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FINALLY! The maid uniform I've always wanted has arrived!

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I've always had a "thing" for maid uniforms.... they're just so awesome! And years ago when I first saw Danny's Saber in one, I wanted that outfit sooooo bad! I never figured I'd get one tho since it was kind of a one off by Chun.


So imagine my surprise when he made Mirai and then got her in that maid set! Since day one of him announcing his Mirai Smartdoll, I've been waiting for this outfit to be made available.... and now I have one! ^_^ Needless to say I'm SUPER excited about it and as soon as it arrived, I had my Mirai get dressed in it.


Please enjoy the photos!


Hey Mirai, I bet you're wondering why I asked you in here....


"Not really. You usually do this when a package arrives for one of us."




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"But I like getting packages! What did you get for me?"


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Ok here, it's your Maid Uniform!


"A maid set?"


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Yep! It's awesome trust me.


"But a maid? You better not expect me to do cleaning up behind the other girls here. I clean up after me and that's it!"


Ha ha, ok, I get it.


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The only thing about this set is that you'll need to be in your L-bust to have it fit you properly.


"Awww..... and I was just getting to like my smaller boobs too!"


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"Goodbye lighter boobies.... hello shoulder cramps....."


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While Miari gets out of her clothes, I wanted to go over how cool this new packaging design is. As you can see, it's now bagged! Everything fits inside well and you can remove and see everything easily too. And if these were to be sold in a store, there's a place up top to punch a hole so it can hang on pegs. Or, as you can see here, the package even stands on its own!


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And look! It's a Ziploc style! No more silly sticky bags! No more cheap glue wearing out! This was a really good idea to have, it makes things so much easier! Why hasn't anyone else done this before?


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Here's a layout of all the stuff it comes with. As you can see, it includes the maid set itself, arm guards/sleeves, socks, panties and the head dress. You have to use her shoes from her default outfit to go with this setup.


Now I know these next photos of Mirai wearing the set have one glaring problem.... according to Chun, who made the original set, I have her headdress on backwards. >_< I wasn't sure how it went but I thought it looked best to me this way so that's how it is. Sorry for the purists out there who will be mad at me for not doing it "properly" but tough.... I like it like this.


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"Tah dah! All ready to serve you Master!"


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Wow, you're getting into it aren't you?


"Might as well.... plus it's a pretty cute uniform."


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One thing about this uniform..... it sure shows off that bust! WOW.


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"I'm keeping this muffin for myself."


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All the little details on this are great. Nice logos everywhere, good mix of colors and cool accents all over!


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Let's do some detail shots now ok?


"Whatever, I'll be eating this muffin while you ogle..."


18099412563_2d6e4ba589_z.jpgDSC_5180 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


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As mentioned before, this uniform requires Mirai to use the large bust in order for it to fit her properly. And man does it ever fit properly!


"Are you done yet?"


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"Whatever, I'm eating these cookies too."


18719984785_375d4b6a7a_z.jpgDSC_5188 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


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"Are you quite done with all the oppai pics?"


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"Here, try this instead you perv."


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Whoooo! Shimapan!


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"Now can I take this outfit off?"




"But I luvvvvvv youuuu....."


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Still a no.


"But why?"


Because we HAVE to do something else first.


"What's that?"


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"I guess this is okay, kitty cats are cute."


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OMAKE: I found another use for the plug in her back.... animal tail holder! LOL


18719851905_b4371bc528_z.jpgDSC_5197 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Aww!~ Damn the packaging is so classy LOL. It feels like they just shrinked down real clothes. Very nice maid outfit! I like all of the fancy lace all over it.

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mother of dollfies

Well done on getting that amazing outfit She looks really fabulous

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Orange has never been a preferred color of mine, but Mirai sure rocks it!

That is a cool idea for socks too... might steal....

