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Hihi from Eastern Washington, USA <3

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Hihi everyone~


I've been looking in this forum for a long time, and now that I'm certain I'm getting a Dollfie Dream, I decided to join! I can already tell you guys are awesome


I'm from Eastern Washington, USA. I already have two resin dolls, but I really want to start shelling my original characters from my comic idea "Broken Sky" and they are manga-style, so I'm finally getting into the lovely Dollfie Dream hobby~~


My first will be a semi-white Dollfie Dream Sister with an M-bust and a DDH-07 head that I will send out to someone to bring my original character design to life! I can't paint with my shaky hands, so I need to commission one of you brilliant artists :3 Her nickname is SK and she's a mysterious but boisterous kickbutt plane walker. The story is modern fantasy with a secret-world-right-around-the-corner feel.


Nice you meet youu~~


The cast so far: Sky (DDS Mariko), "SK" (DDH-07 on DDS)


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Thanks everyone!


Soooo... I just ordered the blank head and body about 5 minutes ago and already ordered some clothes....


dhsfkjdjffkjsadlkf this is becoming real! *flails at keyboard excitedly*


The cast so far: Sky (DDS Mariko), "SK" (DDH-07 on DDS)


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Howdy Neighbor!


I read your profile and I think we have a lot in common!


Dolls! (DD and resin)- Between my husband (Ravendruid) and I we have 13 DD with more on the way... I really hope that someday I can have some of the resins I've been drooling over. DD keep hijacking my wallet...

BL anime and manga- YEAH! I mean... uh...

video games- Raven & I have been gamers for years (frankly I became a gamer 30 years ago on our TSR-80 when I'd play ELIZA & some maze game that would play "La Cucaracha" when you lost.)

D&D- I haven't played the game at all, but I fell in love with the Dragonlance novels back in high school. I've also read quite a few Forgotten Realms novels as well. Raven has a HUGE shelf full of the actual D&D books that he pours through nearly constantly.

drawing- All my life pretty much.

singing- I was in choir for 6 1/2 years. I'm pretty out of practice now but I still enjoy singing, usually when Raven & I play Rock Band.

Vocaloid- Heck yeah! The voicebanks we have are paired with our DD. I have Tamayuki (my MDD boy) singing "Rainbow Connection" with Oliver tuned to sound like Tama does in my head. With a bit of work I was able to mostly fix his pronunciation so he doesn't sound so British but he still sounds adorable. We also have Gumi (Yuriko), Sonika (Naiomi), Big Al (Ralph), LEON (Dolly, not actually a DD), LOLA (Dakota), Luka (Miss Lottie), Lilly (Sohi), Miku English (as herself), & Kiyoteru (as himself.) There are others I still want but this is what we have for now. 80% of the time when I'm listening to music it is Vocaloid.

Lives in Washington- Yep, all my life. Born & raised in Ellensburg (and proud of it! HA!)

SK- *does a double take*


And since BL was mentioned, I couldn't resist posting this:



Vday 2015 Lucas & Tama by Sister Kyoya, on Flickr


Tamayuki was my first DD 3 years ago & Lucas (DDS boy) is the newest to get a body, just needs clothes and his hair to be finished before he's complete. Tama has been a yaoi boy since the beginning. That fact might be news to some people here (although it shouldn't be). LOL!


Glad to have you on the forums & congrats on your new girl!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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Oh my gosh, so exciting XD We DO have a lot in common!

I was in choir all throughout high school and college(s), my range isn't what it used to be, but I still sing along with my music ^^

It is SO COOL that you have Vocaloid voices for your dolls!!


Are you by chance going to PNW BJD Expo? It's in Bremerton, WA, on May 8th and 9th. Last year there were only a handful of DD's in a sea of resin, but a bunch of people are interested to see them (myself and one of my friends who has a DDS included). I plan on bringing my DDS girl if she's completed by then.


P.S. I love your BL boys, haha~


The cast so far: Sky (DDS Mariko), "SK" (DDH-07 on DDS)


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I've never heard of the PNW BJD Expo. before. It isn't surprising though since I have a sun allergy that gives me really bad hives. I get them even if I stand in front of a sunny window too long. The more frequent sun exposure my skin gets, the worse the hives are I went to college for a year and people looked at me so strangely walking across campus on hot, sunny days with an umbrella and long sleeves that went over my knuckles. I even had sunscreen under all that, and 3/4 through the spring quarter I was still getting hives.


If you do happen to go to the expo again I'd love to see pics if you have a chance!


