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Characters you would like to see as Dollfie Dreams

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  cfx said:
Sure, there are open-mouth mods like this:

*Insert those links here* (I don't have permission to post links, etc.)


Or fangs just done with painting on a regular smile:

*Insert link here*


Those are amazing! Either one of those would work. There sure are some really talented people out there.

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There are some very talented and imaginative people modifying dolls. Some examples of other face and mouth mods that impressed me:



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  cfx said:
There are some very talented and imaginative people modifying dolls. Some examples of other face and mouth mods that impressed me:

*links* /


Awesome! Especially the one with the tongue hanging out.

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Since SAO Alicization has begun to air, it'd be nice to see Alice and Eugeo.

Alice would look amazing as a DD, though her prize would probably be pretty high with her armour.

And I think Eugeo fits Volks' male DD trend (released as a pair with a female character, androgynous).

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I really really wanted the Madoka Magica girls to become Dollfie Dreams. I know Azone made big ones, but they have the printed-on eyes, and I hoped Volks would also make some since sometimes they've made the same characters.... but nope!


Otherwise, I've been playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Pyra or Nia would make super cute Dollfie Dreams. Nia would probably be an instant pre-order for me.

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  Sunnie said:
Otherwise, I've been playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Pyra or Nia would make super cute Dollfie Dreams. Nia would probably be an instant pre-order for me.


Ahhh, Xenoblade. I remember playing a tiny bit of that for the Wii. Unfortunately, I don't think any characters that have to do with Nintendo would be made into Dollfies, because that would mean you could see their characters nude and family friendly Nintendo simply cannot allow that. But, alas, one can "Dream", right?

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I wish they make more Im@s girls. My favourite is Rika, Mika and Kanade from Cinderella girls. But, as Mika already made by smart doll, I feel that Volks is not going to make her.

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I would like to see girls from Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Rukiya from Bleach and Maka from Soul Eater as dollfie dreams.

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So.... I know it's a bit over rated, but I would love to see some characters from Naruto.... I'm actually trying to make my own, but I would still like to see some more male dd's from that show, as well as the girls.

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Card captor Sakura and Syaoran. If they release those two I will not buy dolls ever again because they're literally my dream dolls.



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  jazijaz said:
Card captor Sakura and Syaoran. If they release those two I will not buy dolls ever again because they're literally my dream dolls.


Outfits from now until the end of time, but they gotta make Tomoe too.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  Wolf said:
  jazijaz said:
Card captor Sakura and Syaoran. If they release those two I will not buy dolls ever again because they're literally my dream dolls.


Outfits from now until the end of time, but they gotta make Tomoe too.


Oh yes, we can't have Sakura without Tomoe. They would look perfect in DDP. I wonder why they haven't done those characters or Sakura at least.



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Mega Negi

Rumiko Takahashi announced that she is working on a new manga series, and it made me think that if Volks would make a Lum dollfie, I would be even more broke...

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Edited by ParacosmDoll

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  Sord said:
  Sunnie said:
Otherwise, I've been playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Pyra or Nia would make super cute Dollfie Dreams. Nia would probably be an instant pre-order for me.


Ahhh, Xenoblade. I remember playing a tiny bit of that for the Wii. Unfortunately, I don't think any characters that have to do with Nintendo would be made into Dollfies, because that would mean you could see their characters nude and family friendly Nintendo simply cannot allow that. But, alas, one can "Dream", right?

I mean, Nintendo has made Bayonetta an exclusive franchise, and it's way more suggestive than a naked Dollfie.


I'd REALLY love vinyl versions of the Archer and Gilgamesh they had at one of their past events, but I think they'd need to make new DD Boy bodies if they want to do any of the Fate guys. Even Shirou is pretty ripped.

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Some more that will definitely never happen, but would be fun.


Elvira Mistress of the Dark


Jem/Jerica of Jem and the Holograms. Hell, go ahead and put all the Holograms, Misfits, Stingers, and miscellaneous characters on my wishlist.


Janice Rand from Star Trek: TOS. I want DD Star Trek TOS or TOS Movie era uniforms dammit!


Starsha of Iskandar.

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  Gabriel said:
Some more that will definitely never happen, but would be fun.


Elvira Mistress of the Dark

With statues and various other merchandise of her over the years, some resin company making her doesn't seem too far-fetched.


  Gabriel said:
Jem/Jerica of Jem and the Holograms. Hell, go ahead and put all the Holograms, Misfits, Stingers, and miscellaneous characters on my wishlist.

OT a bit, but with Kotobukiya having a deal with Hasbro to make some properties in their Shunya Yamashta Bishoujo line (My Little Pony and G.I.Joe so far) I've wondered about them doing Jem.


