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Silver Sycle

How to avoid damages on DD head? (transport/handling)

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Silver Sycle


I´m quiet new to Dollfie Dream so I have a few questions regarding their heads.

First of all, I know that with resin dolls the face up can get damaged fairly easy by rubbing it with anything.


So my first question is just how robust are DD face ups?

I know that sharp edges can cause shiny marks or dents, but I know that people recommend removing hot glued eyes by squeezing the head a little and pushing on the eyes from the outside. Isn´t there a chance this procedure would damage the face because you touch it so much with your hand/glove? Wouldn´t it turn shiny?


The second question is related to the one above.

I will be sending a damaged DD head back to volks for a replacement, so I wonder how to package it correctly. Since I know separate heads are sold in simple plastic boxes (and I think covered by a plastic bag?) I assume this way they can´t get damaged by rubbing on their package. As I don´t have any of those boxes, how could I package it then? (I know it´s damaged already but I still would want to package it in a way to avoid any further damage.)


Thank you really much for taking time to answere my questions.

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From what I've read, on older heads with the eyes still glued in -- it's a bit tougher to remove the eyes. On the newer girls it's easier to pop the eyes out. If you are worried about rubbing the face up, then it's reccomended to use cloth gloves, similar to bjds.


Personally, I'm a bit lazy and only pull out the gloves when I attempt to do a face up :'D I haven't noticed any face up rubbing off or becoming shiny.. But I also don't touch their face up if I can avoid it, if I reposition their head I hold them around the back of their head or underneath their chin ww


If you want it to be more secure in the plastic box, then maybe you should use a bit of bubble wrap?

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Silver Sycle

Thank you Ayuuya,

I take from your answere that pressure on the head doesn´t necessarily mean damage if it´s not centered on a tiny spot? So maybe I really have to make myself believe that I shouldn´t be that scared of damaging my dolls by touching them.

As for the transport, I think I´ll try what you suggested and cover the head with bubble wrap and fill the remaining space in the shipping box with paper.

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Since they are made out of vinyl they can handle quite a bit... I'm not too worried if they fall over compared to if my resin bjds fall over -- as my DD girls are less likely to break something :'D


If you plan on changing their eyes/ removing their head you'll have to use a bit of pressure to do so as you'd have to firmly grip their head in both cases. As long as you aren't using sharp objects or an extreme amount of pressure I don't think you should worry too much :3

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Silver Sycle

I´m sorry for the late reply.

Thank you Ayuuya you answeres really helped.

I tried what you suggested and so far it worked well.^^

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