Well, if you like Vocaloids you might get a kick out of my project next spring/summer... I just preordered two Snow Miku's to turn into Len & Rin. They will be either #16 & 17, or #18 & 19 in our DD collection depending when they get finished. L & R will be put on 48cm Obitsu bodies & the leftover DD bodies will go to other DD I have waiting to be finished. Some days I wonder where they all came from!


It took me about 2 years to get Lucas finished and he made it clear that he would not allow Valentines to go past without a picture with Tama. He hasn't even had his intro story done yet. That isn't saying too much since most of our DD are still waiting to have their intro stories done. (I found out that college isn't for everyone, and I'm one of those people.)


Ugh, sorry I did forget to post this. XD


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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Wow! I can't believe you guys have so much in common and you live in the same state even!

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Oh no, that sounds like quite a challenge with your allergy. It stinks that you can't come, but there are a lot of big windows at the expo. I will have to take photos to share with everybody!


I can't WAIT to see your Len and Rin. How exciting to make your own special cuties, especially some of the best characters ever made imo, lol.


I need to write the intro story for SK and put it in the concepts(?) section of the site. I just need the time to put it all down.


P.S. I agree, mitsuki XD


The cast so far: Sky (DDS Mariko), "SK" (DDH-07 on DDS)


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I've had my sun allergy for about 5 years, although after the fact I realized that it started to mildly show up two years before. When I started to realize there was a problem, I had to turn myself into a guinea pig. I already knew I was allergic to pineapple & honey (both also give me hives) so I had to stop and analyze anything and everything that had changed at that point, and if I had accidently eaten something to cause the hives. The trigger was that it was spring and I had been adamantly working in the garden for a week before I realized I was having an allergic reaction. Being allergic to sunlight seemed like such a ludicrous assumption so I had the 'joy' of forcing myself to stay outside for hours on end, unprotected, just to be sure of my hunch. By the afternoon on the third day I couldn't stand it anymore and was practically crying by the time I went in the house. Just so no one thought I was crazy I took some pics (if you feel the need, you can see the disgusting glory here.) Even now I often have to look at those pics to remind myself that it isn't some weird delusion.


It hasn't been easy learning to adapt but its not like I have a choice. Family birthdays in a park are very difficult, every spring when everyone is excited that they can get out of the house I just get depressed because I really miss gardening, even cloudy days don't offer enough protection, I have a shawl I have to wear out even in the hottest weather during summer so I can hide under it even in the car, and spending time down at the river is a complete no-no because the light reflects off of the water multiplying the exposure. Exposure really is the biggest issue. People tend to think I overreact by avoiding direct sunlight like the plague, but from everything I've read and other sun sensitive people is that it only gets worse over time. As it is, if I sit in front of a sunny window even in spring, within 5 minutes my skin burns and begins to itch like crazy. Long car trips are very difficult for me.


Even though it sounds like all doom and gloom, most of the time I find it to be a blessing in disguise. I have a lot of severe social anxieties and other related issues that make it near impossible for me to have a social life in 'the real world' outside of family. Because of the allergy, there are a lot of situations I really couldn't deal with before that I don't even have to worry about now. My life and my overall emotional well-being has really benefited by it. Sure it gets lonely at times, but even as a kid I was really anti-social. This is one of the reasons I love these forums and the DD hobby in general. I can use the computer/internet as a filter for my social contact without having the debilitating panic attacks and everything else and have some normal friendships that I just couldn't maintain in real life. Our DD family has grown so drastically in the last 3 years because in a small way they are my social life at home, especially because their stories are always being written in my head. Some days it can be so noisy around here when I'm all by myself because someone always has something to say. Another way that the DD help is because I decided to give Ringo a sun allergy as well (and Miss Lottie is a vampire...) to feel like I had someone who could sympathize with me so I didn't feel like I was the only freak on the planet having to deal with something so bizarre.


Len & Rin... I'm still in a mild state of shock. I never thought I'd have a Len DD even though he's Tamayuki's favorite idol, but then the sculpt being from Snow Miku is even a bigger shock. When we discovered that there was going to be a Miku DD, my husband was elated while I was flat out angry. He got hooked on Vocaloids long before we knew about DD, and Luka and Miku were his favorites. I actually like Luka a lot, but Miku? To put it mildly, from my experience she almost always sounded like an ear-splitting shrieking harpy, and for someone with really sensitive hearing she could easily make me cry. I knew that I couldn't tell him that he couldn't get Miku because he never asks for anything, but you can be sure that there was a lot of loud and unpleasant ranting on my part. Even seeing a picture of her made me want to punch a hole in the wall. So going from that point to where it stands today (our DD of her actually has made me laugh, a sure way to win me over) and me voluntarily and eagerly submitting the preorder for the two Snow Miku is more than a 180 degree turn around.


