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Evoke doll review (Finally)

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I decided to take the risk. And bought it. After waiting a little of 2 months, paid extremely high tax..

it arrived to me with a feet that have been broken . And it left a dent mark. Also, a ridiculous amount of DIRTS , dusts, hairs, STAINS and everything else. (pretty sure either the customs dirty hands touched and smeared it all over her body or that it just came off dirty from the company)





So... here goes the review:


I didn't have time to take the naked body pictures.



[*]- We all also know this one , that silicon bodies have gumby / bendy (?) around the ankles and elbows.




[*]- The hands looked as if the powder went a little damp , so it looked gross.




[*]- You noticed that the skin is a little shiny, but it shouldn't look shiny when you have the powder. I bathed my doll so the powder had gone completely off.





[*]- From certain angle, the ankles and elbow won't look too bad really. But here's them not bent and bent from front angle, looks nice I say!




[*]- Looks good for close up shots though.. because there's no separation of the shoulder and arms.


But it only beneficial if you want your doll to have sexy clothes on, if you want to cover the whole thing up, why bother getting a silicone body really...



As for clothes..!!

  • - Hard to put clothes on , you need to buy powder . Which also get taken by the damned customs , so beware if your country has sh1tty customs like my country.
  • - The busts are quite huge with slim torso, which also hard to find a fitting clothes. Out from my 6 clothes I have, only one fit. Even azone's big busted clothes hard to put it on. Especially long sleeved clothes. They're IMPOSSIBLE TO PUT.


Poseability, DD match?


  • - It weights a LOT . I got extremely tired just trying to bath it with my limited equipment. Even trying to pose it was really hard. Take not it will -not- stand on its own. It's really heavy. DDs are much lighter, and easier to pose. Well of course they couldn't make it bend all the awkward poses like the silicone bodies are capable of. (For example, spreading legs, sitting ala japanese style, etc)
  • - I couldn't deny how it looked prettier than other silicone bodies out there though, and when it doesn't bend any ankles or elbow, it really look pretty. Like a figure with your girl's head. wow!
  • - Color of the normal skin body matches normal skin DD.


Costs and caring

  • - Costed a lot more than basic DDs. Bodies and the head (mine was vieruo) costed $580 with discounts, with taxes it reached more than $800.
  • - Need extra care.
  • - You can't - at all cost- have this silicone HIT something hard, or bend them too hard.
  • - You can't pose them too extremely. Although they can do it, but once the wires insides snap, you really can't do anything about it. Let me just weep myself with the broken ankles of my doll.
  • - They said the marks can heal over time, but mine haven't, even after massaging it.

[*]- We all know about this one, hairs, lints, dust, stains, EVERYTHING WILL STICK TO IT. Giving it a bath helps a lot. It doesn't remove the body blushing (which cost about $60). It's a serious STRONG magnet of small particles. I am not even exaggerating, I have this strand of thread from the cloth, the body could pull it quickly. Even from 5cm distance.. 5 cm. Magical Magnet!!




Worry about customs? Read.

  • - Since the doll itself weight so much, the box just adds up to it. It's really heavy . So the customs will definitely check this oversized and probably mess the things inside. (Even the nice packaging they have, the huge paddings they have, it still managed to broke my doll)
  • - They will definitely take the cleaning (aka magic) powder. thinking it's a cosmetic or drugs. (Seriously, why else would they taken mine?)





- I don't reccommend you buying this HUGE AND HEAVY silicone body, except if you're willing to do the extra exra extra care for it. They do look really nice however except for the bend ankles and elbows.

However, taking care of the smaller ones (20cm ones) are a lot easier.

As of me, I dont think i will be playing with this body .. not in a million years. Regretted so much selling my MOMO to get this body really orz. I say save yourself a trouble, and just get a normal DD.

Though if you seriously willing to go through all I had been through, then welcome to buy it.

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The ankles might be a design flaw. Mine has terrible ankles too. Like the wire frame moved when they poured the silicone and the ankle joint ended up too far up the leg.

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Lol damn, was yours evokedoll as well or is it other companies?

