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Characters you would like to see as Dollfie Dreams

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  On 12/28/2022 at 10:09 PM, Poofiemus said:


If they ask for specific characters though. . .oof, that'll be hard to pick. I wanna say maybe Venti and Nahida as my top picks? But if they were done right, I could also throw down for Kazuha, Tighnari, Kokomi, Raiden. . . .there's so many good ones!

I'm replying here so that I don't spam the anniversary thread too much with my over-excited rambling.

I'd literally buy any Genshin Dollfie they throw at me, all of the characters are too good. But if I'd have to ask for specific characters...

Based on personal preference:

  • Beidou (my queen)
  • Ninguang (to display them together)
  • Noelle
  • Yoimiya
  • Barbara
  • IMO We'd need a slightly more mature boy body for all of the guys: Kaede (in tawny skintone please), Tartaglia, Zhongli, Diluc.

Lumine and Aether would be a very obvious choice.
BUT, I feel like they are too similar to Rin and Len. In fact it is a big reason I want those two: to turn into Genshin dolls xD

Dollfie Scaramouche would probably break the internet.

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  On 12/29/2022 at 1:40 PM, Wasabi said:

I'm replying here so that I don't spam the anniversary thread too much with my over-excited rambling.

I'd literally buy any Genshin Dollfie they throw at me, all of the characters are too good. But if I'd have to ask for specific characters...

Based on personal preference:

  • Beidou (my queen)
  • Ninguang (to display them together)
  • Noelle
  • Yoimiya
  • Barbara
  • IMO We'd need a slightly more mature boy body for all of the guys: Kaede (in tawny skintone please), Tartaglia, Zhongli, Diluc.

Lumine and Aether would be a very obvious choice.
BUT, I feel like they are too similar to Rin and Len. In fact it is a big reason I want those two: to turn into Genshin dolls xD

Dollfie Scaramouche would probably break the internet.

Yes moving the discussion was probably a good plan lol There's just too many possibilities! 

Lumine and Aether may not end up too similar to Rin and Len, especially if they end up modeled after the Ufotable animation we've seen teased. (Or as I like to call it, "Brought to you by the Mondstadt Tourism Bureau" lol). In fact, I suspect if we do get Genshin dolls, they'd probably be linked to the anime. Going by that teaser, looks like we'd be starting with the Mondstadt archon quest, probably as our first season, so we'd probably see the Travelers and/or Mondstadt characters first. Good for my heart that Venti would be a high possibility, bad for my wallet lol. 

Yeah, I agree that new, taller body would be ideal for the characters that use the tall male model. Like, something to compete with Smart Doll Boy, in the SD13B range. Especially for Zhongli, Diluc, and Thoma. . .my brain can kind of accept some of the other boys at normal DDB size, but not them lol

Oh gawd, yeah, DD Scara would convert so many non doll people, especially if he had his original red outfit as an option set lololol. 

Side note, I hope we also get Genshin weapons sold separately, especially the five star weapons. Like, even if Diluc comes with Wolf's Gravestone, I hope it also gets sold on its own, so people could equip Beidou or Noelle or Itto with it. Heck I'd be excited if we only got Genshin weapons, and no dolls, because Genshin has some RAD weapons. 

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My vote for next DD is definitely going to an oldie: Ayukawa Madoka. Personally, I think she's so classic and important a character, she's the proto-tsundere after all, she should probably become one of their rare anime themed SD's. 

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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  On 12/29/2022 at 1:40 PM, Wasabi said:

I'd literally buy any Genshin Dollfie they throw at me, all of the characters are too good.

I don't think I'd just buy any Genshin DD, but god damn are there many amazing characters to choose from!

I think a collab between Genshin and Volks just makes so much sense. Genshin is ridiculously popular, all across the globe. They've already made all sorts of merchandise from tech (Smartphones, earbuds) to plushies, scale figures and Nendoroids.. We are even getting an Anime! I think Genshin DD's would only be a logical continuation of the trend. If Volks can get the IP it would be like getting a license to print money. 

Aether and Lumine would be an easy pick. I don't think they'd be too similar to Rin and Len. Their designs are completely different past 'blonde twins' and I'd imagine the head molds to turn out very differently as well. (Please, I beg you Volks, give Aether a smile, even just a little one!)

Another good pick could be the Archons, those play a significant role in-universe and they are also widely popular. 

I have a special place in my heart for the male characters in Genshin, but knowing Volks, I won't be holding my breath here. A tawny Kaeya would be an instant buy though, no questions asked. 

Other than that.. I might be biased here, but I think Ayaka would make and exceptionally cute DD. I saw some customs of her and they are absolutely stunning. I could also see the other popular girls like Barbara, Mona, Ganyu and Keqing getting the DD treatment.

