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Politely Nefarious









The Ecchizonans

Zoom Meetup







Volks November 2014 Collection

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How long before they open their store would be recommended to come? I figure there will be a line but I don't know how big it will be to the Osaka store....

And do they release the clothes the same day and time here as they do on the online shop?

The clothes release is the same day as the web store's. That is the easy part.


Every Volks store has its own separate rules for how to run a release event. At the Osaka store in Den-Den Town, they say the November Collection release is first-come first-served, so you DO want to get there early and hang out outside the 1F entrance. The store opens at 11am.


How early? Not sure. In my area we draw numbers out of a box to determine entry order, just like is done at Dolpa, so coming early gains you nothing. As a result, I don't have a good gague for how early to get to Osaka Volks. I guess it depends on how bad you want the items you're aiming for, versus how bad you think others are going to want them. After you go to an event or two and get some experience at that individual store under your belt, you'll start being able to estimate the lines.

♥ Thank you very much!

I definitely want to get some more experience when it comes to release events, so I guess this is a fine opportunity! There is one set I am dying to get my hands on so perhaps it would be a good idea to start lining early just in case. ;A;


Own- Melina - DD Rise Kujikawa, Luke Triton - MDD hybrid, Clive Dove - DD hybrid, Arianna - DD Yui Hirasawa

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Just a heads up that some older items have been restocked, including some nice LPC items and Tenshi-no-Koromo, like the red hoodie. If you log in before adding to your cart, they'll stay there for ten hours.

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