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Same company. I can't pose one ankle cuz of the issue. But since she wears stompy boots and i had been warned about their inability to stand without help i didn't think too much about it at the time.


I've taken to sporadically lint rolling my silicone bodies.

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It's sad to hear there are so many difficulties with this doll body. On the bright side, her legs look fantastic in standing position (and sitting). Silicon dolls might work best just for the seamless look, and not so much for posing.

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Oh! I would also recommend not storing them with any of the limbs bent. My girls stand rod-straight on stands when I'm not actively posing them. I've seen other silicone dolls get damaged by being left in sitting positions.

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can I have the website where you got the doll please? ^_^

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So sorry to hear about the ankles... but goodness, what a gorgeous pair of gams! What a great line of legs on that body!

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Not sure if I missed it somewhere but the white powder is just talbleep powder (baby powder). After you wash the body brush her down with a little powder and she'll loose the shinyness and it'll help stop things sticking to her.


Marks can fade but takes weeks or even a few months sometimes depending on how deep it is. Maybe leave her in a position where the skin is a little stretched where the mark is if possible. I think it helps a bit.

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Ugh... that's very unfortunate to hear that customs most likely broke your evoke girl's ankle. Also the elbows does bend quite strangely >.< Also when you mean really heavy, what kind of weight are you is it?


I've been highly considering purchasing Kui, but if having her sit down 95% of the time will harm her, I'm not sure I'm willing to make the leap. But those seamless bodies look very damn nice.


ps: no one has bought Kui yet >.<

looking for - , Marisa Short Wig, full set Beatrice or default face + eyes & Sasara Fullset or default face + eyes.

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Ugh... that's very unfortunate to hear that customs most likely broke your evoke girl's ankle. Also the elbows does bend quite strangely >.< Also when you mean really heavy, what kind of weight are you is it?


I've been highly considering purchasing Kui, but if having her sit down 95% of the time will harm her, I'm not sure I'm willing to make the leap. But those seamless bodies look very damn nice.


ps: no one has bought Kui yet >.<


Im wanting to buy Kui too. Im going to buy her in about two months. I'll do a review about her when I can.

I think its worth the work to get one. It just takes some care. Im glad baby powder usually helps with keeping it clean. They are so pretty lol, and you can tell, they just over all look soft xD

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Not sure if I missed it somewhere but the white powder is just talbleep powder (baby powder). After you wash the body brush her down with a little powder and she'll loose the shinyness and it'll help stop things sticking to her.


Marks can fade but takes weeks or even a few months sometimes depending on how deep it is. Maybe leave her in a position where the skin is a little stretched where the mark is if possible. I think it helps a bit.


Ohh thanks for clarifying!! I will try it again, but somewhat I have no more energy to play or clean it orz..


Ugh... that's very unfortunate to hear that customs most likely broke your evoke girl's ankle. Also the elbows does bend quite strangely >.< Also when you mean really heavy, what kind of weight are you is it?


Hmm.. about 4~5kg? Not sure.. It's just unlike carrying a DD on your arms and they feel so light, as if carrying nothing.. lol I felt like i was carrying a barbell after a few minutes.


can I have the website where you got the doll please? ^_^


I bought it via ebay from a username 'jeeryama', just dont buy when they're not on discount. Usually they have up to 35% discount which is a LOT saving. I saved about $150 buying everything from that user when it was christmas lol.




aaaand I haven't touch that body ever since this review was up. forever stored in the box, so not motivated to clean it with my very limited equipment T___T;;

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Ah that's what I thought so too. But yeah that user had a Christmas special for 15% off.

looking for - , Marisa Short Wig, full set Beatrice or default face + eyes & Sasara Fullset or default face + eyes.

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I really want to thank you for posting this review on here, because for the longest time I was so on-the-fence about whether or not I wanted one of these dolls. I anticipated the silicone-magnet problem, but hearing about her ankles is just heartbreaking! Regardless she's still pretty~


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Just wondering if the evoke doll head will fit a DD body. I'm interested in possibly buying a head

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