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Nearly any character from Arknights would be my choice. The military-style techwear designs are right up my alley and would be a very interesting aesthetic to see a dollfie in. Amiya would be the most obvious choice I think, but I could see Kal'tsit, Texas, Chen, or Exusiai as well. If we were to get a Texas, I would definitely need a Lappland to go with her, though! Considering how popular the game has gotten recently, the anime coming out, as well as the influx of figures for the series, a dollfie hopefully wouldn't be too much to ask for.

Also, while I think it's a bit unrealistic at this point, I would love to see some Subahibi dollfies. Minakami Yuki or Takashima Zakuro would be the likely choices, but I would personally love an Otonashi Ayana. I think their uniforms would look very pretty in dollfie size!

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With the recent release of Bleach the blood war part 1 I was thinking that it might be a good idea to turn some characters in a Dollfie. Which would result in a lot of male Dollfie’s. 
Bleach was always strong in the highly detailed characters that would look awesome (in my opinion) as Dollfie.

For the female characters just a small list, the male list would be unbearable long I think.

Rukia Kuchiki

Soi Fon

Momo Hinamori

Orihime Inoue (I do think she is aesthetically not the most interesting character)

Nemu Kurotsuchi

Rangiku Matsumoto

Yoruigi Shihouin

Tier Halibel (including the mask and her fractione)

Nelliel Tu Oderschwank

Just to name a few. 




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  On 1/9/2017 at 7:22 PM, CeliathePikachu said:

For the love of all that is good and for my sanity, please may Vocaloid Kaito be made

Win! It actually came true!

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Currently at home: Autumn (DD2 DDH-01), Sakura (MDD3 DDH-08), Haku (Mio Akiyama), Mashiro (Mashiro Mito), Kaito (Vocaloid KAITO)

Mashiro Mito is my wife and I love her!

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Komichi & Erika from Akebi's Sailor Uniform, definitely in their school uniforms and with Akebi's summer uniform as an extra. 

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  On 1/17/2023 at 4:56 PM, BeyondTime said:

Akebi's Sailor Uniform

My cynical side had a bit of a fit while watching this one , as in "Lets see how this would work in real life, shall we?" but cute non the less I suppose.

Personal additions to one's already mentioned stuff in the other thread

Suletta Mercury & Miorine Rembran from Strawberry Gundam (Or the Witch from Mercury)... Fumble-mouth suletta is just adorable, and yet Sunrise just had to somehow try and one-up blood orphans with this, with the season 1 cliffhanger ending.


Just for giggles, the one single character that brings the fear of god into the most hardened of bad guys...

Kobeni out of Chainsaw man.    Just because this :"Why are you still in the section? -- B-because... the bonuses are a-about to be paid out..."

Although I suppose Power and Makima would be the more practical choises.

Kotoko out of in/spectre - Kyo kou sui ri was a interesting one, now brought back to attention with season 2... also the Yuki-Onna was a oddly attractive character from the start of S2

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  On 1/17/2023 at 6:19 PM, finnleo said:

side had a bit of a fit while watching this one , as in "Lets see how this would work in real life

CGDCT can be like that, but still episode 12 was just too cute. Those two girls should never be apart. 

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  On 1/17/2023 at 7:13 PM, BeyondTime said:


The wha...?

  On 1/17/2023 at 7:13 PM, BeyondTime said:

episode 12 was just too cute

In terms of execution the series was good, and indeed cute, the balet scene felt like they had taken pointers from Princess Tutu for instance... but in terms of series from people with a thing for sailor uniforms I still just wanted to go rewatch Hanasaku Iroha, and especially the scene where the daughter writes "I hate you Mom." with ketchup on an omelet after a broken promise.

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  On 1/17/2023 at 7:59 PM, finnleo said:

The wha...?


Cute Girls Doing Cute Things is a Slice-of-Life sub-genre. Basically, when seeing cute girls being cute, reality is an afterthought. 


  On 1/17/2023 at 7:59 PM, finnleo said:

but in terms of series from people with a thing for sailor uniforms

Ultimately, I think it was less about the seifuku and more about a girl who never had friends her age making friends. The seifuku was just a device to make her stand out. 

Erika was her first friend, and that’s what makes her gesture in ep 12 so amazing. At least to me. 

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  On 1/17/2023 at 11:53 PM, BeyondTime said:

Cute Girls Doing Cute Things

the genre needs no explanation, its just the first contact with a previously unknown acronym that'll throw non native's off.

(Dejavu of the scene on the hoover dam in the first transformers movie "Keep up with your acronyms")

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  On 1/18/2023 at 3:48 AM, finnleo said:

the genre needs no explanation, its just the first contact with a previously unknown acronym that'll throw non native's off.