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yeah the maids uniform is really nice I have it also for My Mirai or Kizuna , I got only one so they fight over it lol the loser has to settle for the school uniform

Tomorrow the new Short jeans and Kizuna short hair should arrive

since I started collection Smart dolls and the Volks Dollfie dreams I have noticed a lot of Dannys Smart doll stuff , Hair and clothes and boots ect cost a lot more then Volks Dollfie dream stuff . But when you actually get it in your hands you soon see why , the quality is so much better , Danny Hair feels finer and smoother than Volks and the quality of clothing is perfect , I have Had some volks clothing which have had stitching the dose not line up evenly .


Hopefully soon I will be over the limitation for new members

and be able to post photos at last lol

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Wow, I totally forgot to reply to peoples comments on this one! So sorry guys!



  KiraKiraDoru said:
Aww!~ Damn the packaging is so classy LOL. It feels like they just shrinked down real clothes. Very nice maid outfit! I like all of the fancy lace all over it.


Thank you! I love the new packaging, it's so well done! And I also love all the lace accents, it makes it very classy and girly.


  mother of dollfies said:
Well done on getting that amazing outfit She looks really fabulous


Thanks so much! I had her wear this for like 3 weeks straight.... she was ready to change clothes after about a week.


  Yumeiro said:
Orange has never been a preferred color of mine, but Mirai sure rocks it!

That is a cool idea for socks too... might steal....


I've never been a huge fan of orange either but this uniform just works so well. And yes, the idea for baggy socks with the feet built in should have been done ages ago! It just makes a lot of sense.


  senyac said:
yeah the maids uniform is really nice I have it also for My Mirai or Kizuna , I got only one so they fight over it lol the loser has to settle for the school uniform


Yep! Funny about your girls, at least they can both look great at the same time!


Tomorrow the new Short jeans and Kizuna short hair should arrive

since I started collection Smart dolls and the Volks Dollfie dreams I have noticed a lot of Dannys Smart doll stuff , Hair and clothes and boots ect cost a lot more then Volks Dollfie dream stuff . But when you actually get it in your hands you soon see why , the quality is so much better , Danny Hair feels finer and smoother than Volks and the quality of clothing is perfect , I have Had some volks clothing which have had stitching the dose not line up evenly .


I really wanted some of those shorts but the price is just so not worth it to me. $70? Seriously? I might have done $50 but no more. I've got quite a few other brands of denim shorts for my girls and they look just as good and cost 4 times less so I'm happy with them. I do like the short wig tho for Mirai, I have one too and it's great.


Danny's clothing and other things ARE very well made and most of the time I think they're worth the extra money too. But some things are a bit more than I'm comfy with so I had to pass on them. But I'll still give him lots of my money for future projects!


  NekoNyanMew said:
She looks great!


Thank you very much!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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She looks so good in her maid uniform! I love that the panties match ^^; (Which is something I usually wouldn't say.)

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  sweetmouse said:
:D She looks so good in her maid uniform! I love that the panties match ^^; (Which is something I usually wouldn't say.)


Thank you very much! The shimapan do help make everything tie together nicely.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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So cute >__________<


She lokes so cute with the maid outfit and cat ears, but I think I prefer her with the outfit at the beginning of the post, that small bust is really cute (or maybe the L bust is you to big for me xDD)

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  Nikn said:
So cute >__________<


She lokes so cute with the maid outfit and cat ears, but I think I prefer her with the outfit at the beginning of the post, that small bust is really cute (or maybe the L bust is you to big for me xDD)



Thank you! I love maids and kitty ears so why not mix them? I also like her in the small bust and that's what I actually keep her in most of the time. But the maid set is made specifically to fit the L-bust so that's what she has to use to wear it. So yeah, while the L-bust is very nice, I prefer the small bust for her on a regular basis.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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now to see kizuna in a maid outfit, preferable in a nice blue tone.

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  relukin said:
now to see kizuna in a maid outfit, preferable in a nice blue tone.


Oh that's a good idea! I bet she would look awesome in a blue version of that maid set.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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