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Nia on a DDdy?

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I've been looking in to getting Nia an upgrade from her DDII, so I was interested in seeing how she looked on a DDdy. Does anyone with Nia happen to also have a DDdy girl they could do a head swap with? It doesn't matter to me if they don't match, haha.


Thanks in advance. ^-^

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If by Nia, you mean Nia Teppelin, then I think the biggest problem here would be finding a white skin Dynamite, since the only limited model to ever have a WS DDdy body was the white christmass alna, also a DDII dy.


But if you dont mind the Chaika look with a semi white body, it might work.

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If by Nia, you mean Nia Teppelin, then I think the biggest problem here would be finding a white skin Dynamite, since the only limited model to ever have a WS DDdy body was the white christmass alna, also a DDII dy.


But if you dont mind the Chaika look with a semi white body, it might work.


I did think about that, I couldn't remember if there had been a white skin DDdyIII yet, so I thought I'd venture to ask, haha. I'm mainly concerned with how the bust would look, I'm willing to wait for a body that may never happen if it suits her. I may never get a WS DDdyIII if they're phasing out white skin, though. :C


I can't see a huge difference between semi-white and white in photos anyways, so the semi white may work, like you said.

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