  Gabriel said:
Janice Rand from Star Trek: TOS. I want DD Star Trek TOS or TOS Movie era uniforms dammit!

As long as you mean the outfits from STII-VI and not the pajamas from ST:TMP this would be awesome.

If they could actually replicate Janice Rand's hairstyle that'd be pretty cool.


  Gabriel said:
Starsha of Iskandar.

Odd coincidence that I was just thinking about this a day or two ago. Really any of those Leiji Matsumoto women. Maetel would be great (and a staining disaster lol).


[Edit: Intentionally misspelled Shunya's name to avoid brain-dead forum censor lol.]

Edited by Guest

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  Tira said:
  Sord said:
  Sunnie said:
Otherwise, I've been playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Pyra or Nia would make super cute Dollfie Dreams. Nia would probably be an instant pre-order for me.


Ahhh, Xenoblade. I remember playing a tiny bit of that for the Wii. Unfortunately, I don't think any characters that have to do with Nintendo would be made into Dollfies, because that would mean you could see their characters nude and family friendly Nintendo simply cannot allow that. But, alas, one can "Dream", right?

I mean, Nintendo has made Bayonetta an exclusive franchise, and it's way more suggestive than a naked Dollfie.


You're right. I totally forgot about Nintendo supporting Bayonetta now. If I were a betting man, I'd bet on Bayonetta to be the first Nintendo DD.

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  cfx said:

As long as you mean the outfits from STII-VI and not the pajamas from ST:TMP this would be awesome.


You don't want an Ilia DD? Easiest limited Volks could do! Doesn't even need a wig and her costume is a white bathrobe.


I like the look of Kirks Admiral uniform in TMP, and I don't hate the pajamas, but I'm not crying that TMP was their only appearance.


  cfx said:

If they could actually replicate Janice Rand's hairstyle that'd be pretty cool.


Yep, that would be a pretty unique wig.


  cfx said:
  Gabriel said:
Starsha of Iskandar.

Odd coincidence that I was just thinking about this a day or two ago. Really any of those Leiji Matsumoto women. Maetel would be great (and a staining disaster lol).


La Andromeda Promethium would be my Leijiverse pick.

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Well, if we're going to go off the beaten path... Dragonlance.


Laurana & Kitara in their armor. (Volks will never do this but what the hey.)

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  Wolf said:
Well, if we're going to go off the beaten path... Dragonlance.


Laurana & Kitara in their armor. (Volks will never do this but what the hey.)




First thing I thought when I saw the original announcement of the Ruler/Jeanne d'Arc figure was how awesome a Laurana as the Golden General DD would be.

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I'd absolutely die for a Lenneth Valkyrie dollfie.



Edited by Guest

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  Gabriel said:
  Wolf said:
Well, if we're going to go off the beaten path... Dragonlance.


Laurana & Kitara in their armor. (Volks will never do this but what the hey.)




First thing I thought when I saw the original announcement of the Ruler/Jeanne d'Arc figure was how awesome a Laurana as the Golden General DD would be.


With the more realistic heads they used for Nier being a thing it certainly opens up a lot of possibilities for properties like this. The reason I think it will never happen is I doubt the property is really on their radar in Japan. I think there is also a big drawback in that it's essentially a dead property. I'd love it if Wizards picked development back up, but it's not gonna happen.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  Gabriel said:
  cfx said:

As long as you mean the outfits from STII-VI and not the pajamas from ST:TMP this would be awesome.

You don't want an Ilia DD? Easiest limited Volks could do! Doesn't even need a wig and her costume is a white bathrobe.


I like the look of Kirks Admiral uniform in TMP, and I don't hate the pajamas, but I'm not crying that TMP was their only appearance.

I like that uniform as well; it just doesn't really say Star Trek to me. Like much of the rest of that movie, I think it's more like 2001 in appearance than Star Trek.


I'm sure you've seen the girl with the Next Generation uniform here:



Ilia would be an easy custom; Danny Choo sells a bathrobe.


  Gabriel said:
  cfx said:
  Gabriel said:
Starsha of Iskandar.

Odd coincidence that I was just thinking about this a day or two ago. Really any of those Leiji Matsumoto women. Maetel would be great (and a staining disaster lol).

La Andromeda Promethium would be my Leijiverse pick.

I wanted to clarify my comment--I assumed you meant 2199-style Starsha. I tend to not mentally separate the two much because I feel like 2199 and 2202 really have kept the essence of the original character designs. Any of these characters made as DDs are going to look more like the new art because to really replicate Leiji's art we'd need special bodies and faces that someone might make as limited resin dolls but wouldn't otherwise exist.


Off-topic but it has always annoyed me that there really aren't any scale figures of his characters. At least 2199 got figures but as typical for Megahouse some of them are nice and some not so much.

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