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Characters you would like to see as Dollfie Dreams

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I would burn a hole in my wallet if they made a Fire emblem DD

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Now that Volks has done Jeanne, I really want to see her in alter form! I love her shinjuku outfit.

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After seeing the first episode of Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka I want Asuka Otori as her magical girl self Rapture as a DD. I love her outfit, and there is just something about her eyes that I really liked. I think it's how the whites of her eyes show under the iris when she get serious. That's not normally done in anime that I've seen. Normally you see narrowed eyes, but her eyes don't get narrow, they move up instead, and I love the effect.



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Might be a minority here, but I'm playing through Nekopara and it seems up volks alley. I'd max my card out for some nekopara dollfie dreams omg

Waiting for eternity for Volks to release more Idolm@ster girls.


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  littlebirdzoom said:
Might be a minority here, but I'm playing through Nekopara and it seems up volks alley. I'd max my card out for some nekopara dollfie dreams omg


I'll admit I would love me some Vanilla in DD. And all their outfits too!

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I would love to see SAILOR V She would be very popular

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First Gilgamesh from Fate series



Second Scathach from FGO



Finally Mordred from fate series...Yep I'm huge fan of fate x)


At home : Hanae (DDS Chihaya)

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I want a DDSB of Rimuru from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. I would also love to see the girls from Zombieland Saga in DD form--huge bonus points if they're in zombie form. Zombie Saki or Zombie Tae would own my soul.

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In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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If they made ANYONE else from the Fate series I would lose it. Even if they made a normal Emiya or Mash. I adore Saber and Rin and gang but I need other characters Q_Q

Waiting for eternity for Volks to release more Idolm@ster girls.


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  Gianni_Lomabrdi_93 said:
I would love to see SAILOR V She would be very popular


Being they have made 3 of the 5 inner scouts, I'm sure Jupiter and Venus are next. And I can then see them just releasing the Sailor V outfit as a separate item. At which point I hope they do Eternal Sailor Moon too as that's my favorite outfit.

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My poor nerdy heart just wants there to be characters from Naruto ;^;

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Found this custom Rimuru made from Makoto Kikuchi:


Not bad but needs a new faceup in the pale coloring to really look like him.

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  cfx said:
Found this custom Rimuru made from Makoto Kikuchi:


Not bad but needs a new faceup in the pale coloring to really look like him.


Agreed. Rimuru-sama has the most fabulous eyelashes and a true DD Rimuru needs a faceup that reflects that. The way this one is right now, it feels more like a cosplay than a custom, if that makes sense. But yeah, that does show that a DDS/DDSB is a good bait for Rimuru.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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  Poofiemus said:
  cfx said:
Found this custom Rimuru made from Makoto Kikuchi:


Not bad but needs a new faceup in the pale coloring to really look like him.


Agreed. Rimuru-sama has the most fabulous eyelashes and a true DD Rimuru needs a faceup that reflects that. The way this one is right now, it feels more like a cosplay than a custom, if that makes sense. But yeah, that does show that a DDS/DDSB is a good bait for Rimuru.

Cosplay is exactly what I thought. To be honest, I didn't even realize it was meant to be him until I saw the pic with the slime. But sometimes I'm slow so I thought that might just be me.


Yeah he needs the eyelashes, and they need to be in the pale blue/silver coloring.

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Will probably never happen but I'd love dolls for the guys and gals from BNHA/MHA. Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka and Yaoyarozu are my favorites. 

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  On 3/20/2019 at 3:36 AM, Talolili said:

Will probably never happen but I'd love dolls for the guys and gals from BNHA/MHA. Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka and Yaoyarozu are my favorites. 

Now I have to post this custom trio:


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  On 3/20/2019 at 3:50 AM, cfx said:

Now I have to post this custom trio:


OMG that's too cute! Thanks for sharing! I missed these boys. 

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I'd do anything to have a Super Sonico Dollfie Dream, but to be frank I'll probably end up making my own with a DDH-09 head and getting her outfit off of Taobao.
Personally, I'm not a fan of either of the official Angel Philia releases. The painted eyes are just off-putting to me and I think her body would look better as a DDdy.

Also, any new Persona girl (Makoto, Anne, Futaba) or re-release of Rise Kujikawa would knock my socks off. Or... a school girl Aegis. *sobs*
If they did, I would hope they would stick with the same style face sculpt of the nose with nostrils - it's just so versatile.

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With the upcoming anime version of Lord el Meloi II Case Files, I'm wondering if there is any possibility of Gray getting a DD - as she is a 'Saberface' character by technicality.  (of course the mc Waver Velvet, especially his younger form, would be far better, but I'm not holding my breath on that...) Whether the chance is likely or not, it's something I'd really like to see - if it's unlikely I hope there are at least customs I can see pics of, because Gray has a really nice character design.

