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Cool Cats Body-Stocking color help

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I'm looking to get a Semi-White body-stocking for my Miku when she arrives later this year. Volks sold out of theirs and I'm wondering if Cool-Cats has one that is comparable in color. I saw this on their sites and was wondering if anyone has any experience with their pale-skin body-stocking color with a Volks Semi-White doll.





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If you scroll down on the page you link they show the stocking on a SWS body as well, and as you can see it doesn't really match well.

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You can always try for the special body stocking that Volks is putting out specifically for Miku. It's a full body semi-white body stocking that also has her "01" marking on the arm so it won't be covered up. Of course you'll need to try to get during the click war when it goes up on Volks International :3


You can see a scan of it here in this thread. It also shows how they are selling all the hands painted Miku style in case you're interested in that.



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BTW, I have the SWS stocking that I bought some time ago for Miku, and I've found it's a much closer match to normal skin than the normal skin stocking; the normal skin stocking is actually pretty dark.

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I wasn't sure if i needed to make a new thread for this or if i could hop onto yours. (mods please move this if necessary)


Anyways, I also have the same question. I have a DDS M.O.M.O. and would like to purchase a body suit from cool cats. According to Volks she is a normal skin now I was looking at the cool cats website and from the looks of things this color seems best but how is the fit. In the pictures it seems the arms length scrunches at the wrists but does it really cause an issue? If anyone has this I'd like some feedback. Also since its made to fit 3 different bodies is it really loose? I know cool cats says it might be but I was wondering if anyone has real experience with this.




P.S. due to new account I can't link the exact one I'm referring to. Hopefully someone can still help

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I wasn't sure if i needed to make a new thread for this or if i could hop onto yours. (mods please move this if necessary)


Anyways, I also have the same question. I have a DDS M.O.M.O. and would like to purchase a body suit from cool cats. According to Volks she is a normal skin now I was looking at the cool cats website and from the looks of things this color seems best but how is the fit.P



I ended buying the coolcat stocking and it fits fine on my Miku DD. Here is a pic to if want to see the color.


New Miku DD 122014 025

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