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SK's Snapshots

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I've been adamantly trying to get photo stories done so they can be posted, but I've got a ton of projects to work on for props and whatnot before I can. I really like taking DD pics because it helps me remember their personalities a lot more than just writing them down somewhere. So I thought I'd start this thread to post random pics everyday of our DD just doing what they do. DD #14 is quickly getting close to being finished and leaving me with the problem of not having any 'screen time' for some of them (sorry Dakota! ) so I was curious about doing this daily photo challenge for myself. I wanted to cycle through them one by one everyday to give them all an equal shot at having their 'memories' recorded. I don't want another year like this last one where I have almost no photos to show for the time I've spent with them. Plus I can do some of the random photos I've wanted to take that aren't connected to any story (like Ralph just being Ralph, or peeking in on Bree being her oddball self.) So I hope you have fun finding out about our family a little at a time this way too.




Rainie: "Mom, how am I supposed to do my pokemon training without my trainer outfits? I can't be a trainer if I don't look like one! How would anyone know to challenge me to battles??"


Dolly: "Yeah, and I need a trainer hat!"


Earlier I realized that I had those plastic ball containers on my craft shelf for about two years, never quite realizing that they would be great (functional!) pokeballs. I just scribbled the colors on real quick to check them out, but I plan on doing proper painted ones with the button on the front at some point.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I think I really need to start a snapshots thread for my girls too! I have gotten lazy in taking photos, but also in sharing them. I'll upload em to Flickr and totally forget to share them here haha ^^;;


Looking forward to seeing all the snapshots you post of your guys & gals! I really like the prototype pokéballs that you put together for Rainie & Dolly to play with though I must agree they do need their trainer outfits to be official

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Frankly it's a relief having somewhere (logical) to put photos I really like but would just tedious to figure out a photo story for. Plus I'm hoping to start more outfits for them soon so they aren't still wearing the same clothes. Many of them are having minor changes like new hair or secondary wigs, in various stages of completion, or in Miss Lottie's case, a near through makeover. I straightened her hair, she's due for her faceup in the spring, and I'm highly considering having her on a DDdy body. (She's having a 'test run' on Dakota's right now.)


Rainie has been bugging me about her trainer outfits longer than she has pestered me about her siblings. I tend to so over think everything that I mentally back myself into a corner with everything that can go wrong instead of just doing it, flaws and all (that I doubt anyone else would even notice.)




Tamayuki: "I'm the official jam tester. I want to see if the cranberry jam we made tastes yummy."


Mommy: "I think Daisy might be surprised that she isn't the one officiating over the jam's quality.


Tamayuki: "No, she wouldn't like it because we didn't bake bread today."


Mommy: "Ah, I see. Is that how you rationalize it?"


Tamayuki: "Yeah." *quickly eats the jelly before someone else beats him to it.*


Mommy: "Make sure to save some for everybody else, okay?"


Tamayuki: "But it's only a little jar..."



~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I hadn't forgotten the photos, I just got a bit busy. I have the DD in a certain rotation so no one gets left out, but it will be interesting to see who pops up the most as an 'extra.' So here's the 3 for 1 deal!




Yuriko: "Now what color do I do next..."




*whisper* *whisper* *giggle* *giggle*


High school girls will be high school girls.




Rainie: "Who is this girl?"


Mommy: "That's Grammy Pammy when she was little. "


Rainie: "Don't they know that this is a fire hazard? Matches stored in paper! And why did they put her picture on here anyway? Wouldn't a milk carton be better?"


Mommy: "She wasn't missing, it was just a way to share photos. A lot more people smoked then so..."


Rainie: "At least they could have used a computer!"


Mommy: "That was long before there was computers."


Sohi: "That must have been a few hundred million years ago."


Rainie: "And what happened to the color? How is this even accurate for historical dobleepentation?"


Mommy: *sigh*


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Cute snaps!


It's good when you can put a little bit of your DD's personality with a snap, it's a lot less time consuming than making a whole Story and we still get to know your family

((I might start doing this too ♡ ))


I love yuriko on the loom! And rainie and sohi are so cheeky ^//^

I have more dollfies than my age in years *×*

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This has been really fun doing but definitely challenging. It gives me somewhere to post all the little details that pop up all the time that don't really have a way of being told as easily, or at all. Like the one of Rainie with the matchbook. I was moving things around on my desk and all the sudden she just piped up and started blabbing. It made me happy because she can be a bit of a difficult one because she is so focused on her spy training or Pokemon. If I wasn't needing to post pics everyday it never would have happened. Plus doing these pics really gives me a better record of their overall personalities and how they interact with each other.


I intend for there to be all sorts of photos, many of which will have bits of my current projects in them, but since I'm working on Valentine gifts this week I don't want to spoil the surprise for the recipient.


You'll see Yuriko's current project when her turn comes around again, and find out why she suddenly got a crafting bug.


Sohi's comment was a reinterpretation to something I sad as a kid. When I was in kindergarten or first grade one of my older sisters asked me how old I thought our mom was. I said 80 and thought she came over on the Mayflower. My sister has yet to let me live it down. I think part of the problem is teaching history to young kids in present tense. To kids at that age any grownups are really old, like eons. I'm not even 40 and I feel like a dinosaur around my nieces and nephews because I can remember life before computers and those funny things called records, the grandfather of CDs.




Yuriko: "This is my favorite little sister who isn't named Rainie or Bree."


Mommy: "You do know that isn't saying very much."


