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Mirai/Kizuna in "regular" eyes

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Hi all, I am looking forward my first SD-sized doll, and was initially set on Rise Kujikawa, but after seeing Kizuna in person and knowing I might be able to purchase her at AFA this Friday, wondered if any of you have tried "regular" eyes on either Mirai or Kizuna?


I understand that sculpts with smaller/natural eye socket sizes and shapes would wear regular eyes better, but perhaps being new to anime style dolls, any photos would be helpful and much appreciated!

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By regular, do you mean glass or urethane eyes, instead of the typical "animetic" eye?


I don't think they'd work at all in Mirai. When I was trying new eyes in her, the eyes that worked best were ones with a tall, narrow iris -- the rounder the iris, the more cross-eyed she looks imho. Glass and urethane eyes are normally perfectly round irises. You'd either end up with an iris so large it took up her entire eye, a medium-sized iris that made her look very cross-eyed, or a small-sized iris that made her "see forever" in a blank-eyed stare.

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Ah yes Cauldroness, glass/urethane vs the animetic eyes ...as you can tell I'm new to these terms, DDs are a whole new world to me, even though I have plenty of friends who own them, personally, have only owned MSD sized resin dolls!


Yeah, I agree wholly with the points you have brought up, was just curious to see how much different these dolls can look/be customized, I like the default eyes anyway


I will still get Kizuna if it isn't sold out by my turn in the queue, and look forward to posting here again ^_^

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Got here from Facebook, I assume

Nice to see you here! Haha yeah, why not get a headstart as it would seem I am about to join the SD sized vinyl family! XD

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Got here from Facebook, I assume

Nice to see you here! Haha yeah, why not get a headstart as it would seem I am about to join the SD sized vinyl family! XD


Well welcome

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Got here from Facebook, I assume

Nice to see you here! Haha yeah, why not get a headstart as it would seem I am about to join the SD sized vinyl family! XD


You're the Snowfern Clover lady! ^-^ Hello! Your miniatures are beautiful. I'm glad you decided to join us in 1/3 scale land.


Welcome aboard, looking forward to seeing more of you! ^_^

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Got here from Facebook, I assume

Nice to see you here! Haha yeah, why not get a headstart as it would seem I am about to join the SD sized vinyl family! XD


You're the Snowfern Clover lady! ^-^ Hello! Your miniatures are beautiful. I'm glad you decided to join us in 1/3 scale land.


Welcome aboard, looking forward to seeing more of you! ^_^


ooooh Thanks so much Minuette *blush* I'm sorry for the late reply, I tried to attach some photos, as promised here, but I don't think I have sufficient access to do so yet XD

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