Although I'm actually surprised Mash from FGO hasn't gotten a DD yet, as she feels like the next obvious step if Volks want to do more FGO dolls.

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  On 3/20/2019 at 9:53 AM, Monty said:

Although I'm actually surprised Mash from FGO hasn't gotten a DD yet, as she feels like the next obvious step if Volks want to do more FGO dolls.

I assume it's probably because Volks wants to keep some form of variety, due the amount of relatively big IPs they have besides F/GO. Then again, Mashu sounds like a no-brainer...

Speaking of male Servants like the Gilgamesh suggestion, there's enough of them that made a lot of money for F/GO (White Day CE gacha for one) that Volks could try to give them some form of semi-SD treatment.

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  On 3/20/2019 at 6:45 AM, neonhologram said:

Also, any new Persona girl (Makoto, Anne, Futaba) or re-release of Rise Kujikawa would knock my socks off. Or... a school girl Aegis. *sobs*
If they did, I would hope they would stick with the same style face sculpt of the nose with nostrils - it's just so versatile.

I just started playing Persona 5 a few days ago and I would absolutely love DDs of Makoto or Futaba. Rise is such a lovely sculpt so as long as they kept the same general style I'd be fine with pretty much any Persona girl, or even a Persona boy is Volks wants to join in on the "Joker for Smash Bros Ultimate" hype train.

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  On 3/20/2019 at 12:10 PM, kct said:

I assume it's probably because Volks wants to keep some form of variety, due the amount of relatively big IPs they have besides F/GO. Then again, Mashu sounds like a no-brainer...

Speaking of male Servants like the Gilgamesh suggestion, there's enough of them that made a lot of money for F/GO (White Day CE gacha for one) that Volks could try to give them some form of semi-SD treatment.

Volks announce archer DD from FGO, but we don't know if he is archer (gilgamesh) or archer (you know...I don't spoil someone haha). 
They announced by an interview (Volks USA in a event). 

At home : Hanae (DDS Chihaya)

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  On 3/20/2019 at 1:25 PM, merry-go-round said:

Volks announce archer DD from FGO, but we don't know if he is archer (gilgamesh) or archer (you know...I don't spoil someone haha). 
They announced by an interview (Volks USA in a event). 

Most of us still refer to him as "Archer" despite the proliferation of multiple Archers. Makes sense though, cause that guy's another important character.

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  On 3/20/2019 at 1:25 PM, merry-go-round said:

Volks announce archer DD from FGO, but we don't know if he is archer (gilgamesh) or archer (you know...I don't spoil someone haha). 
They announced by an interview (Volks USA in a event). 

If you're referring to the ANN interview, it was just discussing the possibility of *maybe* releasing male DDs such as Archer from Fate series, not an official announcement. I'd like it if they would actually release him, though, because I really, really, really want a DDdy equivalent male that's taller and more manly than DDS & DD boys (and Archer definitely needs to be more beefy than Kirito and Len). I'm not a big fan of the Fate series and I'm kinda tired of seeing it everywhere (especially dominating the figure market), but I'm not picky if I could get a more manly male vinyl doll that way.

And I'd guess they meant Fate Stay Night (or Unlimited Bladeworks) Archer 'cause they've made one as a prop before as a Super Dollfie so I think it'd be relatively easy for them to produce him as a DD since the wig, clothes etc already exist - they'd just have to do a few alterations. I'd like for it to be that particular Archer also because he would have tan skin and that would be more than perfect for me, haha. xD They made Gilgamesh SD (included in that same blog post) with his casual Zero getup, and that would be even easier to turn into a DD... Zero Gilgamesh I actually adore as a character too, so I'd be more than happy to get a DD(dy) Gilgamesh. ♥️ I did like FSN/UBW Archer, too, before his "true identity" was revealed. After that I wasn't happy at all lol.

Related to the prop-boys-they've-made-as-SDs topic, as a Macross nerd I also wish they'd make Satome Alto as a DD. I'd be over the moon if I could get my OTP as dolls~ ;__; 💕

Sometimes I wish they'd get a license for Touken Ranbu 'cause that would definitely mean boys in all sizes. I haven't played the game (yet) and I didn't watch the Hanamaru anime but I enjoyed Katsugeki Touken Ranbu by ufotable a lot. Kanesada Izuminokami as a DD(dy) boy would be perfect~ ♥️

... yeah, I really just want more Dollfie Dream boys in general. x__x

My doll family: Umeko DDH-06 Megumi DDS Mariko Suiren DDdy Sheryl Nome Yuuri DDS Kagamine Rin Yuuya DDSb Kagamine Len ♥ Kanade DDdy Megurine Luka Miharu MDD Arle Nadja Rion DDb Kaito Enju MDD Marisa
+ guardian to DD Y'shtola
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