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Smart Doll 005 Eiji Seiun

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(Couldn't find a post about him, sorry if I was blind xDD)




Am I the only one who would like to strangle Danny for not showing his face.... T__T The Body looks great so far I'm really curious and the price is good as well *_*


And that picture of him in Mirais underwear *hahaha* Couldn't stop laughing xD


And thats pretty cool as well O_o:

"While I did mention that I don't plan on making anime or game licensed Smart Dolls for the female line - the male version will have a ton. I personally want to make Yagami Light (Death Note) and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) and will apply for the licenses when the timing is right."

Dollfie Family:

DD Emilia - DD Mashiro Mito (Custom) -  DD Asuna Titania - DDdy Sasara - DD Kirika - DDH16 Tan - DD Rin Tohsaka

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(Couldn't find a post about him, sorry if I was blind xDD)




Am I the only one who would like to strangle Danny for not showing his face.... T__T The Body looks great so far I'm really curious and the price is good as well *_*


And that picture of him in Mirais underwear *hahaha* Couldn't stop laughing xD


And thats pretty cool as well O_o:

"While I did mention that I don't plan on making anime or game licensed Smart Dolls for the female line - the male version will have a ton. I personally want to make Yagami Light (Death Note) and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) and will apply for the licenses when the timing is right."

It is in the Other dolls atm we need it moved lol

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Ah, thats why I couldn't find it here xD Thanks and sorry >__<""

Dollfie Family:

DD Emilia - DD Mashiro Mito (Custom) -  DD Asuna Titania - DDdy Sasara - DD Kirika - DDH16 Tan - DD Rin Tohsaka

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We didn't have as much to go on before so an official thread on Eiji could be a good idea. I want to see the head too. I wonder why he isn't showing it. I wonder how the wig will look too and the clothes.

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He's mentioned that the head is still being worked on. Since it appears to be in vinyl he may have the sculpt down, but the faceup, eyes and all that could still be a WIP. From multiple personal experiences, faceups on guys are actually a lot harder. At least for me they are. They can be blushed, but it has to be in tan shades, not pink. And the lines around the eyes you kinda have to be careful that they don't turn out girly (I fight with myself about not putting extra lashes.) It could just be that Danny doesn't want to have the head criticized in an unfinished state by individuals that can't visualize in their minds what Eiji will look like.


Sometimes I wonder if he feels a bit insecure about creating a guy. I'm glad that he's found something in the whole project that does interest him especially since it means that he's planning on doing anime guy licences. Frankly I hope he gives Volks a run for their money in that department and shows them that there in some value in vinyl guys. I can understand that Japanese companies have the tendency of letting someone else stick their neck out and test the waters in unknown areas before following along after they see how it does. It could be that Volks just never has and never will have any interest in vinyl boys.

But at least we've got Danny.


I'm all for this being the official thread since the other thread doesn't look like it's going to budge. Should I repost my img & info threads in here or just link them?


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I was so excited to see Eiji's body. He looks FINE *wolfwhistles* If I had him, I'd make him sit around topless all day XD

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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That's been one of the problems I've been struggling with. Most of the characters I can think of aren't prone to walk around shirtless. Maybe I should just let Eiji like Gray from Fairy Tale or Kitamura from Toradora... Wait... Wow, I really hadn't thought about that before. It could be that the Smart Doll Boy sculpt would be similar to Kitamura's face shape. I have been trying to think about what I'd rename Eiji because around here his name is way too similar to AG (American Girl) and would confuse the heck out of my entire family. But Kitamura would be really awesome and hilarious for many reasons, especially Rainie's reaction.


Why Rainie? Because she was originally my version of Chun's Taiga (also Toradora) but ended up being modeled after Ryouko (Ookamisan and her seven companions, same anime company.) Hence Rainie's twin Ringo who is my literal version of Ringo Akai but I still need to get her default outfit done and give her actual red hair. Personality wise there are a lot of similarities between Taiga and Ryouko, and I can't deny that there is still some of Taiga in Rainie. So sticking Rainie and the prone-to-strip Kitamura in the same room would be hilarious. (*EDIT* I meant because of Taiga's rather loud and explosive type personality, not the part about that she has a crush on him. I actually forgot that part.)

Plus I'm finding a disturbing trend with me and dark-haired megane with names starting with a Ki sound...


~Sister Kyoya

Edited by Guest


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I'm really happy to see that someone is actually putting some serious thought into a good vinyl body for a boy. I like the body actually. Now if it can come in a tan color I can make my girl's brother.

Cocoa (Custom Tan Yukino) is currently taking over my house, and soon...THE WORLD! Now Mocha's here...And Latte too...this escalated quickly didn't it...Wait...is that...is that SABER EXTRA?! and now there's a Yukari


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My eyes got very big when I read "Solid Snake".

Aw man, I wanted a guy anyway, but if he would actually manage to do that I would totally get the Solid.


Nice to see that we finally get a vinyl guy in the group of girls.

I'm sure he will be loved


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Wow Eiji kind of got into the smart doll area as well XD


I would love to see the boys of Dramatical Murder as Smart Doll but for now I am waiting for Eiji. Who knows how long it will take until we really see the first licensed character to be produced >____>


And I like his body as well! More as I thought I would. And now Danny might even offer a bust with nips to buy extra. The perfect solution for the nipple problem


EDIT: Now that I thought about it again I want Guts from Berserk most. Sweet Dream...

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