Yuriko: "But Daddy always says that I'm his favorite girl named Yuriko. Or that I'm his favorite girl who eats peanut butter on brownies and ice cream. Things like that. So that means I'm his favorite!"


Mommy: "I hope you realize that I was trying to take a pic of Ringo today and you are taking over, Yuriko."


Yuriko: "That's fine Mama. We are super cute so no one will mind. Good thing Bree isn't here too because too much cuteness from super adorable girls can be deadly."


Ringo: *giggles*



~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I haven't forgotten about this thread, I've just so busy I didn't have the time to process and post the pictures. So for a while I'll just have to double up to catch up. I find this to be a really intriguing project because I've challenged myself to see if I'm able to post 365 pics within the year when I started this. Frankly it gives me so much freedom to take the spur of the moment pics that happen and not feel like it's useless because I don't have anywhere to share them.




This is actually a weft of the hair I'm working on for him but I still can't decide if I should leave it wavy or make it straight. I'm leaning more towards wavy because Ralph likes hats. The hair style I'm thinking of for him the wavy would just be funny. Ralph out of all of our DD doesn't take himself too seriously.




Bree is really the most underdeveloped and unexplained character of our whole bunch. Her back story still needs to be done and that at least helps give me a place to start to explain her. About this time next year there will be some major changes that will help explain a lot, but it will take some work story-wise to get there.


I've been calling her "Little Miss Flopsy" recently because nearly every joint in her body is loose. I put Kips in her knees the other day, but her hips are so loose I don't really know if it helps much. Even when she was using Tama's body she never really liked standing up.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Ellie's still pretty thrilled at her find at the thrift store yesterday. She's insisting on a flannel nightgown. It was also her first time going to the store with my sister and I. The flannel is a bit out of scale, but she wouldn't let me change her mind. I'm beginning to notice that her adoration for the Holidays is getting surprisingly close to Tama's fanaticism.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I understand where she's coming from though. Something about red and white with holly prints makes me feel nostalgic for the Christmas of my childhood.

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It reminds me of SO many of the red, white & green holiday fabrics from the early 80s, and actually matches some prints I made last year for Naiomi's Closet.








Poor Tama still had his sling on when his arm broke.


I've already designed a long sleeve shirt for Ellie using some of those prints too.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Gullible Guppy by Sister Kyoya, on Flickr


I've been having trouble with Daisy's eyes for quite some time so I decided to try out some of our extra pairs on her. No pics because they were all too small. When I went to put her defaults back in I noticed that they had the same problem as Lorelai's D.Eye.Y eyes and that they are too wide for her head to sit properly. So I sanded down the edges that were colliding (you can't see it) and put her eyes back.


Suddenly she was cuter than I had seen her in a long time, and more like herself and I couldn't figure out why. I knew it had to be more than her eyes had gotten cleaned. I kept cracking up whenever I looked at her because she strangely reminded me of a super adorable goldfish (my favorite fish.)


It was then that I realized she was just ever so slightly cross-eyed.


I'm definitely going to leave her eyes this way, especially since her character is supposed to be an air-head (I think she has cotton candy for brains.) I keep looking at this pic and Daisy herself, and I'm cracking up every time. NOW she finally has the look she needs for her personality, adorable but derpy. Sometimes I feel sorry for her a little bit though. The poor girl is so gullible that she'll believe anything. Come to think of it, she may have more personality traits in common with goldfish than I realized.


What's with the fabric? She's thrilled that I'll be making her a dress out of it soon.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Daisy's thrilled that I'm finally drafting the first dress just for her. (What she's wearing isn't it.) Poor girl has been around for quite some time without any clothes that fit her style. Retro patchwork is harder to figure out for me than I originally thought. To make it easier, the first draft will just be out of the material she's holding in the pic of the last post. I can easily add patches after the fact. I have plenty of fabric to make her full patchwork dresses once I can get the basic shape figured out.


(Bonus points for having a different background! )


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Rainie: "Hey Mom! Aren't you supposed to use glue when you build something like this? I doubt its up to code. Total safety hazard!"

New shelf? Of course the first thing Rainie does is stand on it.


This is but a small piece of the projects my Sis and I have started working on together. I'll finally have rooms to take photos in! Although I'll take the time to set up proper lighting first... This was a quick project to prove my point to Sis that you can build furniture out of noting but foam board and sewing straight pins. I didn't even use glue and it's plenty solid enough for the DD to use.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Pretty dolls!


I like them!

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Thank you! My sister and I are currently working on building many things like the shelves and other furniture to complete DD rooms so I have some realistic spaces for photographing my 'vinyl kids.' It will probably be another month before the living room set is done, but my Sis has some awesome interior design skills (that I completely lack.) It has been loads of fun making things like this with her, just like we used to as kids! Growing up is for old people! HA! (I'll be 37 in October. ) I really, really want to show off what we've finished already but I'm resisting so I won't spoil all the surprises.


After the living room is done, Sis sketched a design for the other half of the living room. We already have plans forming for many other rooms, a garden, and my very ambitious hope for some commercial spaces to give them somewhere to visit. It is no joke that the DD are taking over our house. Yet I can say I've never been happier.


I doubt that this is what you were talking about, but I've been bursting at the seams to say something about it.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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this whole thread is so full of cute! gah i cant stop squeeing over these perfect little faces

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Tama: "I can help mix in the raisins."




Tama: *munch*munch*munch* "I think next time we need to make a double batch of granola." *reaches for more*


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Thank you! Tama is definitely my kitchen helper/cook who insists on taste testing everything.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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