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Hello from Portland, Oregon

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Hi -


I am a new DD owner. I love the anime character Saber Lily and I purchased her DD incarnation in November, 2014. For rather obvious reasons, she's my one and only and probably will be for quite some time. ("I ain't rich.") I am sure I will have LOTS of questions to ask because I am a total noob to the DD world. (I have quite a few of them already; but, I'll look over the boards for answers rather than posting them here, immediately.)


Anyhoo. Pleased to meet everyone and hope you will have me.

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Welcome! That is great you were able to get Lily. She is hard to get. Is it freezing up there in Portland?

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Hello Mitsuki -


And thank you for the welcome!


I agonized over getting Lily for about six months. If I was interested for that much time, I thought, I should just buy her. I've had her since November and I'm very happy with my decision. I am aware of only three Lilys remaining on Ebay. I am guessing that there are about six of them remaining, NIB, on the planet. So, yes, I was lucky.


Portland has been unusually warm this summer. We are receiving our usual amount of precipitation -- which is to say, it rains practically every day -- but very little of it is coming down as snow. The Pacific is nearby and it keeps up relatively warm; but, this year is unusual. The biggest problem for me is the dark. I moved here from Tucson, Arizona, and discovered later that Portland is as far north as Montreal, Canada. Lily had been in a dark closet somewhere in Ontario, Canada. So, it's likely that she went west, and then *north* when she came to me.


I made a flight connection through Houston in January last year. There were icicles hanging from the wings of the airliners there. There were also about 40 planes lined up for deicing. Hope you aren't repeating that winter.


Anyhow. Thank you for the welcome. I'm really enjoying interacting with the people on these boards. Lots of information, pretty pictures and a good sense of humor.



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That is a good test of if you want a DD! haha If it has been months or years and you still want her, it is probably real. And wow! NIB is definitely rare! Congratulations!


That would be a big change moving from Tuscan to Portland! The dark does sound hard. My aunt lives in Alaska. That is pretty extreme. Summer is hard on her two when there are no cues to day or night.


It has been rainy here but mostly in the 50s at its coldest. Then it warms up again to 70s and 80s. I am more south though than Houston. Dallas is even more north and they get a lot more ice. It did snow down here in 2004. haha We still have a snowball in the freezer as a souvenir.


I agree that it is fun on these kinds of boards. Most people are really nice. I heard horror stories about other hobbies that are not so nice. It sounds like Star Wars toy collecting is hardcore. I am glad it is not like that here.

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I heard horror stories about other hobbies that are not so nice. It sounds like Star Wars toy collecting is hardcore. I am glad it is not like that here.



laugh! Thanks for the tip! I'll avoid that.

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Hey, I'm also in Portland! What a small world. ^_^

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Hi and welcome. Saber Lily is very lovely and pretty rare, congrats on her.

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Miss RJ

Welcome in the forum, oh saber lily it's amazing! she's too beautiful and rare.

congratulation on getting her

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