I honestly didn't know there was such a genre until a few months ago when I looked up something I thought was slice-of-life and discovered CGDCT was a thing. I was admittedly unsurprised that it was...

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  On 1/18/2023 at 5:32 AM, BeyondTime said:

I thought was slice-of-life and discovered CGDCT was a thing.

Its sort of weird, because back in the day Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star were deemed Slice of life series, as not having no real story, just a bunch of girls doing random things on the surface. and from there you could say you have coming of age stories, where characters grow within a goal towards something, which for instance K-on is more of in my oppinion (although still plenty of random fun, pitch perfect gags ... and rice-cups stand ins), and then progressing to something like Hanasaku Iroha, then most definately A place further than the universe, and Aquatope on the white sands.

Although if it is these coming of age stories muddying the definition of slice of life, and thus you need an extra category just to remember the original concept. But with this in mind Akebi interestingly is to me more of a coming of age story since while Akebi remains fairly constant, the people around her do start to go through changes.

again, half hearted effort in trying to make deep discussion out of extremely light entertainment ...


But just to keep things more or less On Topic (tm), while reminiscing of Lucky Star, I recalled that the author had teased a series based on a Adult Konata .. shock and horror, but it would be an amusing dual release with both aged Konata's.

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  On 1/18/2023 at 2:38 PM, finnleo said:

Its sort of weird, because back in the day Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star were deemed Slice of life series, as not having no real story, just a bunch of girls doing random things on the surface. and from there you could say you have coming of age stories, where characters grow within a goal towards something, which for instance K-on is more of in my oppinion (although still plenty of random fun, pitch perfect gags ... and rice-cups stand ins), and then progressing to something like Hanasaku Iroha, then most definately A place further than the universe, and Aquatope on the white sands.

All of those made me think of my first slice-of-life Aria, just about every main character in that series should be a DD; especially Alicia of the Oh So Imaginary Husband, and Aika - short-hair version. 

For me, that show kind of defined my concept of slice-of-life as something that meandered it's way through episodes with only the vaguest of plot lines tying it all together. K-On's multi-episode threads made it seem too story driven to be really be 100% slife-of-life, and "coming of age" seems a much better fit. I don't know Iroha, but the other two also seem much more like "coming of age" intermixed with slice-of-life. 

It was 300 Slimes that introduced me to CGDCT, and that one really came off as slice-of-life to me. Beelzebub would make a great DD, and Pecora would be an excuse for Volks to finally make an M-Bust for DDP. They'd just need to use the 1500 Years spinoff as a vehicle. 

To segue into Isekai, Cayna from Leadale would be an impossibly cute DD, but please Volks, give us Darkness and Aqua first before making DDs from any other Isekai series. 

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  On 1/18/2023 at 6:00 PM, BeyondTime said:

Aria, just about every main character in that series should be a DD

Azone did an akari back in the days of the Obitsu 60.... been an on and off thing to make a custom, part of a gondola included.

Aria is also probably best defined as a slow-life series. As if you are getting anywhere quick by Gondola ... on mars of all places.

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Quiet country cafe (aka Yokohama shopping diary) probably is the oldest in this theme I have in my collection, although in that there is the underlaying theme of what memories are most worthy of pictures if you are limited to a thousand of them... and now I also want an Alpha ... with scooter... damnit, too many scooters on my wishfull to-do list with ShimaRin's Yamaha out of Yurucamp..

  On 1/18/2023 at 6:00 PM, BeyondTime said:

I don't know Iroha

Its worth a watch I think, Slobbish mom sends daughter to hardass grandma as a live in help at grandma's inn, various shinenigans ensue. but mostly the three women try to figure eachother out one way or another.

beautifull animation, character art by Kishida Mel, and a relatively nice cast. and the scene with the omelet with the lead girl standing beside her mom like a boss with a "You WILL eat it" expression is just hilarious.

Just remember to watch the followup movie so the mom isnt left too villainaised. Funny detail in the movie, as they swap voice actresses between generations when they are younger.

Edited by finnleo
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  On 1/18/2023 at 6:32 PM, finnleo said:

too many scooters on my wishfull to-do list with ShimaRin's Yamaha out of Yurucamp..

I've seen a similar 1/3 on Etsy. 

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  On 1/18/2023 at 7:30 PM, BeyondTime said:


The thing with etsy for me continues to be that after looking at prices for anything specificly niché, and especially after adding customs, tax and the insult to injury out of EU post handling fee's, I tend to go, "We have Etsy at home."

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  On 1/19/2023 at 1:23 PM, finnleo said:

and especially after adding customs, tax and the insult to injury out of EU post handling fee's

Yeah we are really spoiled in America when it comes to taxes. XD

I have gotten a few items from Finish sellers on Etsy though.

As far as Yurucamp I think Volks could give Rin the DD treatment, but she would be sans scooter for sure. Volks might make a mockup for display at the Dolpa, but they wouldn't sell it. 

