welcome to the board, MikoAkiko23!! I hope you like it here.

DD 娘 - Dollfie Dream® Daughters

{1} : DDS [ユ-ピィ] - Euphie

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Welcome! ^^ I'm rather new as well, but I'll try to offer whatever help I can.


I can't speak much on the issue of college, as I had to leave it last year to focus on my currently budding career as a BJD dealer, hoping from convention to convention with dollies in tow.


However, like Halcyon I will also wish you a happy really early birthday and try to remember it so I can tell you again when it arrives, hopefully. ^^

A crazy fool with a house full of dolls, and ponies, and pony dolls


Now an Official Dealer for SQ Lab!

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Welcome!! Good luck on your studies!



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Welcome, MikoAkiko23! My family is from Texas too. I hope you like it here on the forum.

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Welcome, welcome!


There's a few Texans 'round these parts! *^^*


Nice to meet you~


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Welcome to this nice place <3

Here you will learn a lot more about DDs and I hope you can find "the one only for you" ><

Have fun!!!

enthusiast pasta girl - she/her - power bi

Mini Mode Lab

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Thank you everyone. I feel welcome already. I can tell there are quite a few fellow Texans here. That's good. Unfortunately the only Volks store in Texas that i know is in Austin I think. I'm going to save up and buy a dollfie later from the Volks website.

Check out my Flickr account for pics of my random artwork: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikoakiko23/sets/72157627987461066/


Hopefully I should have pics of a first daughter by next year ^^

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Welcome to the forum MikioAkiko23!!! Glad you joined us. I wish you luck in getting your first DD, nothing is as nice as getting your first one. I still remember how excited I was when I got my Sakura last year.


If your going to Japan hopefully you will get lucky and find a DD at a good price. I know our very own Balldylox (aka - Billy) came back from his Japan trip with 2 daughters that are just wonderful girls. He might be able to give you some tips about where to look.



Otaku Depot's growing family.



Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.

― Terry Pratchett, Jingo

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  OtakuDepot said:
If you're going to Japan hopefully you will get lucky and find a DD at a good price. I know our very own Balldylox (aka - Billy) came back from his Japan trip with 2 daughters that are just wonderful girls. He might be able to give you some tips about where to look.


Ahhh, memories! It seems like yesterday that I brought home Rei and Yoko.


Sorry to be late here but welcome to the boards! I hope you enjoy your stay.


If you do have questions on where to look for DD's while in Japan, don't hesitate to ask. I'm not the only one who has been there and gotten great deals on them. You just need to take your time and look around and you're sure to see something you'll like. So please ask if you need any help.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  baldylox said:
  OtakuDepot said:
If you're going to Japan hopefully you will get lucky and find a DD at a good price. I know our very own Balldylox (aka - Billy) came back from his Japan trip with 2 daughters that are just wonderful girls. He might be able to give you some tips about where to look.


Ahhh, memories! It seems like yesterday that I brought home Rei and Yoko.


Sorry to be late here but welcome to the boards! I hope you enjoy your stay.


If you do have questions on where to look for DD's while in Japan, don't hesitate to ask. I'm not the only one who has been there and gotten great deals on them. You just need to take your time and look around and you're sure to see something you'll like. So please ask if you need any help.





Thank you. Actually I have to save up for Japan so my only hope would be to order a Dollfie Dream from the Volks USA site or from Kerbey Lane Shop since its in Texas (in Austin) I've already figured out I need stain remover and there are many talented facial painters on the forums (since I can't paint anything to save my life)


I've already made a forum for an idea I have for my first Dollfie and it's quite special to me because she's one of my most cherished original characters (that a Imade for the Inuyasha world but oh well lol) viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1136


LOL I've decided I wanted Akiko to have a DDdy body witha a shapely bust and the DDH-02 or 03 head or the new one which is supposed to be DDH-05 but for some reason got labeled as DDH-06 lol. And she's got blue-gray eyes and black hair...and she's a Shinto priestess.


Too bad though. I wish I had a Dollfie Dream to hang with considering my birthday is this Friday on the 23rd....the big 2-1 xDD oh well I got my friends to hang with but the first chance I get I'm getting a Dollfie...and if I'm lucky enough I could be getting one next summer when I go to Comic con in San Diego.

Check out my Flickr account for pics of my random artwork: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikoakiko23/sets/72157627987461066/


Hopefully I should have pics of a first daughter by next year ^^

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