After the fact I realized I had a bit of an additional problem: I know the twins from their voice banks and many of the fan artwork, but I really don't know hardly anything about how their characters are perceived, Project Diva, or any of that. I wasn't even sure what one was supposed to be older! Raven and I decided that Rin definitely acts like an older sister. So I have a lot of research to do before June 2016. I'm already looking forward to the challenge of doing their clothes, partially because I can show off my skills at such things to people who would know what they are supposed to look like. Frankly I fell in love with Len because he's the shota.


I'm seriously behind on most of my intro stories, and that's bad because we have 2 more DD arriving at the end of the year that are going to stir a lot of things up. I think I just need to buckle down and just write them out and not worry so much about doing photo stories. They surely would get done a lot faster. Maybe if I do that I won't keep flooding the forums with huge posts.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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It's been a busy week - it feels like it's been forever (a few days, haha) since I had enough time to do a good length post/response!


To start with - I'm so glad that you found out what was causing your allergy. On a MUCH smaller scale, I've had mysterious health problems myself, namely extremely restricting food intolerances in the past and an ongoing rare stomach condition that causes frequent strong nausea/etc that requires medication to make it manageable. It's WONDERFUL when you finally figure things out. I also struggle with some much smaller scale social anxieties... I've been mildly agoraphobic at various stages in my life, and socially anxious throughout >_<; Starting my first real (non-intern) job about 8 months ago made my hair start falling out a bit from stress -_-; I'm also stuck at home most of the time because of my driving phobia..... I'm getting better slooooowly but surely though. I'm getting to the doll convention I mentioned because I'm going with friends who drive.


I'm part of a regional doll lovers meetup group, so dolls have become a social hobby for me too ^^


As far as Len and Rin, they are exactly the same age. They are usually depicted as twins, romantic (~usually) non-related soulmates, or generally two halves of a whole. Their last name, Kagamine, combines the words "mirror" and "sound".


IN MY OPINION: Rin usually falls into the older sister type role. She is extremely extroverted and playful and loves to tease Len about stuff. Len is somewhat introverted and stubborn about admitting when he has romantic emotions, but is actually really sensitive. Their ages are listed as 14, but music videos and fanart ages vary widely. Len in his Append outfit is generally depicted as a few years older (and super hot imo!) Len is sometimes romantically paired with the older male vocaloid Kaito (short blue hair) whose base age is not listed but generally depicted as 20-22 or so. Len's age in this pairing varies but is always at least a few years younger. Provided Len isn't depicted too much younger, this is my favorite vocaloid pairing! < 3


The cast so far: Sky (DDS Mariko), "SK" (DDH-07 on DDS)


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Hello! Finally getting around to saying Hi, and welcome. I tend to lurk a lot around here not much for talking most of the time. I'm not very good at being social (though I manage to hide it pretty well for my job (which only seems to make it even worse the rest of the time)). I'm Sisterkyoya's husband, so linked with her dolls, but also have three of "my own". It's so great to see someone else from this area on here. There are a few other Washingtonians around, but they are pretty much all from the west side, which means they may as well be from a whole different world.


Anyways, I'm looking forward to reading more from you, as well as watching your family grow. Even if I don't say a whole lot.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Nice to meet you, Raven!

Yeah, pretty true on the whole-other-world half of the state! I kind of wish I lived in Seattle with my best friend, but I'm not stable (in any meaning) to move for now.

Congrats on ordering Miku, it was really hard for me to say no to getting one myself. (limited $$$, lol)


The cast so far: Sky (DDS Mariko), "SK" (DDH-07 on DDS)


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  SeikoKitsune said:
Nice to meet you, Raven!

Yeah, pretty true on the whole-other-world half of the state! I kind of wish I lived in Seattle with my best friend, but I'm not stable (in any meaning) to move for now.

Congrats on ordering Miku, it was really hard for me to say no to getting one myself. (limited $$$, lol)

Yeah, we'd also love to get to the wet side if we could, but really have no options to do so at the moment.


Oops, Just realized I REALLY need to update my sig. I'e actually had Miku since November. Thanks for pointing that out!

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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