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Clothes Sizing?

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Hello everyone, I'm not sure if this is the place I should be posting, but I just need to know...


I recently was able to adopt a DDS(S Bust), and am currently looking to buy a plethora of clothes for her, but I really cannot figure the sizes unless specifically told by the maker. From what I can tell, only the Volks websites say what fits good with what-- and that finding clothes for DDS(SS-S Bust) is pretty difficult. What I usually do see is that when websites describe doll clothes, they usually say it fits with SD13/SD16/ SD13 Boy... and a bunch of other dolls (that I don't know about tbh). So, before I start buying stuff, I want to know which of these sizes exactly fit with the DDS(S Bust) that I have.


Also, if anyone knows where I can get pants and shoes that fit DDS, please share. I'm particularly curious about an Etsy seller (ilovesayoko), most of the sellers clothes are something I'd really really want to purchase, but none of them say anything about DDS, just 10SD/13SD/Boy. So yeah.


Thanks for the help!

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Congratulations on getting your DDS girl! I have a small bust one too, and she's very dainty and slender up top compared to my other DD girls. She wears the same pants and skirts as the regular DD girls, because her waist and hips are about the same size and her legs are almost as long. I have resin girls too, and my DDS S-bust can share some of their clothes.


If you buy directly from Volks, look for clothes under the category "Tenshi no Koromo". These are specific outfits for DD girls. Volks is very good about listing the bust size for each outfit.


She can also wear some items that are made for SD or SD10, especially ones that are made of stretchy fabric like t-shirts. She wears the same shoes that fit DD and SD girls, they all have the same size feet.


Good luck and have fun!


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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DDS feet are the same as other DDs, so any DD shoes will do. Personally I get most of my shoes from Luts, any in the 7-8cm range will fit. If they're a little loose you can stuff the toe with a bit of tissue. (not viable for open shoes, I guess).




I have both Delf Girl and Senior Delf Girl boots, which fit fine on my DDs, though you'll want to look at each individual shoe. Inner length has to be over 7.2cm, I think it was for DD feet.

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