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Lily's New Pet

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(Right up front ---> Many thanks to Battrastard who explained how to post pictures here. Wouldn't have figured it out on my own.)


Lily got a dog last week. It was face down on a dirty toy aisle in Goodwill; so, I suppose you could say it's a "rescue dog." She seems happy with it. The leash is the first "custom" Dollfie item I've made. I'm sure more things will follow.



IMG_2697 by rcgimmi@yahoo.com, on Flickr


Looking good together.



IMG_2699 by rcgimmi@yahoo.com, on Flickr





IMG_2700 by rcgimmi@yahoo.com, on Flickr





IMG_2701 by rcgimmi@yahoo.com, on Flickr


Good dog!



IMG_2703 by rcgimmi@yahoo.com, on Flickr


Good friends.



IMG_2704 by rcgimmi@yahoo.com, on Flickr


Group photo.



IMG_2705 by rcgimmi@yahoo.com, on Flickr


Obvious that I still need to do something to get Lily's hair under control.



IMG_2707 by rcgimmi@yahoo.com, on Flickr


Happy together.



IMG_2708 by rcgimmi@yahoo.com, on Flickr



IMG_2711 by rcgimmi@yahoo.com, on Flickr


And. Final picture. Making the leash and collar cost 4x what the dog did.



IMG_2712 by rcgimmi@yahoo.com, on Flickr

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Ha ha, very cute! Those pics of her and the dog posing and doing tricks reminds me of dog shows like Wesminster. Her outfit really looks like she's a dog trainer from there.


Goodwill is so good for finding DD sized items! We've gotten furniture, clothing and all types of accessories from there on the cheap so make sure to keep hitting them up for goodies.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Awww looks like she's got herself a little sheltie (based on scale)

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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What a cutie!


Glad to help out, I'll look for/follow your flickr account when I'm done posting!


Great to see Lily has some company when you're out and about.


Finding cool things at goodwill and second hand stores is always neat, you'll never know what you might find!


Excellent work on the leash and collar, I'm looking forward to what you might create next!

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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Thank you for all the kind comments.


Lily doesn't speak much. But, I've noticed that she's been *unusually* quiet since she got the dog. I think she's fascinated with it. That makes me happy because I spend long hours at work and away from her.


I've been a Goodwill/Salvation Army shopper for almost a decade. Started in 2007 when I was looking for costume items for my trips to Burningman. Then, I started finding things -- at huge discounts -- that I could use in real life. I shop there regularly.


Lily has complained about standing. She wants a chair. I was in Goodwill hoping to luck into one. Found the dog instead. Someone over on the DD thread, "Things to Do When You Get a New Dollfie," said one of the things to do was get a plush. Perfect suggestion.

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They are adorable together! Lily looks like what I'd imagine a high class lady would look like taking her dog on a stroll through central park on her lunch hour. (Admittedly I've never been to New York but that's what these photos remind me of.)


In our house, at least 5 of our DD/MDD might be on Hoarders in a few years with the plushies they keep adopting. Tamayuki is the #1 offender with Sohi quickly nearing the #2 spot. Going to the dollar store is a dangerous place to be since there is always an animal that someone wants.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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They are adorable together! Lily looks like what I'd imagine a high class lady would look like taking her dog on a stroll through central park on her lunch hour. (Admittedly I've never been to New York but that's what these photos remind me of.)


In our house, at least 5 of our DD/MDD might be on Hoarders in a few years with the plushies they keep adopting. Tamayuki is the #1 offender with Sohi quickly nearing the #2 spot. Going to the dollar store is a dangerous place to be since there is always an animal that someone wants.


~Sister Kyoya


Boy, I can see how THAT can happen. I'm not very materialistic. Lily, on the other hand -- well.


Lily thanks you for the compliment, too.

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Awww She is so cute and so is her rescued doggy! I think we need her here to train our unruly dogs. >_< She seems so authoritative in an outfit like that. That is supposed to be the key with dogs.

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Aw, such a cute selection of photos. Talk about a doll's best friend! They look like a good match for each other. Even if the leash and collar cost more, they look fantastic, by the way.

Own: Saru (DDS Mayu) | Hecate (DD Alisa)

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