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Miku: Eye Swaps and Hammin' it Up

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Yes, my Miku finally turned up a month ago, but I'm only just now getting to posting pictures of her. XD


Let's start with some shots of her post eye swap, mugging it for the camera.




Miku: "Seems you've got it pretty good here, girlfriend."

. . .This is my mom's place.




Miku: "So. . . .I see you have a camera there." *bats eyelashes*

*I look at my big, red DSLR, and use sarcasm* Well spotted.




Miku: "Sorry. Didn't realize you didn't want to take pictures of me."




Miku: "I'm not mad, just so you know. Too used to being on the receiving end of the camera, and I made assumptions. It's all good."




Miku: "You okay over there?"

Yeah, I'm fine. It's just. . . I'm used to my loons, and usually only Nanoha bothers to apologize for anything.

Miku: "Of course I apologize for things. How else am I supposed to get people to like me again after I screw up?"




Miku: *jumps up suddenly* "Hey, I've got an idea!"




Miku: "I'll come up with ways to make them *want* to apologize for things."


o.o Should I be concerned about this?


I think I may have adopted an expert manipulator.


In case you're curious, here's some alternate eyes I tried before I landed on these.




First, default, for reference.




Volks 22mm C type in Sakura. (I'm starting to doubt I'll ever find a use for this pair. . .)




Nanoha's 24mm default eyes. These are similar in size to the Snow Miku eyes, though significantly darker. This test makes me doubt that they edited the mold at all for the Snow release.




18mm customs on Pupa Paradise bases. (Agatha rejects.) She actually looks alright with 18s, if you want to go for more of a Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks feel.




20mm sapphire customs on Pupa Paradise bases. I was kind of tempted to use these.




Even tried a Dollheart wig I got in a lucky bag with this pair. I do kind of like how close the eyes are to the blue streaks in the wig.




But then I tried THESE. 20mm customs on Pupa Paradise bases again, turquoise this time.




I know a lot of people like a sweeter, more innocent Miku, but I've always pictured her with more mischief to her, and these capture that better than her defaults. Think she's keeping these!


Hope the eye swaps will help some of you who are still waiting for your Mikus!

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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The new eyes look very nice~

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miku is whatever her software users and artists decide to make her, so there's never really any wrong way to dress miku up, imo. That's the whole appeal to vocaloid, a virtual idol that anyone can dress up and make since and dance, whether it be pencil on paper, 3d animation or in this case, dolls.

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Aaa, congrats on receiving your Miku~ I really like the eyes you settled on, they are very soft and lovely u wu~


^^ Your Miku has an interesting personality, I can't wait to see what adventures she might have ~

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Miku is so adorable. I like her pose in the first pic a ton and the eyes you chose for her look quite nice.

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Those eyes are amazing, the seem to both pop and be subtle at the same time.


Great pictures!

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I like the second pair in her! looks really nice

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Congrats on your new girl! She definitely looks like she's going to be a handful... and very used to getting what she wants!

Very informative and interesting to see her with all the different eyes, most of the Miku's I've seen so far have the default. The pair you've chosen are very awesome!

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Congrats (again) on your Miku! I totally agree with the expert manipulator part of the Miku personality. Our Miku is more of a geek than anything, but she still knows how to play the 'famous person' game and make her fans (Yuriko) happy. I think luckily for us that our Miku would rather not be a pop star most of the time but still keeps her PR skills polished.


It will be fun to see what your Miku devises to keep Agatha a bit more in line, and if she's successful.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Miku is such a poser. The photos really do bring out her manipulative side - in a cute way! And those eyes look gorgeous - a perfect fit.

Own: Saru (DDS Mayu) | Hecate (DD Alisa)

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The eyes you chose for her are perfect. I see she's like a cat, and seems to own that chair now. I've lost count of the number of times I've ended up sitting on a stepping stool because my cat expelled me from the computer chair...

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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