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Question about MDD Rena! (: (RESOLVED)

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Hello there. Obviously, I have a question about MDD Rena.

I know her to be like a DDH-01 sculpt or, at least, that's the furthest I know about her. However, I haven't seen anyone do a custom Rena or take off Rena's default face-up. I was wondering if her lips would still have the small smile sculpted out or if the lips would just end up looking like a normal DDH-01's lips?

If you guys know, please respond below~ Depending on the answer, I might think about getting a MDD Rena to be Liz's little sister. But, that is a real high maybe. x3

(QUESTION ANSWERED~ In conclusion, I'm an idiot. )

Edited by Pickle

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Rena IS the DDH01 sculpt. That's why no one would buy a Rena to change the face-up when they can just buy a blank DDH01 and paint that. If they did buy a Rena and change the face-up, it would be a custom DDH01 just as much as it is a custom Rena. The same goes for the other standard models (Miko = 06, Yukino = 03, Aoi = 02 , Mayu = 04)


And so Rena's mouth under the paint is just a DDH01 mouth ^^; Volks paints her mouth to look more smiley and open.

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Yukamina said:
Rena IS the DDH01 sculpt. That's why no one would buy a Rena to change the face-up when they can just buy a blank DDH01 and paint that. If they did buy a Rena and change the face-up, it would be a custom DDH01 just as much as it is a custom Rena. The same goes for the other standard models (Miko = 06, Yukino = 03, Aoi = 02 , Mayu = 04)


And so Rena's mouth under the paint is just a DDH01 mouth ^^; Volks paints her mouth to look more smiley and open.

Awh darn. That's what I suspected. I wish it was a small smile sculpted out so that it could be repainted since I don't like the default face-up she has.

Thanks for clearing that up for me though! I knew the other sculpts were the 06, 04, 03, and 02 though. I thought maybe Rena might be the same but the smile looked like it was sculpted in so it made me iffy. x3

But anyway, thanks again so very much! Sorry for looking like a complete idiot!

Edited by Pickle

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