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A Flower Finally Blooms

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Yesterday I finally got the rest of what I needed to finally decide what character my Yukino was going to be. (There were two I couldn't decide between.) I'm glad to say that she won't have a split personality. I had been struggling for quite some time with keeping her default name, but me being me I wanted her to feel like she was mine as well. In a roundabout way I discovered that Yukinohana (雪の花) means 'snowdrop (flower)' and I personally think it's perfect for her. I found it really interesting that another meaning of it is 'snow on a tree resembling a flower' (look here to see what that means.) This really surprised me since her character pretty much was created so I'd have a DD that I could make wedding dresses for, with all the glitter and sparkle without it seeming weirdly out of place. Some of the pictures found on the Google image search reminded me of a snow version of the dresses I have pinned on her idea board. To keep things simple with her name, I decided that her name is officially Yukinohana, but we are going to call her Hanna.




What kind of character will she be? Er... that's really hard to say without giving some secrets away. *sits and tries to think of what to say*




Tama: "Everybody keeps asking all the time if we are related. I don't know why."


Hanna: "Hmm, I wonder why?" *looks puzzled*


(They do have some things in common but they are not related. Baldylox & Katnaper, I may have told you some things in the past about Tama that would make it easy to figure out. If you remember, please don't spill the beans... Everyone else can guess to their heart's content, but I'm not obligated to answer any inquiries. ) *Our DD family stories are being worked on & will be posted once finished if you don't mind reading a picture-less novel. XD




Tama: "This is my friend Hanna. I've known her from a long time ago."


Hanna: "Oh yes. Many, many years."




Tama: "I'll show you something that my Daddy does. He puts his finger on my nose and says, 'Boop'!"


Hanna: "Oh!"




Hanna: "Oh! How silly!"


The long lost friends giggle together.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Yay! It's great to finally see her in her final setup. I love the blonde hair and those bright blue eyes! My Yukino also has blue eyes, I think blues work exceptionally well in these type girls.


And I love the interaction she has with Tama. They certainly look like relatives! You may have told me about her before but to tell the truth, I can't recall a damned thing you said. So it will be fun to see how things progress and when you decide to let on as to who she is to Tama.


Congrats again on getting her!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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She is quite lovely! I think that name suits her perfectly, she looks soft and super sweet.


Thank you very much! She's going to be a lot of fun to have around and seeing how she adapts to our rather outrageous household. Tama will definitely make sure she finds a way to fit in.


Yay! It's great to finally see her in her final setup. I love the blonde hair and those bright blue eyes! My Yukino also has blue eyes, I think blues work exceptionally well in these type girls.


And I love the interaction she has with Tama. They certainly look like relatives! You may have told me about her before but to tell the truth, I can't recall a damned thing you said. So it will be fun to see how things progress and when you decide to let on as to who she is to Tama.


Originally I wanted to get her a Leekeworld wig, but the one I wanted was sold out. My sister really wanted one from Crobidoll so I looked around there to save on shipping while I was at it. The wig is a tad more yellow than I was hoping it would be, but that's just me nitpicking. More than once I've thought about if I made an alternate wig for Tama that it would be similar to this color since many of his pictures make him look blond. Any of them taken in sunlight make him about this blond. I'm really very happy at how she turned out. I've had a thing for blond hair & blue eyes for a long time. All the guys I liked in middle school had it, despite the fact that most of them were jerks. It was as bad as my fascination with megane are now.


There was a fraction of a moment when I thought about your Yukino's two-tone hair (I really love it!) but even that couldn't win over the 'angel' version that Hanna is. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure Bree has 2 color hair because I loved it so much on your Yukino.


I don't think I've said too much about her to you before, but there were some things about Tama. No worries if you don't remember, I won't hold it against you. Hanna came so suddenly that I just haven't had the chance to really figure out much about her. It will be an adventure for everyone!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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it's beautiful. Great pictures

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She is so soft and delicate looking~ Her name fits her perfectly! What a lovely girl!

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Thank you both! Hanna has been relly lovely to have around and it makes me so very happy that I finally have my Yukino.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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