IMO the only other yurucamp characters that really fit the type of characters they make into DD are Sakura and Akari. I just don't see them making any of the others. They seem to go for sexy, girl-next-door, or cherubic, without much in between. Yui Hirasawa & Haruhi are two of the only exceptions to that I can think of. Rin comes close enough to the girl-next-door vibe in some her art to make it work. 

Not saying the others don't deserve to be given the DD treatment, but I can't see Volks doing it. 

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  On 1/19/2023 at 3:25 PM, BeyondTime said:

I have gotten a few items from Finish sellers on Etsy though.

Yea, obviously no taxes on stuff within the EU, but usually it then returns to the base price bit (but I will say right away, people have the right to charge what their time is worth to them while making stuff)

  On 1/19/2023 at 3:25 PM, BeyondTime said:

other yurucamp characters that really fit the type of characters they make into DD are Sakura and Akari.

uuuuh.. Pink hair - Check, Blue eyes - Check, Slightly aloof - Check ... but akari...? I belive she's still called Nadeshiko?

  On 1/19/2023 at 3:25 PM, BeyondTime said:

Volks could give Rin the DD treatment, but she would be sans scooter for sure.

If they did a yurucamp release Rin and Nadeshiko would probably be the min/max duo considering Ritsu and Mugi never made the K-on doll band. The scooter is indeed wishfull thinking, but I wouldnt be surprised if Volks made some generic camping stuff to go with them since they do/did have quite a few outdoors type outfit sets already.



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  On 1/19/2023 at 7:18 PM, finnleo said:

uuuuh.. Pink hair - Check, Blue eyes - Check, Slightly aloof - Check ... but akari...? I belive she's still called Nadeshiko?

Inuyama Akari


Minor character who would never be made into a Volks doll, but appearance-wise she's exactly the type of character who could be a successful MDD.

Same with Sakura, she's too minor for the DD treatment, but she has the requisite cuteness and large chest needed to be a successful DD.


The other characters just don't seem like they'd have a lot of DD appeal outside of super-fans who'd want the set.


  On 1/19/2023 at 7:18 PM, finnleo said:

If they did a yurucamp release Rin and Nadeshiko would probably be the min/max duo

Agreed, series-wise these are the two that should logically get the DD treatment from Volks, but I think Nadeshiko would have limited appeal, whereas in the Azone Neemo version of Rin I can easily see the potential for Volks to create an appealing DD that would be popular with fans and non-fan collectors alike.


The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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  On 1/19/2023 at 7:50 PM, BeyondTime said:

Inuyama Akari

ah... Should have said mini Inuko .. so minor that she doesent pop up while searching imageboards, then again she's in only a few episodes if I recall correct. Big sis I did recognize.

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  On 1/19/2023 at 7:50 PM, BeyondTime said:

but I think Nadeshiko would have limited appeal, whereas in the Azone Neemo version of Rin I can easily see the potential for Volks to create an appealing DD that would be popular with fans and non-fan collectors alike.

Actually had to have a think about this for a bit.

One thing is fairly obvious that if Volks would make only one doll out of the series, it would not be Nadeshiko, but Rin. even though the two are the main cover girls for the series, since Rin overpowers with the stoic lone wolf, part time goofball thing.

But Nadeshiko has some things going for her, even though she doesent have an obvious background story like being the daughter of a family that runs a liqour store ... for an overly energetic character she's oddly likeable, imperfect even with her snoring. She's a foodie (Marudeshiko was ... cute) and a general good sport (something that is more obvious in the movie with how she recommends stuff to customers), she works for her own stuff, speaking of the movie she can handle construction equipment, full of surprises, and while being the human jack in the box most importantly acting as the catalyst for Rin.

I dont really consider myself a super fan of the series (as witnessed by forgetting inuko jr.) but I just feel Nadeshiko would complement Rin the best,

you just know these two are going to ultimately be best friends:


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  On 1/20/2023 at 2:56 PM, finnleo said:

But Nadeshiko has some things going for her, even though she doesent have an obvious background story like being the daughter of a family that runs a liqour store ... for an overly energetic character she's oddly likeable, imperfect even with her snoring.


  On 1/20/2023 at 2:56 PM, finnleo said:

but I just feel Nadeshiko would complement Rin the best,

She's a great character for sure and for certain she logically ties in well with a Rin DD, but for Volks I think it's more a question of her appeal in a $700.00 doll. That's what I mean with Sakura, a minor character who would never get the DD treatment, but with design qualities that make for a marketable DD. Ena is another character who I think you could make a really cute DD from, but fans would probably cry out "Why her and not Xxxxxx?" So she'll never happen, but I'd buy her in a heartbeat if they did her right. 

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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