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S.Pe.C.K Arrival

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Another week, another idea that just didnt work as I had planned initially.


Everything pretty much snowballed out of seeing littleberries Speck head for sale, and thus the grumpy DDH01 from Michigan landed here after a tour in Germany.





Initially I had the above idea of Shino reading out from a Speck manual about how to handle the new addition, but the ideas just became a bit too bleepbersome logistically to manage... and also the pretty sunlight I had untill I rolled up to my house from work today, then pretty much vanished without a trace, so... so much for that idea.


I havent decided on a final name for the head yet, but I also wanted to do homage to her original name, in the manner of a product name of sorts. She does not yet have a bespoke body, and is borrowing Nina's... hence the socks to cover up the bigger stains.


But first here's the general screenplay of things I had thought of, before the Sprout copyright infringing photo set:


Congratulations on the aquirement of a Superior Personality Companion Kerfuffle

hereon referred to as a Speck.



By default your Speck comes with many good attributes,

but there are a few precautions to consider for daily operation.


1. First contact with the Speck


When first waking up from hybernation your speck will be a little moody.

Please have atleast one cookie, preferably a chocolate chip variant at

hand to soothe the initial irritation, the deeper the vocal appreciation (also known as a Burp)

it gives afterwards, the better the following relationship with the owner will ensue.


*Cookie eating burping gag*


2. Following Interraction with the Speck.


As a baseline Specks are a little moody, however good natured.

As a guideline, when treated nice, the Speck will try its best to return the compliments.



3.1 Naming of the Speck


Specks have a pequliar affinity for names, they will not attach to any given name.

But please be persistant in giving it one, as it will help general communication

later on.


*Insert Bueller-Bueller-Bueller gag*


3.1 Naming of the speck continued


If the Speck happens to lock up during this procedure, please try to get its

attention with something.


*oooh-Shiny! gag*


4. Entertaining the speck.


The Speck will by natural tendancies seek out entertainment within the household.

It might however show pequliar preferences.


*Speck listens to limp bizkit, watches Dredd, and plays Burnout Paradise*


5. Continued interaction with the Speck


Specks in general have a few weak points to consider.


5.1. In general they have a height anxiety. They would prefer to be shorter in height.

Presenting them with shorter induviduals might cause some uncertain results.


*Speck runs into MSD Blanc*


5.2 If for whatever reason your speck does get depressed, generally sweet foodstuffs will

get it back to more positive outlooks.

*more cookies*


5.3 The Specks general attitude is wanting to help, but having a high threshold in asking to

be involved. They need to be actively asked into events or happenings around the house.



5.4 The speck might resort to Vocal outbursts if ignored for prolongued periods of time.

*Total fit gag*



And here's the actual photo sets where I got to feature some more ferry loot, and moe's PJ set again:

Again, fully knowing about the possible Sprout copyright infringement.





























Thanks for watching.

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I'm sooooo glad you were able to get her! I really like her look and she should provide you with tons of fun while interacting with the rest of your family.


Those photos of her are just adorable! I love the outfit and the look on her face says she either hates it or she loves it and wants us to THINK she hates it. LOL Either way she looks great and I totally approve!


Now about this Sprout copyright infringement..... just pay Sprout a tribute every month and everything will be fine.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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*chuckle* Awesome story, makes me wonder if every grumpy MDD needs to come with an owners manual!


Again, fully knowing about the possible Sprout copyright infringement.


I think that, as long as there are monthly (at least!) cookie tributes, there won't be any lawyers knocking at your door!


Congrats on your new (grumpy) arrival!

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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I'm sooooo glad you were able to get her! I really like her look and she should provide you with tons of fun while interacting with the rest of your family.


Those photos of her are just adorable! I love the outfit and the look on her face says she either hates it or she loves it and wants us to THINK she hates it. LOL Either way she looks great and I totally approve!

Thanks, mmm.. I remember the first pics littleberries put up going, "Well thats properly sour". might be some amusing bouncing around possibilities with Blanc.


The PJ's are indeed a fun little thing.. too bad its a bit too specific pourpose for every day use.. heh.

*chuckle* Awesome story, makes me wonder if every grumpy MDD needs to come with an owners manual!

mmm.. helps to understand them a little bit better. and get the character rolling. Although here speck is on a DDS body.. will have to see if thats going to be a permament solution once I get around to getting her her own body... after I get a few others their own bodies..


Now about this Sprout copyright infringement..... just pay Sprout a tribute every month and everything will be fine.

I think that, as long as there are monthly (at least!) cookie tributes, there won't be any lawyers knocking at your door!

Well, she'll prolly be get new eyes, and wig.. I was just in a bit of a hurry to get her photographed, and grabbed the black short bob I had been wanting to use for awhile, and then only after that I came to a realization that it all looked a tad too familiar... But the look does work rather well. (A blue eyed blonde version marketed as "Sprouts scandinavian cousin" as in Top gear Stigs cousins?... heh)


Congrats on your new (grumpy) arrival!

Thank you very many.

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(A blue eyed blonde version marketed as "Sprouts scandinavian cousin" as in Top gear Stigs cousins?... heh)


Actually it's funny you say that.... since Sprout *already* has a blue eyed blonde haired cousin living in Canada! She belongs to Salica and she looks really nice in those color eyes and wig. I look forward to seeing how you set your Speck up!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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(A blue eyed blonde version marketed as "Sprouts scandinavian cousin" as in Top gear Stigs cousins?... heh)


Actually it's funny you say that.... since Sprout *already* has a blue eyed blonde haired cousin living in Canada! She belongs to Salica and she looks really nice in those color eyes and wig. I look forward to seeing how you set your Speck up!




yea.. I did go "Drat" after I rememberd annie, as I think she was called by salica a few hours later after typing that ... but there's always the green eyes/ red hair combo still available... I guess..

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